cocain là gì - Nghĩa của từ cocain

cocain có nghĩa là

a hell of a drug according to Rick James.


"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"- Rick James on the Chapelle Show

cocain có nghĩa là

Cocaine is a naturally derived CNS [central nervous system] stimulant extracted and refined from the Coca plant grown primarily in the Andean region of South America. Cocaine is typically a white-ish powder with a bitter, numbing taste. It is most often insufflated [snorted], though it can also be injected and used orally.

While powder cocaine can be smoked to some effect [despite common belief otherwise], it is a very inefficient method of ingestion. Because of the high temperatures present when smoking, powder cocaine tends to burn rather than vaporizing. For this reason, freebase cocaine, also known as crack, is created from powder cocaine for smoking. Freebase cocaine vaporizes at smoking temperatures providing more effect with less material, as well as faster onset and a more intense high than powder cocaine..


After insufflating some cocaine, I felt a new sense of awareness.

cocain có nghĩa là

A naturally occuring stimulant that is one of the most popular of the hard drugs used nowadays. Highly addictive and often of questionable purity [due to it being cut w/ so many things by so many people], it is a dangerous drug. Still rather expensive dosage-wise but cheaper than it was in the 90s and much cheaper today than it was in the 80s. Usually a powder [not crack, that's another story] that comes in two forms--- Dull white granules [crappy stuff] or sparkly, off-white flakes [primo stuff].

Effects--- Alot like speed, but "cleaner" and not as long-lasting. Basically it gives a person lots of energy, makes them more alert and more sharp mentally, gives people a "euphoria" thats difficult to explain--- it's sort of a feeling of invincibility with a simultaneous feeling that all is right in the world. Some people say that it's like ecstasy but you love yourself instead of others. Cocaine also has a pleasurable numbing effect [on gums, lips, etc].
Unfortunately, the drug only lasts ~40 min at the most and the crash is very, very bad, with intense cravings, depression, and paranoia. Addiction soon after experimental use is not uncommon.

Basically--- stay away from the devil's dandruff.


" Cocaine's a hell of a drug " - Rick James

cocain có nghĩa là

God's way of telling you that you have to much money


Rich man: "I am the richest man on earth"
God: "Try this godly powder. It's called cocaine"

cocain có nghĩa là

1.What my whore of a stripper girlfriend was constantly snorting in secret during the whole of our comical relationship.

2. A chemical substance when injested through the mucus membranes of the nose via snorting, through the lungs via smoking, or through the bloodstream via injection *Sherlock Holmes was a coke head he used a syringe* causes the production of large ammounts of dopamine in the brain and also blocks the reabsorbtion of it for a brief time resulting in an amazing feeling of euphoria.

3. Coke, Blow, Snow, White, Powder, Lines, Rails, Bumps

I had tried a few lines of coke on occasion in the past and felt no elevation in mood, only a numbness in the throat. I just recently bought $150 worth and could tell the difference in the quality because after two lines I felt like I was king of the world. I kept snorting lines of it every hour or so and since I was traveling I would go into public restrooms to snort.

I have to say that being in a public place and doing something "taboo" added to the hightened experience of it all. I had never felt like such a bad ass before. Just make sure you don't have powder or flakes in or around your nose when you leave the bathroom! And don't be loud when you do a line, I tend to flush the toilet to mask the sound of snorting.

As I continued snorting through out the day, I began to feel more and more of a crash as I came down so I just kept doing lines more frequently. I started my first line at 10 am and did at least two every hour until 9pm when I arrived at my destination and did six lines in a 10 minute period. At the time I was fixated on feeling good but before all was said and done I was paranoid and I thought that I might die from doing so much. I was seriously thinking about taking myself to the ER. DON"T DO SO MUCH YOU LOSE YOURSELF AND YOUR SENSE OF REALITY.

During the last few hours of driving it was really hard to drive without thinking that every car passing me was a cop just waiting to pull me over. The ephoria is great but its not worth feeling like a paranoid shithead if you can't use some self control. I still had a quarter of what I originally bought but I was so freaked out like a dumb ass I flushed it down the toilet for fear I would use the rest of it before morning [the next day I was kicking my self for wasting it like that]

Personal Negative Experience- I was moderately depressed the next two days and then the following three days I continued to have altered sleeping patterns and crappy mood. It sucked, Don't go on coke binges kids, especially your first time.

Personal Positive Experience- Coke is a thrilling and euphoric drug, it has its time and place and when used responsibly can really enhance any experience. The numbing affect it has on the nose, throat, and mouth is unusual and I find the chemical drip that follows to be pleasant as well- though it seems that this taste is an acquired one.

Coke is a bitch goddess, she gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

[list of the places I did lines while on my binge]
Hotel room
Starbucks bathroom
Strip Club
Texaco Gas Station [5 different ones]

The experience was fun but the crash and mood change sucked, I look forward to the next time I get some blow because I know how it affects me and can act more responsibly.

* Head shops have all sorts of fun gear for using cocaine, for example I just bought a little metal tube that looks like a vaccum and I use that to snort the lines instead of rolled up money.


If you can't score some blow you can always head over to the strip club, those girls always have some on hand.

* double entendre that is true 94% of the time :]

Doing lines off of a mirror originated with models coking themselves sensless and forgetting who they were, the mirror came into play to bring a philosophical spin on the whole act of partaking in coke. The models would look into the little mirror while they snorted their lines and mull over the question "who am I? Why am I?" and after four seconds they wouldn't care, and they could check to make sure they didn't have any sugar spots on their nose.

cocain có nghĩa là

A stimulant drug, derived from coca leaves and made into the form of a white powder. Commonly referred to as “Coke”, which when snorted makes you feel like the baddest MF on earth for 25-30 minutes until you crash and become an angry, irritated sad sack of shit causing you to want more and more.


“I was out railing lines of Cocaine off of Hooker’s asses and Clubbing for 3 days straight until I ran out and crashed big-time”

cocain có nghĩa là

a dick harding drug


do coke and fuck

cocain có nghĩa là

1. Something that gives you short-term pleasure at the cost of long-term pain. 2. Something that you start off sharing and end up hoarding. 3. Something that gets you from a large social circle to isolation. 4. Something that you start off doing sometimes and end up doing all the time. 5. Something that takes from from the top of the world to the bottom of the barrel. 6. Something that gives you life and ends up killing you.


In exchange for a few years of wild, unrestrained cocaine-fueled fun, Rob lost his financial stability, his family, his friends, and his health and sanity.

cocain có nghĩa là

Celebrities secret to losing weight.


friend: "How did Demi Lovato lose all of that weight?"
Me: "cocaine."
friend: "Oh, makes sense."

cocain có nghĩa là

Cocaine is an animal and that’s why it barks when you call it


Cocaine = spontaneous generation

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