IELTS fever Listening Test 42 answers

Section 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-4 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer. Product Incident Report Example Product: Answer rice cooker Model Number: 1 .................... Price of the Product: 2 £ ................ Name of the Branch: 3 .................. Problem: 4 ................... Questions 5-10 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer. CUSTOMER' S INFORMATION DETAILS Name : 5 ................... Address : 6 ................... Postcode : 7 .................. Card's Expiry Date : 8 ................... Method of Compensation : 9 .................. Shopping Frequency : 10 ............... ANSWERS IeltsFever Listening Test 42 [emailprotected] 1 IELTSFEVER LISTENING TEST 42

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