In which order would the nurse proceed to reach a clinical decision through evidence

What is EBP?

As nurses, we often hear the term evidence-based practice [EBP]. But, what does it actually mean? EBP is a process used to review, analyze, and translate the latest scientific evidence. The goal is to quickly incorporate the best available research, along with clinical experience and patient preference, into clinical practice, so nurses can make informed patient-care decisions [Dang et al., 2022]. EBP is the cornerstone of clinical practice. Integrating EBP into your nursing practice improves quality of care and patient outcomes.

How do I get involved in EBP?

As a nurse, you will have plenty of opportunities to get involved in EBP. Take that “AHA” moment. Do you think there’s a better way to do something? Let’s turn to the evidence and find out!

When conducting an EBP project, it is important to use a model to help guide your work. In the Johns Hopkins Health System, we use the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice [JHEBP] model. It is a three-phase approach referred to as the PET process: practice question, evidence, and translation. In the first phase, the team develops a practice question by identifying the patient population, interventions, and outcomes [PICO]. In the second phase, a literature search is performed, and the evidence is appraised for strength and quality. In the third phase, the findings are synthesized to develop recommendations for practice.

The JHEBP model is accompanied by user-friendly tools. The tools walk you through each phase of the project. Johns Hopkins nurses can access the tools via our Inquiry Toolkit. The tools are available to individuals from other institutions via the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing [IJHN].

If you’re interested in learning more about the JHEBP model and tools, Johns Hopkins nurses have access to a free online course entitled JHH Nursing | Central | Evidence-Based Practice Series in MyLearning. The course follows the JHEBP process from beginning to end and provides guidance to the learner on how to use the JHEBP tools. The course is available to individuals from other institutions for a fee via the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing [IJHN].

Where should I start?

All EBP projects need to be submitted to the Center for Nursing Inquiry for review. The CNI ensures all nurse-led EBP projects are high-quality and value added. We also offer expert guidance and support, if needed.

Who can help me?

The Center for Nursing Inquiry can answer any questions you may have about the JHEBP tools. All 10 JHEBP tools can be found in our Inquiry Toolkit: project management guide, question development tool, stakeholder analysis tool, evidence level and quality guide, research evidence appraisal tool, non-research evidence appraisal tool, individual evidence summary tool, synthesis process and recommendations tool, action planning tool, and dissemination tool. The tools walk you through each phase of an EBP project.

The Welch Medical Library serves the information needs of the faculty, staff, and students of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Nursing and Public Health. Often, one of the toughest parts of conducting an EBP project is finding the evidence. The informationist assigned to your department can assist you with your literature search and citation management.

When do I share my work?

Your project is complete. Now what? It’s time to share your project with the scholarly community.

To prepare your EBP project for publication, use the JHEBP Dissemination Tool . The JHEBP Dissemination Tool [Appendix J] details what to include in each section of your manuscript, from the introduction to the discussion, and shows you which EBP appendices correspond to each part of a scientific paper. You can find the JHEBP Dissemination Tool in our Inquiry Toolkit. 

You can also present your project at a local, regional, or national conference. Poster and podium presentation templates are available in our Inquiry Toolkit.

To learn more about sharing your project, check out our Abstract & Manuscript Writing webinar and our Poster & Podium Presentations webinar!

What is evidence-based practice?


videnced-based practice [EBP] is applying or translating research findings in our daily patient care practices and clinical decision-making. 

EBP also involves integrating the best available evidence with clinical knowledge and expertise, while considering patients’ unique needs and personal preferences. If used consistently, optimal patient outcomes are more likely to be achieved.

Using EBP means abandoning outdated care delivery practices and choosing effective, scientifically validated methods to meet individual patient needs. Health care providers who use EBP must be skilled at discerning the value of research for their specific patient population. 

How to apply EBP in clinical practice

Evaluating all of the available evidence on a subject would be a nearly impossible task. Luckily, there are a number of EBP processes that have been developed to help health care providers implement EBP in the workplace.

The most common process follows these six steps:

1. ASK a question. Is there something in your clinical setting that you are wondering about? Perhaps you wonder if a new intervention is more effective than the one currently used. Ask yourself: What works well and what could be improved? And, more importantly, WHY? Evaluate the processes and workflow that impact, or are impacted by, the identified practice gap. We’ll use a format called PICO[T] [pronounced “pee ko”]. Learn more about PICOT questions in the next module.

2. ACQUIRE the current evidence. You’ll do this by conducting a literature search. Your search will be guided by your clinical question.

3. APPRAISE the literature. Or, in other words, sort, read, and critique peer-reviewed literature.

4. APPLY your findings to clinical decision-making. Integrate the evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values. Then make evidence-based recommendations for day-to-day practice.

5. EVALUATE your outcomes. Review data and document your approach. Be sure to include any revisions or changes. Keep close tabs on the outcomes of your intervention. Evaluate and summarize the outcome.

6. DISSEMINATE the information. Share the results of your project with others. Sharing helps promote best practices and prevent duplicative work. It also adds to the existing resources that support or oppose the practice.

Though we may learn how to apply EBP by participating in project-based work, integrating EBP in our daily practice can help us strive to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. It requires us to be thoughtful about our practice and ask the right questions.

It's important to note that although applying evidence at the bedside can be conducted individually, working collaboratively as a team is more likely to result in lasting improvement.

What is the correct order to implement evidence based practice?

Steps in the Process Select the appropriate resource[s] and conduct a search. Appraise that evidence for its validity [closeness to the truth] and applicability [usefulness in clinical practice]. Return to the patient; integrate the evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences; apply it to practice.

What are the 7 steps of evidence based practice?

The EBP Process.

What are the 5 models of evidence based practice?

What does EBP mean in practice? Evidence-based practice is a process that involves five distinct steps which we call the five 'A's: Ask, Access, Appraise, Apply, Audit.

In what order should the tasks be performed by the nurse leader when implementing evidence based practice?

Rationale: The six steps of evidence-based practice are: ask a clinical question; collect the most relevant and best evidence; critically appraise the evidence you gather; integrate all evidence with one's clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making a practice decision or change; evaluate the ...

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