Easy persuasive essay topics

180 Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Not Leave Your Audience Indifferent!

JustBuyEssay.com Posted on 04.17.2018 Updated 07.01.2021
Table of Contents
  1. 180 Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Not Leave Your Audience Indifferent!
  2. What Is a Persuasive Essay?
  3. Best Persuasive Essay Topics for 2021
  4. Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students
  5. Persuasive Essay Topics for 5th Grade
  6. Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School
  7. Persuasive Essay Topics for High School
  8. Persuasive Essay Topics for College
  9. Funny Persuasive Essay Topics
  10. Easy Persuasive Essay Topics
  11. Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics
  12. Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics
  13. Persuasive Topics on Sports
  14. Persuasive Topics on Environmental Studies
  15. Persuasive Topics About Music
  16. Persuasive Topics About Animals
  17. Persuasive Topics on Education
  18. Persuasive Topics on Science
  19. Persuasive Topics on Immigration
  20. Good Persuasive Essay Topics
  21. How to Write a Persuasive Essay?
  22. Persuasive Essay Outline
  23. Bottom Line

The choice of persuasive essay topics can be a tricky part of the writing process. Before making a decision, you need to ensure that the subject suits your personal preferences and fits your audience's expectations. Furthermore, search for available sources and see whether you have enough information to research.

Sometimes, students might search for persuasive topic ideas online. It's a good choice, and the matter that you came to our website is even better. We have prepared an enormous list of jaw-dropping persuasive essay topics for you to choose from. Find the one you like the most and ace your paper!

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Before moving to the list of interesting persuasive essay topics, a student should know what such a type of essay means. It is an academic writing assignment where the author explains a particular problem and tries to convince the reader of their opinion. The main point here should sound logical and valid. Unlike in argumentative writing, it is not enough to specify the personal point of view. It is necessary to persuade the target audience that the presented position is the right one.

Teachers assign such paper as a homework task. No matter which good persuasive essay topics you choose, it is critical to conduct extensive research. For this purpose, consider using credible, up-to-date sources [from scholarly articles to surveys & interviews].

Best Persuasive Essay Topics for 2021

It's time to get to the persuasive essay topics now that we've understood what such an academic assignment entails. Check the list below and choose the one that suits you the most!

Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students

  1. Using mobile devices in-class during the lesson
  2. Ways to spend money won in the lottery
  3. How will you persuade your parents to allow you to have a sleepover with friends?
  4. Things you should not miss while burying a time capsule
  5. Small kids can have their pets
  6. Moving to a large city from the village is necessary for any ambitious family
  7. Which items would an average kid choose to take on vacation?
  8. It is essential to make school lunch breaks longer
  9. Do elementary school students obtain a fair amount of homework?
  10. They must ban junk meals at school
  11. Immoral aspects of eating animals & birds
  12. Families must spend more time together
  13. Teachers should allow snacks during lessons
  14. It is way better to be the younger sibling
  15. Having many friends is possible
  16. The most crucial step on a date with the one you love
  17. Factors that define true friendship
  18. Reasons to start learning one more language
  19. The best TV show ever
  20. The most distinguished historical figure

Persuasive Essay Topics for 5th Grade

  1. Everyday exercise is essential
  2. We should provide food for the low-income people
  3. Attending clubs after school
  4. Parents should teach children to stay on their own at home
  5. Going to bed early is vital for the child's health
  6. Pros & cons of eating sweets
  7. Make school breaks longer
  8. The idea of bringing a pet to the educational institution
  9. The dress code is a limitation of freedom
  10. Violent video games are not dangerous

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School

  1. Children should participate in chores at home
  2. Summer classes: pros & cons
  3. The best places for summer vacation
  4. Reasons to keep on studying during summer
  5. Parents must limit the number of time children spend watching TV
  6. Minorities should or should not receive special consideration
  7. Ways to change school meals
  8. The role of school newspaper & radio in the life of students
  9. An average American has an unhealthy diet
  10. Making school year-round: pros & cons

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

  1. Young people should decide whether to join the army or not on their own
  2. Listening to music helps finish the homework faster
  3. Reasons to remain honest in any life situation
  4. People who survive in catastrophes start valuing their lives more than others
  5. Embarrassing moments of life are necessary to make people more confident
  6. Electric cars are our future
  7. Why is time management critical for most jobs?
  8. Do hobbies help people with their careers?
  9. Reasons to live life spontaneously
  10. The most significant personal trait is a kindness

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

  1. Distant learning is a new way of education due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Pros & cons of online education [e-learning]
  3. The traditional educational system has become outdated in the age of the Internet
  4. It is essential to focus more on local terrorism than international criminal activity
  5. Advertising aimed at kids must be restricted
  6. Reasons why the movement of feminists devalued the nature of motherhood
  7. Food producers should show the number of calories in each meal
  8. The current taxation system is unfair
  9. Mental hospitals are not okay for patients with chronic diseases
  10. We should stop selling weapons to the rest of the world

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. What pets think about their masters
  2. Things a driving instructor will never tell
  3. Reasons to hate one's last name
  4. Blame the horoscope for something going wrong
  5. McDonald's is the least favorite restaurant
  6. Men shouldn't wear skinny jeans
  7. Alcohol increases socialization skills
  8. Legalizing marijuana will make everyone happy
  9. Drinking wine every day is a way to prolong the life
  10. Being an expert in gaming: pros & cons

Easy Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Cooking at home is safer than buying the cooked meals in the store
  2. People require the weekend to be 3 days
  3. Every public place should have free Wi-Fi
  4. Each citizen of the United States must accomplish a year of community service
  5. Healthcare representatives must be examined for HIV and AIDS every year
  6. Birth control pills: the threats they possess
  7. Can an e-book replace a traditional textbook?
  8. Should the death penalty exist?
  9. When should children be allowed to have a cell phone?
  10. Why is gaming suitable for everyone?

Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. There is nothing illegal with polygamy
  2. Providing a judge with the sole power of decision-making
  3. Lesbian couples should not be allowed to have a child
  4. Advantages & disadvantages of biological weapons
  5. Torture is a helpful, effective interrogation instrument for the most severe crimes
  6. It is a good idea to reject the organized religion
  7. The usage of social media might increase the suicide rate among teenagers
  8. Cyberbullying is as wrong as real-life bullying
  9. Legalizing euthanasia will make everyone benefit
  10. The merits of genetically modified organisms

Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Companies should stop advertising to kids
  2. CEOs wages are high without reason
  3. Members of Congress must have term restrictions
  4. Free access to condoms can prevent early pregnancy
  5. Things that make modern society immoral
  6. Why should the government have a word on diets?
  7. Is modern community throw-away?
  8. Ban smoking once and forever!
  9. The development of child's behavior during the last decade
  10. Start teaching creationism in public schools

Persuasive Topics on Sports

  1. Do not fall prey to stereotypes when it comes to high school athletes
  2. Dangers of drinking Red Bull and other energy drinks
  3. Being a great sportsman does not mean being a professional coach
  4. Transgender athletes who used to be males should not be allowed to compete with women
  5. Cybersport is also a sport
  6. Males have a higher probability of getting injured than their female colleagues
  7. Is chess a sport or a game?
  8. Should press conferences be mandatory for athletes?
  9. What is the best way to relieve stress in sports?
  10. Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?

Persuasive Topics on Environmental Studies

  1. Using reusable or paper bags will help in reducing the environmental pollution
  2. The advantages of using public transport
  3. Hybrid cars must replace traditional vehicles to save the environment
  4. We need to invest more in alternative fuels nowadays
  5. How can the government fight littering?
  6. What are the best penalties for people who trash?
  7. Non-renewable energy sources: what should governments do about them?
  8. The world is not doing its best to minimize CO2 emissions
  9. It is time to take care of the nuclear power stations
  10. Humans alone are responsible for climate changes

Persuasive Topics About Music

  1. Modern pop music is not as well-composed as the pop music of the 70s
  2. The essence of protest song has changed since the early XX century
  3. It is crucial to put parental warning labels on tracks or entire albums with filthy language
  4. The importance of having appropriate music education and training when playing professional music
  5. Do depressive songs encourage young people to commit suicide?
  6. How the state of downloadable tracks influence the way musicians create an album?
  7. Is it fair that producers have more power than the band members?
  8. The role of the world wide web in online music development and the crash of radio
  9. iPods are the best devices when it comes to listening to music
  10. Rock music is better than rap music

Persuasive Topics About Animals

  1. Hunting is immoral
  2. Arguments for or against microchipping home pets and homeless dogs
  3. It is wrong to use animals in zoos and circuses
  4. There is no way humanity should test beauty goods on animals
  5. Training home pets: punishments and rewards
  6. Having a big dog is better than a small dog
  7. Teaching children to take care of pets is essential in their personal development
  8. Is it ethical to breed animals to get combined hybrids?
  9. It is necessary to get insurance for your pets
  10. Is it a good idea to keep pets outdoors?

Persuasive Topics on Education

  1. Teachers should pass professional tests as students pass their school & college exams
  2. It is a good idea to shorten the time of college lectures
  3. Schools have to reduce the amount of homework they assign to students
  4. SAT & ACT are not practical examination tools
  5. Reasons why modern students should study business-related disciplines
  6. The role of information technologies class in the life of the average student
  7. Remote education vs. traditional schooling
  8. Students learn most from teachers who can entertain
  9. Why should they make the school day shorter?
  10. Should parents be more engaged in the educational process, and what can they do to help kids with homework more efficiently?

Persuasive Topics on Science

  1. Computer science is one of the most valuable academic subjects nowadays
  2. Space exploration will help to improve the life on the Earth
  3. Scientists should focus on creating vaccines for every possible disease
  4. Reasons why mobile phones are not 100% safe
  5. We should work on preventing earthquakes
  6. What people do is the leading cause of global warming
  7. Alternative energy can remove fossil fuels
  8. It is immoral to clone people and animals
  9. Things humanity can do to prevent rare species from extinction
  10. Law enforcement has no right to apply DNA profiling in its activities

Persuasive Topics on Immigration

  1. Americans should start treating Mexicans better
  2. The death rate among illegal immigrants in the US is high
  3. Illegal immigration often leads to prostitution
  4. Wars are the reason for the increasing number of immigrants
  5. The problems with existing border security
  6. Aged illegal immigrants must obtain rehabilitation facilities
  7. The issues with border rules in some European countries
  8. Reasons to give citizenship to the immigrating children
  9. Illegal immigration is associated with acts of terrorism
  10. The immigrants who do not obey local laws should be deported

Good Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. A security camera is an invasion of privacy
  2. School vaccinations are obligatory
  3. Cybersecurity is a crucial part of national defense strategy
  4. The dangers of various extreme sports and reasons to quit them
  5. Should all schools have mandatory art courses in their curriculum?
  6. It is time to make college education accessible for all students
  7. The importance of revising and changing the welfare system
  8. Corporal punishment does not help young adolescents
  9. Some laws promote gender discrimination
  10. The consequences of racial discrimination in the United States

How to Write a Persuasive Essay?

How to write a persuasive essay? Such a question appears once you pick a topic to work with and need to proceed with the writing. State facts, provide a logical flow of thoughts, and conclude. Follow the detailed guidelines to succeed:
  1. After choosing a title, select the preferred position to decide which of the problems to cover. Think whether there is any solution you can offer based on personal experience and knowledge. State the paper's goal.
  2. Evaluate the target audience to discover whether it agrees with your point, remains neutral, or opposes the offered opinion.
  3. Research the topic. Try to collect convincing evidence from authoritative sources that are no older than 5 years. Gathering materials in the college library or talking to the field experts would add up to the research.
  4. Develop a paper's structure. Decide which evidence to add, logical order. Keep in mind the goal, the reading audience, and the topic for a persuasive essay you have chosen. Start with an attention-grabbing hook [rhetorical question, fact, statistics, quote, anecdote, metaphor]. End up with a powerful conclusion.

Persuasive Essay Outline

A persuasive essay doesn't have many differences from other essay types in terms of structure. We recommend a 5-paragraph outline for you to use. Start your paper with a compelling introduction, provide your facts and evidence in the paper's body [3 paragraphs] and end it with a powerful conclusion.
  1. Introduction. It is your starting point, where your goal is to catch your audience's attention with a nice hook. You also need to inform the reader about the purpose of your paper in the introduction part. A strong thesis statement will help you with that.
  2. Main body. Divide this section into 3 paragraphs since it is a standard practice to present 3 arguments in each of the paragraphs. Support your ideas with facts, statistics, and other valid evidence.
  3. Conclusion. The goal of the conclusion is to provide a summary of your thoughts. Reiterate your thesis statement too. Use different words for this purpose. And remember, do not introduce any new information here.

Bottom Line

With these good persuasive essay topics and tips on essay writing, you will never be stuck without having any idea to discuss. Do not forget to polish your essay. A revision will help to exclude the clichéd language, vivid examples, grammar mistakes, etc.

To ensure the quality of your text, you can contact our professional editing team and send the draft to them. Our writing service can also complete an entire persuasive essay for you from scratch. Spend more time with your family and friends, and let us take care of your assignments!

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