a priori là gì - Nghĩa của từ a priori

a priori có nghĩa là

An unwritten law at the Priory Academy LSST, applicable to any student committing any type of misdemeanour of any calibre. The most arbitrary law known to man, with no true definition.


Teacher: "Stop that, that is not the Priory Way"

a priori có nghĩa là

know shit before you see shit


whoah you must be using some kinda a priori, i never told you i was gay

a priori có nghĩa là

Woodside Priory is a college-prep school for 6-12. While the tuition is undeniably high, it is nowhere near the snob level of Menlo or even Castilleja. While Menlo and Castilleja are excellent academically and in terms of sports, the student body is mostly extremely rich. The Woodside Priory school pretty much accepts everybody, and it has a very diverse community including boarding students from all over the world. Priory is unusual in that it is a "nice" school- even the "quiet kids" or the "nerds" or the "losers" have friends. Teachers don't judge you based on your wealth or looks, same with students- everyone judges you on if you're nice or not pretty much. It's a good school with good academics, with graduates attending schools as prestigious as Harvard or Stanford. Famous for the five monks that live on campus, Woodside Priory is a catholic school that accepts people of all religions.


kid a at a public school: quiet, sitting alone, depressed
kid a at Woodside Priory: happy, friends, settled in

a priori có nghĩa là

A chavvy scum filled waste land now more commonly known as Harris Acadmey- filled to the brim with 14 year old slags and 12 year old gypsys that can all do wheelies but can't count to 10


"The priory school? Not that shithole"

a priori có nghĩa là

The term ‘Priory’ was first coined back in 1934 back when France used to expel the lowliest, most deformed and grotesque males from their smelly French villages. These often pre-pubescent boys would then congregate in what was known as a ‘Priory’. Because all the feeble attempts by citizens of Priory to woo members of the opposite sex failed miserably, they resorted to anal experimentation. At some point after 1934 these butt pirates decided that they would relocate to St. Louis but keep their French traditions of loosing to any opponent and never taking a shower. As a result many native St. Louis-ins are currently under the impression that Priory is just a gigantic plot of government land set aside as a sanctuary for monkeys who have learned to wear pink polo shirts.


Uneducated Person: "Someone call Animal Control there is a smelly monkey out there loosing at a sport!"

Educated Person: "Thats not a smelly monkey you uneducated fool, thats just a Priory student."

Newly Educated Person: "Life makes more sense now!"

a priori có nghĩa là

a school of all males who walk around like they take it from behind everynight.


Priory student: God i got an F on my last ORAL exam because i couldnt make our math teacher CUM... =[

a priori có nghĩa là

In addition for being a a small monastery, in tabloid British English "Priory" refers to a special clinic/clinics that deals with physiological or rehab treatments, etc...


Amy Winehouse was rushed to hospital after collapsing on Wednesday, checked into The Priory rehab centre in London yesterday as family members admitted that her relentless drink and drug lifestyle... BRITAIN'S Got Talent sensation Susan Boyle was in the Priory clinic last night suffering from exhaustion.

a priori có nghĩa là

A place of torture and pain [ it’s not that bad] ahah It’s fully of weirdos and emos and bitches and the sexually confused


Oh no, you go to priory?!

a priori có nghĩa là

A phrase teacher use as a way to get a student in trouble with actually has no meaning. The suck ups use it to become teachers pet n get good scores. The teachers only use it to look like there actually important


teacher : that’s not the priory way
student : what is the priory way

a priori có nghĩa là

They say that if you sniff your farts hard enough you'll be able to see it. You can't enter it unless you are driving either a Toyota Prius or a car with a market value of at lease 80K. Some people say it's just a legend but I know it's real. I know it's real cause I've been there. They say it's a college prep school ruled over by robed wizards but in reality it's a cleverly disguised waiting room for the rich brood of silicon valley. Not everyone believes it can be found. Well how could they. Only those with a Net worth of at least a couple million dollars can gain its attention and as the saying goes when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back, unless you're poor. The mundane environment forces the future of the Bay Area to transform. The astral plane of ones mind turns gay, philosophically depleted, pedagalogically ignorant, hair blue, and fat. Also everyone there is hopped up on drugs. Warning to the wise. Avoid at all costs, otherwise it will cost you more than your wallet can handle.


Person A: I think we're lost
Person B: let me check [look of horror ensues]
Person A: What is it? You ok?
Person B: shit shit shit Person A: What? [said in gay fat person voice]
Person B: It's Woodside Priory [also said in gay fat person voice]

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