Doom Eternal weapon mod tier list

Combat Rifle - Sticky Bomb

The Battle Rifle is the first weapon you get in Doom Eternal, and as such, it's your bread and butter. This is a very versatile weapon, and its only real weakness is its range. By adding a Sticky Bomb, you gain the ability to deal damage from afar with the Combat Rifle, taking out groups of Imps and other annoying ranged demons with a single blast. The Sticky Bomb is also useful for dealing with cacodemons, which instantly become staggered if you lob into their open mouths. If you miss with a Frag Grenade, it's good to have a save in the form of a Sticky Bomb.

Heavy barrel - Precision bolt

To deal with weak spots, there is no better tool than the Heavy Barrel Precision Bolt Mod. In fact, when weak spots are introduced into Doom Eternal's aperture level, the Heavy Barrel Precision Bolt is the featured weapon in the tutorial, hammering out the fact that this is the preferred method for inflict precise damage from a distance. He can pretty much every weak spot in a demon, from Arachnotron cannon to Mancubus flamethrower. If you can aim well, especially if you're playing with a keyboard and mouse, this mod is a no-brainer.

Plasma Rifle - Heat Stroke

The Plasma Rifle is an incredibly useful weapon because it is the only weapon that can easily melt enemy shields. Enemy shields already detonate when destroyed, but the Plasma Rifle's Heat Blast mod can end all stragglers with the push of a button. You'll be holding the plasma rifle trigger for long periods of time, and as you fire, the weapon builds up heat that you can expel like a powerful explosion with this mod. When fully charged, the Heat Blast mod can devastate even the most powerful demons, dealing massive damage to Hell Knights and more.

Rocket Launcher - Lock-On Burst

While it uses a lot of ammo, the Lock-On Burst mod will save you a lot of headaches in Doom Eternal. The rocket launcher already excels at dealing massive damage to powerful enemies and bosses, but the weapon's normal function is paltry compared to being able to launch three rockets at once. The Lock-On Burst mod can absolutely shred bosses like the Doom Hunter, making fast-paced encounters otherwise difficult. The other Rocket Launcher mod is decent, but the Lock-On Burst mod is a mile better.

Super Shotgun - Meat Hook

The Meat Hook is the best Super Shotgun mod because it's the only Super Shotgun mod. There isn't much to say about this one because you don't really have a choice. Still, the Meat Hook is one of the most satisfying weapon mods in Doom Eternal, offering a brutal variation of a grappling hook. Mobility is key in Doom Eternal, and being able to pull yourself towards distant demons is a useful ability to possess. It's also incredibly satisfying to hook up with a demon and destroy it at close range once you get close to it.

Ballista Arbalest

The Ballista is Doom Eternal's closest thing to a precision weapon like a sniper rifle, and as such, its best mod requires precise aiming to be used effectively. The Arbalest allows the Ballista to fire a single explosive bolt that tears enemies apart if you manage to land it. It deals massive damage, which makes it perfect for taking down stronger demons with bigger hitboxes like Hell Knights or Cacodemons.

Chaingun - Mobile turret

The Chaingun is already dealing high damage at a very fast rate, but the Mobile Turret mod amplifies everything great with the weapon. While you have to sacrifice a bit of mobility to use the Movable Turret mod, the damage and rate of fire of the Chaingun is greatly increased. If you have a positional advantage, activate the Mobile Turret mod and shred any demon that's unfortunate enough to stand in your way. Like the Lock-On Burst mod for the Rocket Launcher, it's also great for taking down bosses quickly.


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