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Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Since the ICTY’s closure on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism maintains this website as part of its mission to preserve and promote the legacy of the UN International Criminal Tribunals.

 Visit the Mechanism's website.

Tadić, Duško

Case Information Sheet Selected documents [UCR]


  • 1999
  • 15 Jul 1999Video- Appeals Judgement
  • 1997
  • 14 Jul 1997Video - Judgement
  • 1995
  • 26 Apr 1995Video - Initial Appearance

Press Releases

  • 2005
  • 22 Apr 2005Indictment Against Goran Borovnica Withdrawn Without Prejudice
  • 2000
  • 31 Oct 2000Duško Tadić Transferred to Germany to Serve Prison Sentence
  • 31 Jan 2000Milan Vujin, Former Counsel for Duško Tadić, Found in Contempt of the Tribunal, and Fined 15,000 Dutch Guilders
  • 26 Jan 2000Sentencing Appeals in the Case of Duško Tadić: Sentence Reduced to 20 Years' Imprisonment
  • 26 Jan 2000Judgement Summary
  • 1999
  • 11 Nov 1999Tadić Sentence Increased to 25 Years Imprisonment
  • 15 Jul 1999 Tadic Case: The Judgement Of The Appeals Chamber
  • 15 Jul 1999The Judgement Of The Appeals Chamber
  • 7 Jul 1999The Appeals Chamber Will Deliver its Judgement on Thursday 15 July 1999
  • 15 Apr 1999Tadic Case: Appeals Proceedings to Commence on Monday 19 April 1999 and Contempt Proceedings to Resume on 26 April 1999.
  • 30 Mar 1999Contempt Proceedings Against Mr.Vujin Postponed to Late April
  • 1998
  • 10 Feb 1998Republika Srpska Ordered to Assist the Defence Lawyers
  • 1997
  • 4 Sept 1997Tadić and Kovačević Cases - Changes of Defence Lawyers
  • 13 Aug 1997Tadic case: Defence Counsel appeals against Sentencing Jugdment of 14 July 1997.
  • 14 Jul 1997Duško Tadić Sentenced to 20 Years' Imprisonment
  • 19 Jun 1997Pre-Sentencing Hearing Begins on 30 June
  • 19 Jun 1997Revised Composition of the Appeals Chamber
  • 18 Jun 1997Tadic case: update, Appeals Judges assigned.
  • 14 Jun 1997Duško Tadić Sentenced to 20 Years' Imprisonment
  • 12 Jun 1997Tadic case: update.
  • 9 Jun 1997Prosecutor Files Notice of Appeal Against Judgement
  • 5 Jun 1997Application for Appeal by Witness Opacić Rejected
  • 4 Jun 1997Defence Files Notice of Appeal Against Judgement
  • 2 Jun 1997Witness Opacić Appeals Against the Order that he Be Returned to the Custody of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 30 May 1997Tadić Case Update, 30 May 1997
  • 7 May 1997The Verdict in the Tadić Case
  • 1 May 1997The Judgement Procedure
  • 23 Apr 1997Withdrawal of Assigned Defence Counsel and Assignment of New Lead Counsel Granted to the Accused
  • 22 Apr 1997Trial Chamber to Consider a Request by the Accused to Withdraw Lead Counsel
  • 1996
  • 13 Dec 1996Update on Witness L [Dragan Opacić]
  • 25 Oct 1996Press Statement by the Prosecutor
  • 15 Oct 1996Defence Witnesses Give Testimony by a Live Satellite Link
  • 17 Sept 1996Trial Chamber Rejects Defence Motion on Dismissal of Charges
  • 9 Sept 1996Defence Motion on Dismissal of Charges to Be Discussed at Resumption of Tadić Trial
  • 7 Aug 1996Defence Motion on Hearsay Rejected
  • 6 May 1996The Tribunal's First Trial: Another Step in the Fulfillment of the Tribunal's Mandate
  • 16 Apr 1996Defence and Prosecutor File Pre-Trial Motions
  • 1995
  • 2 Oct 1995Appeals Chamber Judges Unanimously Confirm the Tribunal's Jurisdiction
  • 26 Sept 1995Indictment Amended, Accused Faces Additional Charges
  • 15 Aug 1995Defence Files Notice of Appeal
  • 10 Aug 1995Duško Tadić Update, 10 August 1995
  • 25 Jul 1995Duško Tadić Update, 25 July 1995
  • 10 Jul 1995Duško Tadić Update, 10 July 1995
  • 23 Jun 1995Duško Tadić Update, 23 June 1995
  • 21 Jun 1995Duško Tadić Update, 21 June 1995

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