How do I hide my lists on Facebook?

By default, your Facebook friends can access your entire Friends list. This is great for helping people find mutual acquaintances, especially if theyve just signed up to Facebook. However, you may prefer to keep your Friends list private. We show you here how to be sneakier about your online friendships. Youll learn how to hide your Facebook friends from one another, including hiding your Friends list from a specific user. Youll also learn how to make your entire Friends list private perfect if youre worried about online privacy.

How to Hide Facebook Friends

You can change your Facebook privacy settings via the desktop or the Facebook mobile app.

Lets start by changing these settings from the desktop:

1. Head over to Facebook and log in to your account.

2. In Facebooks upper-right corner, click the little downward arrow.

3. Select Settings & Privacy -> Settings.

4. In the menu on the left, select Privacy.

5. Find the following section: How people find and contact you: Who can see your friends list. Click its accompanying Edit link.

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