down girls là gì - Nghĩa của từ down girls

down girls có nghĩa là

a real lady like, she's is very proper and usually hard headed and always gets in alot of fights with mostly girls that talk alotta bulltish.[the girls they usually get in fights with are usually rich bitches].

a down to earth girl who ISNT a hoe;bitch;skank;slut;and all those other mistreated words you call girls you look down at. she's a REAL friend that cares about you and always tries to put a smile on your face even if it means that she has to embarass herself.she will make you laugh your ass off making it to a kodak moment. she cares about the people around her and worries about the people who are the closest.[these girls are usually asian] and they are really really RARE to find. [you know when you see one when you come across one.]

a real girl who has her morals and standards still intact and stands up for her rights and has the most utter respect for the elders and passionate love for the young ones.a unique combination;you cant find her on a number scale.

a girl that is smart has the fashion down and is always into the passion movement;a girl who dresses like a lady but has a sexy sense of style. people usually judge her and may think they know what she's all about but little do they know she is really genuine.her looks can be deceiving but she is really true and has that beautiful love.

a girl that works hard, pushes hard and always covers the tabs in alotta cases geuniuinly and not sexually. she's a best friend

a girl that isnt stupid; you cant take her for a fool; shes very smart and catches on to subliminal messages when shittalkers are around. and when a player comes across her way,she'll always give him a hard time which players find it hard to stay away from and are very attractive in a respectful way [not sexually either].

a very hard working girl that was raised through rough times and earned her respect through her tribulations and will never forget where she came from and who are the closest. she doesn't allow to get the hustling life into her head but gains wisdom through the hard times that she made it through.

a girl with a soul.


Synonym-Angelina Jolie
Opposite-Kimora Lee Simmons

A wife who sticks through her husbands side till the end of time and puts up with his bad habits to keep the family very family oriented.

Hilary Clinton

Cassie Ventura

"Damn, that girl is crazy!!! yepp. she's a down ass girl."

"Man josh, you can't find a down ass girl anymore now in these days, girls are always to worried about their outter beauty worrying and forget about the inner beauty of what they can possess."

"That down ass girl is wifey material yo."

"You can usually find these girls in the movement section."

down girls có nghĩa là

dat one girl dat u kno is down for u 4 life!


caitlyns my baby, my down girl 4 life.......

down girls có nghĩa là

A New Orleans term used to tell someone to stop what they are doing because it is embarrasing them.

Or just to say "Cut it Out".


What's up with that ugly boy
Girl Down!

down girls có nghĩa là

a girl that is not hot or attractive in any way. But whose personality is so perfect that it makes it all worthwhile to date her. Also attracts guidos Mike Harris' dream girl


Tom: "Hey dude, what's that girl that you finally met like?" Mike Harris: "Well she's not very hot, but she's a really down to earth girl so I'm gonna keep seeing her." Tom: "......"

down girls có nghĩa là

When a man or a boy finds a girl that he wants to make his girlfriend and start a serious relationship. Therefore he will shut down talking and trying to date other women.


I don't think I going to talk to any other girls. I think Nikki is a shut it down girl!

down girls có nghĩa là

When Someone Is Working On Your Nerves Tell Them Girl Or Boy Down So, Then They Become Smaller Than You Or Leaves You Alone


Girl You Need A New Pair Of Shoes Tell Them,"GIRL DOWN!!" "BOY DOWN!!"

down girls có nghĩa là

1. A desperate and potentially ugly girl who is so dumb that she is often mistaken as having down syndrome. Often dates douchebags. Most commonly found in the Mid-West of the United States. 2. A term used by douchebags to refer to their "girlfriends" under the mistaken belief that it means "girls who are down and cool with the hommies".


1. "Did you see who was making out with Johnny last night at the party?" "You mean that down girl? He had to have been really drunk." 2. David Sage: "Brah, I totes gots so hellah many downgirls back home in Nebraska." Anyone nearby: "............"

down girls có nghĩa là

slut, hoe, bopper, jump down


That down river girl had sex with all of us.

down girls có nghĩa là

An order to a male or female who is being irritatingly feminine, whining too much, talking too much, talking about pillows or gossip girl.


A girlfriend is talking for over 2 minutes about pillowcases, pillow shopping and bed linen to her boyfriend 'GIRL DOWN! PLEASE GIRL THE FUCK DOWN! A man surrounded by a crowd of women suggesting that we should skip dinner because we had a sandwich for lunch "GIRL DOWN I NEED MEAT!"

down girls có nghĩa là

girls that sell sex, not traditional hookers, mostly strippers and college girls, can be found in regular clubs too.


see red over der she is one of the get it down girls i bought her the other night.

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