Destination Path Too Long Registry Fix Windows 7

The error 0x80010135 appears typically when you enter a file name that is more than 260 characters in the File Explorer or WinZip. In some cases, however, it can also be caused due to incomplete installation of the targeted software. 

In this guide, we have listed different troubleshooting methods that you can try in both scenarios. In the first section of the guide, we discuss solutions if your file name exceeds the recommended characters, while in the second section, we discuss solutions if you are facing an error even with fewer characters.

We recommend going through the methods first to identify the cause of the issue. Once you do that, you can proceed with the relevant troubleshooting methods.

Scenario 1: You Are Using More Than 260 Characters

If you are typing more than 260 characters, then you can either extract the file into the root folder to reduce the characters, or enable the long path support in the system via Registry Editor. You can also go for a third-party ZIP file extraction tool if the troubleshooting methods do not work.

1. Extract the File

You can simply extract the file into the root folder to reduce the number of characters to fix the problem.

Here is how you can do that:

  1. Right-click on the targeted file and choose Rename.
    Rename the file
  2. Shorten the parent name of the file.
  3. Now, copy the file and paste it in the C: drive.
    Paste the file in the C drive
  4. Extract the file here and check if the error code 0x80010135 has resolved.

2. Enable Long Path Support via Registry

Another thing you can do if you are using more than 260 characters is enabling the long path support in the system via the Registry Editor. If you do not know already, Windows Registry is a database of information and settings of both software and hardware components/applications installed on the system.

You can use the Registry to customize several functions of your operating system, such as thUe one under consideration.

However, before we proceed with this method, we highly recommend creating a Regisry backup. This will help you revert to the current Registry state if anyting goes wrong during the process.

Once you have created the backup, here is how you can proceed:

  1. Press Win + R keys together to open Run.
  2. In the text field of Run, type regedit and click Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
  3. If a confirmation prompt appears, click Yes.
  4. Once you are inside the Registry Editor, navigate to the location mentioned below:
  5. Now, navigate to the right pane and right-click on the LongPathsEnabled DWORD value.
    Right-click on the LongPathsEnabled DWORD value
  6. Choose Modify and change the Value data to 1.
    Modify the value data of LongPathsEnabled DWORD value
  7. Click OK to save the changes and then restart your PC.

Upon reboot, check if this fixed the error 0x80010135.

3. Enable Long Path Support via Group Policy Editor

If you cannot use the Registry Editor for some reason, then you can also try enabling the long path support via the Group Policy Editor. This is another advanced-level utility within Windows that can help you customize the processes of your system.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Press Win + R to open Run.
  2. Type gpedit.msc in Run and click Enter.
  3. Click Yes in the UAC prompt, if it appears.
  4. Once you are inside the Group Policy Editor, navigate to the location below:
    Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/System > Filesystem
  5. Locate Enable Win32 long paths in the right-side of the window and double-click on it.
    Double-click the Enable Win32 long paths key
  6. In the following dialog, choose Enabled and then click Apply > OK to save the changes.

4. Use a Third-Party Tool

In case the troubleshooting methods above do not work or you feel like the issue is with the built-in unzip tool of Windows, then you can try using a third-party solution that offers the same services.

There are a bunch of such useful tools online; both free and paid. Once you find the one that fits your preferences, install it and check if the error appears again while using it.

Scenario 2: The Issue is System-Related

If you are using less than 260 characters and still bumping into the error 0x80010135, then there is a good chance that the issue is caused by something within the system. 

One common cause of the issue that users identified were outdated drivers. Several other affected users managed to fix the problem by updating the relevant drivers, which is why we recommend that you give it a shot.

Here is how to proceed:

  1. Type Device Manager in Windows search and click Open.
  2. In the following window, expand the Network Adapters section and right-click on Realtek Pcle GBE Family Controller.
  3. Choose Update driver > Search automatically for drivers.
    Check the system for available updated drivers
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to proceed.

Once the update is installed, check if you still encounter the 0x80010135 error code.

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

How do I enable long path in Windows 7?

Windows 7 Long Path Missing Enable Option.
Hit the Windows key, type gpedit. msc, and press Enter..
Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem OR continue to > NTFS..
Then double-click the Enable NTFS long paths option and enable it..

How do I fix destination path too long?

Scenario 1: You Are Using More Than 260 Characters.
Right-click on the targeted file and choose Rename. Rename the file..
Shorten the parent name of the file..
Now, copy the file and paste it in the C: drive. Paste the file in the C drive..
Extract the file here and check if the error code 0x80010135 has resolved..

What is the maximum path length in Windows 7?

In the Windows API [with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs], the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters.

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