black trash là gì - Nghĩa của từ black trash

black trash có nghĩa là

- Anybody wHO tYP3EZ lYk3 diSS
- Blames everything on Racism
- Shouts, stops their feet and hand gestures when arguing
- Racist towards Whites, Asians, and other races
- Thinks they still deserve to be re-paid for slavery
- Wears chains that make their skin green
- Listens to shit ass music and claims to be from the hood

A lot of black people are nice and educated. I like them a lot, but just as their is White Trash their is Definitley Black as well.

Ví dụ

Black Trash Kid: AYO, This is sum racist bullshit, the teacha gave me a motha fuckin' F just cause I'm black

Normal Black Person: Maybe you just didn't get a good grade because you didn't study. Most white people aren't racist towards blacks and the only reason they are is because Black Trash gives us a bad name by putting out all this ghetto bullshit and talking about strippers, gangs, and killing people. If we want to be treated equally we need to start acting like we're equal, no more of this ghetto bullshit, we're better than that.

black trash có nghĩa là

to be politically correct, the racial equivalent of white trash. tis a logical conclusion....

Ví dụ

Black Trash Kid: AYO, This is sum racist bullshit, the teacha gave me a motha fuckin' F just cause I'm black

black trash có nghĩa là

A term often used by upper class blacks for lower class blacks especally for gang bangers,drug sellers/users and habitual criminals etc.

Ví dụ

Black Trash Kid: AYO, This is sum racist bullshit, the teacha gave me a motha fuckin' F just cause I'm black

black trash có nghĩa là

Normal Black Person: Maybe you just didn't get a good grade because you didn't study. Most white people aren't racist towards blacks and the only reason they are is because Black Trash gives us a bad name by putting out all this ghetto bullshit and talking about strippers, gangs, and killing people. If we want to be treated equally we need to start acting like we're equal, no more of this ghetto bullshit, we're better than that. to be politically correct, the racial equivalent of white trash. tis a logical conclusion.... poor, useless black person A term often used by upper class blacks for lower class blacks especally for gang bangers,drug sellers/users and habitual criminals etc. He's black trash. -Honor-less peoples of immediate African descent whom defend their ignorance and reliance on self destructive traditions such as relying on Caucasians and their ideals for salvation, relying on the media and its Caucasian run and dictated portrayal of black idols to tell them who they should aspire to be like and what they should aim for in life. -Black people void of black pride and ignorant of their history that would rather cling to every word which comes from a Caucasians lips as opposed to seeking mental and ideological freedom/ascension. -Black people who choose to live a life of ignorance as opposed to consciousness.

Ví dụ

Black Trash Kid: AYO, This is sum racist bullshit, the teacha gave me a motha fuckin' F just cause I'm black

Normal Black Person: Maybe you just didn't get a good grade because you didn't study. Most white people aren't racist towards blacks and the only reason they are is because Black Trash gives us a bad name by putting out all this ghetto bullshit and talking about strippers, gangs, and killing people. If we want to be treated equally we need to start acting like we're equal, no more of this ghetto bullshit, we're better than that.

black trash có nghĩa là

to be politically correct, the racial equivalent of white trash. tis a logical conclusion.... poor, useless black person A term often used by upper class blacks for lower class blacks especally for gang bangers,drug sellers/users and habitual criminals etc. He's black trash.

Ví dụ

-Honor-less peoples of immediate African descent whom defend their ignorance and reliance on self destructive traditions such as relying on Caucasians and their ideals for salvation, relying on the media and its Caucasian run and dictated portrayal of black idols to tell them who they should aspire to be like and what they should aim for in life. -Black people void of black pride and ignorant of their history that would rather cling to every word which comes from a Caucasians lips as opposed to seeking mental and ideological freedom/ascension.

black trash có nghĩa là

a black male who has a short penis

Ví dụ

-Black people who choose to live a life of ignorance as opposed to consciousness.

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