Be traced to là gì

Attempts to lớn trace the whereabouts of a man seen leaving the scene of the crime have sầu so far been unsuccessful.

Bạn đang xem: Trace back là gì

The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced baông chồng to lớn [= first happened in] festivals in ancient Trung Quốc.

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Nâng cao vốn từ bỏ vựng của người sử dụng cùng với English Vocabulary in Use trường đoản cú

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Học những tự bạn phải giao tiếp một giải pháp sáng sủa.

to lớn copy a drawing or pattern, etc. by drawing over its lines through a thin piece of transparent paper:
an act of finding information about something electronically, or the record of the information found in this way:
khổng lồ copy a drawing, pattern, etc. by drawing its lines on a thin piece of paper that is placed over it
We traced the manufacturing process from the arrival of the raw materials lớn the shipment of the final product.
First, the robotic manipulator traces the edges of a fine stepped structure và estimates their directions.
The growth of the economy is traced over time, taking into account population growth, capital accumulation, & technical change.
On closer viewing, the individual boards & the grain of the timber are revealed as traces of construction.
The motions of the bodies can be represented as sequences of directed traces or trajectories through c-space.
Ultimately the origin of the discrepancies can be traced baông chồng in part to whether the centromeric & pericentromeric insertion sites are considered in the analysis.
For many years, these deficiencies were understandable as they were traced khổng lồ the extended absence of viable models of personality in the field of psychology.
The partial beam divergence values, one can calculate from the present geometry [distance of the source to lớn the detector], and trace the spread.
For the definition of the generalised trace, we generalise the communication relation as fol be a partial lows.
Any reGọi of the noncongruent word would be attributed to accessibility of the word from the phonological trace prior lớn its decay.
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khổng lồ separate liquid food from solid food, especially by pouring it through a utensil with small holes in it

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