Core 2 Quad Q8200 vs Q6600

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CPU CodenameMoBo Socket Notebook CPU Release Date CPU Link Approved
Yorkfield Kentsfield
LGA 775/ Socket T LGA 775/ Socket T
no no
31 Aug 2008 08 Jan 2007
GD Link GD Link
{ CPU Cores CPU Threads Clock Speed Turbo Frequency System Bus Max TDP Lithography Bit Width Max Temperature Virtualization Technology
4 4
4 4
2.33 GHz 2.4 GHz
- -
- 1066 MHz
95 W 105 W
45 nm 65 nm
64 Bit 64 Bit
71°C 71°C
no no
L1 Cache Size L2 Cache Size L3 Cache Size Memory Types Memory Channels ECC Memory Support
256 KB 256 KB
4096 KB 8192 KB
- -
2 2
no no
Integrated Graphics Base GPU Frequency Max GPU Frequency DirectX Displays Supported
no no
- -
- -
- -
- -
Mini Review
Core 2 Quad Q8200 2.33GHz is a high-end Processor based on the 45nm Core micro-architecture. It offers 4 Physical Cores [4 Logical], clocked at 2.33GHz and 4MB of L2 Cache. Among its many features, Virtualization is activated. The processor DOES NOT integrated any graphics. and has a rated board TDP of 95W. It offers average performance. It will therefore become a bottleneck in today's demanding games. Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz is a high-end Processor based on the 65nm Core micro-architecture. It offers 4 Physical Cores [4 Logical], clocked at 2.4GHz and 8MB of L2 Cache. Among its many features, Virtualization is activated. The processor DOES NOT integrated any graphics. and has a rated board TDP of 105W. It offers average performance. It will therefore become a bottleneck in today's demanding games.

Comparative analysis of Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 and Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 [95W] processors for all known characteristics in the following categories: Essentials, Performance, Memory, Compatibility, Security & Reliability, Advanced Technologies, Virtualization. Benchmark processor performance analysis: PassMark - Single thread mark, PassMark - CPU mark, Geekbench 4 - Single Core, Geekbench 4 - Multi-Core, CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Face Detection [mPixels/s], CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Ocean Surface Simulation [Frames/s], CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - T-Rex [Frames/s], CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Video Composition [Frames/s], CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Bitcoin Mining [mHash/s].


Reasons to consider the Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200

  • CPU is newer: launch date 1 year[s] 1 month[s] later
  • A newer manufacturing process allows for a more powerful, yet cooler running processor: 45 nm vs 65 nm
  • Around 38% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Video Composition [Frames/s]: 1.035 vs 0.748

Reasons to consider the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 [95W]

  • Around 3% higher clock speed: 2.4 GHz vs 2.33 GHz
  • 2x more L2 cache, more data can be stored in the L2 cache for quick access later
  • Around 4% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Face Detection [mPixels/s]: 0.522 vs 0.501
  • Around 45% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Ocean Surface Simulation [Frames/s]: 24.255 vs 16.702
  • Around 24% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - T-Rex [Frames/s]: 0.138 vs 0.111
  • Around 4% better performance in CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Bitcoin Mining [mHash/s]: 3.829 vs 3.688

Compare benchmarks

CPU 1: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200
CPU 2: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 [95W]

CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Face Detection [mPixels/s]
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Ocean Surface Simulation [Frames/s]
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - T-Rex [Frames/s]
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Video Composition [Frames/s]
CompuBench 1.5 Desktop - Bitcoin Mining [mHash/s]

Compare specifications [specs]

Is Q9400 better than Q6600?

Single-threaded performance of this processor is better. In multi-threaded applications, the Intel Q9400 has 15% higher performance.

Is Intel Q6600 good for gaming?

Essentially it's not too bad- it's fast enough for most modern games with a budget card, although you probably want to overclock it if possible.

How many cores does a Q6600 have?

The Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 [95W] was a desktop processor with 4 cores, launched in July 2007. It is part of the Core 2 Quad lineup, using the Kentsfield architecture with Socket 775.

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