Hold myself up and love my scars là gì năm 2024

THE INSPIRATION FOR writing this Every Scar Has A Story was a result of believing in God and knowing that He can heal all. Through the years, I have worked every day to live a life of If you can conceive it, You can achieve it. Learning that all actions start with a thought and how you feel about your thoughts, together are played out by your actions. Gratitude and attitude starts with how you look at life. How you display these actions is a choice.

To Bryce & Shayne Campbell, I hope you know that my life has more meaning in it knowing you both have grown up to be incredible adults. From the day both of you were born, my life was about loving you and being the best dad I could be. Both of you inspire me every day to be a better man, someone you are proud to call me your dad. I hope even though we had an unconventional father-son relationship, I was someone who taught you inspiration, how to leave an impact and how to empower others. I love both of you more than words could ever express.

I would like to thank and express unlimited gratitude to my Mom, who taught me at a very young age, to believe in myself and that I could achieve anything. My mom was always the one who was there every night spending extra time with me just to make me feel loved. The lessons you have taught me, Mom, over the years are priceless. The first time I broke my neck, you would not leave my side and was always my biggest cheerleader.

To my dad who passed away as I was working on finishing this book, I love you and miss you. My dad taught me many life lessons, and maybe the biggest one was - In life you will get knocked down many times, how many times will you get back up? My Never Give Up On Yourself attitude was one thing dad taught all of his kids. During the writing of these manuscripts, you would always ask me, Who is this book intended for? My answer was always, If it helps just one person, I have lived a life filled with purpose.

My brother Scott and my sister Tracy, who had to put up with my shanagings for many years, I love you both. I hope my brother knows he is still one of my biggest heroes to this day. Scott, looking up to you for all those years was a sheer joy. Tracy, you have always been there for me through every crazy idea I ever did in my life. You’re the person who calls me just to see how I’m doing. I’m not sure you know how much those calls mean to me. Through all my surgeries, you both have shown unbelievable support to me.

I want to acknowledge many friends, past teachers, coaches, mentors, nurses, doctors and medical staff and many other acquaintances. Through the years you have all taught me and supported me in ways I could never have imagined. From watching after me medically, physically, mentally, financially or simply just checking up with me. I am so grateful to all of you, for just being a part of my journey.

I would like to give a big thanks and gratitude to my dear friend, Roni Ketchum. Your support through the years has been unbelievable and unconditional. Your incredible ways of how you have supported me and my family through the years is so greatly appreciated. My father appreciated you for all the things you helped him with. Your friendship and mentorship to me is something I will always be grateful for. Thank you for all the support that you have given towards my dreams and goals. You are one of the people who inspired me to finish my book. Your positive attitude is your greatest asset, how you share it with others is our gift. Kodi would like to thank you for all the times you took care of her. I’m glad you are my friend.

To my incredible and giving friend, Michelle Eckhart - So many things I could say. You came into my life at a time when I was literally falling apart. We met in an unconventional way, but quickly became very close. As we were getting closer, I knew that you were unsure about some things, like the fact that I was having a third neck surgery, may not have been included in your idea of what a new relationship might look like and you wondered how it might play out. You stepped in and became a caretaker, and girlfriend. You helped me in getting my business moving forward in the first few months. When I was working on this book, you were always there cheering me on to finish it. I appreciate all the hours you spent helping me with my book, my website and just life in general. I am not sure you know how much gratitude I have towards you and all you did for me in those rough times. Your help through the tough times with my dad made it easier. Your impact on my family will always be appreciated. Your unconditional love and support taught me many lessons. You will always be a shining star in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To my dear Wendy Puddy, I still remember the day we met at Starbucks. Little did I know we would have some very interesting connections in our lives. They say God sends us people in our lives for a reason. In a very tough time in my life, you were there, helping me wrap up the passing of my father. My father never had the privilege of meeting you, but I’m sure he would have loved you. It was your shoulder I was allowed to cry on, it was your ear, that allowed me to share my grief. It was your heart that supported me in saying good-bye to my dad. It was just a short time after that, I had a 4th neck surgery. Most people don’t start a relationship with two life altering events within the first month of dating. You are the one who opened your heart and made sure I was taken care of. Despite having your own health issues, you always put my needs first. The ways you show me love, respect, and teach life lessons are very dear to my heart. You inspired me to finally finish my book. Without your putting the final touches on this book, it would never exist. You inspire me to be a better man every day. You have taught me unconditional love in a different way. I hope the finished book and my thanks to you will give you a taste of how much I appreciate and love you.

Without the support of all of you, I would not be where I am today. God bless all of you.



I want to personally thank you for purchasing my book and congratulate you for taking The Next Step in your life. If you are reading this book, it is an indication that you would like to discover where your decision process comes from, as well as to overcome your own obstacles.

The Next Step is the result of my many years of experience. The Next Step is also a result of some very basic philosophies of mankind such as who we are, why we do things out of love or fear, and how we can make more efficient decisions to move forward in life. Through my journey, I have searched out the philosophies of leaders of our past and present, only to find similar truths are available to everyone. However, most of us overlook these truths. The concepts I write about are as ancient as time. It is only when your awareness is heightened that you will make different decisions and create different outcomes.

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