12 years old là gì - Nghĩa của từ 12 years old

12 years old có nghĩa là

A 12 year old is simply a person who is 12. Maturity has nothing to do with it. I'm 12, and I cannot even begin to describe the hate I receive every day for something I can't control. Ridiculing someone for being 12 is like insulting someone for their sexuality - you're degrading them for something they can't control.
I am not an immature little asshole.
So, if you hate on 12 year olds just to make your pathetic little life seem slightly plausible, then kindly pull your head out of your ass before it gets stuck.


Person 1: OMFG 12 year olds are so stupid! I hope they all rot in hell.
Person 2: I hope you jump off a cliff.

12 years old có nghĩa là

Someone who is 12 years old.


Fuck you, inaccurate definitions about 12 year olds.

12 years old có nghĩa là

The main point of insult on the Internet. Due to the stereotypical immaturity of a 12-year-old, most trolls and idiots on the internet are commonly attacked and named 12 year olds. Most people judge someone's 12-ness on the amount of 'ZOMG's in a sentence, their amusement at an overused meme or a bad word. They are also supposedly supposed to enjoy joining in with the 'grown-up' stuff such as rickrolling, chatroulette, omegle, and vandalising wikipedia, as well as more serious things such as boasting their feigned use of cannabis or 'weed' as most call it. Fortunately, this stereotype is not always correct, as some 12-year-olds are actually relatively intelligent. But that's another story...specifically for the nerd, boff, boffin, dork and geek definitions.


Uninformed individual: Freakin' 12 year olds.

12 years old có nghĩa là

Simply somebody who has been alive for 12 years. No insults needed.


Person A: Hey look at that 12 year old! Of course it's another one of those idiots who think they're so cool. Person B: No need to insult them. They can't automatically change their mind. You shouldn't say that unless you want to be pathetic.

12 years old có nghĩa là

A kid who is 12 years old and inbetween being a child and a teenager. People hate 12 year olds, mainly because they act older than they actually are and they try to be someone they're not during school and towards other people. Of course, not all 12 year olds are like this. But this is the overall stereotype for 12 year olds.
My advice is to not pick on 12 year olds. They didn't choose their age, therefore they are being used for insults and being picked on for something they can't control which, in my opinion, is extremely unfair


Example 1:
Guy 1: Have you seen the new computer game yet?
Guy 2: Yes I have. Omg that game is like for retarded 12 year olds
Example 2:
Random dude: bro do you still play minecraft? Random dude 2: nah m8 that game is for fucken 12 year olds

12 years old có nghĩa là

Old enough to join the military in Iraq.


Iraq government: Hey how old are you
Boy: Imma 12 year old.
Iraq government: Heres a gun and grenade go kill someone

12 years old có nghĩa là

a kid that is waiting for their 13 birthday to come so that older teens won’t be able pick on them anymore for their age on the internet. sometimes these 12 year old CAN be a hardcore show-it-off to teenagers OR they can be really chill. since they are close to their teenaged lives, they have a sense of matureness most times.


person 1: “hey is that jaquelin?”
person 2: “yeah but isn’t she a 12 year old?”
person 1: “yeah so? she’s pretty chill
person 2: “you right.”

12 years old có nghĩa là

A person who is 12 years old. Sometimes used as an insult on the internet by older people who were probably really stupid 12 year olds and figure that everyone else must of been as stupid and pansy-ish as they were when they were 12.


Guy 1: Well the earth isn't flat really as science clearly already proved its sphere shaped.
Guy 2: And you're just gonna follow anything that science says? You must be a 12 year old or just stupid in general.
Guy 1: --_--

12 years old có nghĩa là

A child. Almost a teen. Also used as a stereotype as this stupid fortnite addict with zero to no brain cells whatsoever. I've seen 24 year olds more immature than 12 year olds. *cough, cough JAKE PAUL cough, cough. And even not all are dumb, obnoxious and fortnite addicts. Some are actually chill and nice people. Also to those teens out there, you were 12 once too. Like, has that ever crossed your mind? Conclusion. Honestly this age is the worst time to be alive. There is some people who actually like people this age. And me, being 15 I have learned that this stereotype is inaccurate.


Someone: Ewwww a 12 year old, I bet he watches the dream SMP and plays fortnite. Someone else: Not all are bad, and even some are better people than you.

12 years old có nghĩa là

Some [and i repeat, SOME] are people who repeatedly say they will fuck your mom on Xbox voice chats, but others are actually pretty decent people. They sometimes act like a teenager, since they’re a year away from 13, which either means being mature and responsible, or being immature and insulting everybody they see in online chat rooms.


This person who keeps annoying me acts like a 12 year old, but at the same time I have some pretty decent 12 year old friends.

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