Is IT easy to pass CISA exam?

Unlike most other vendor certification exams., CISA [certified information system auditor] is a paper-based test. Though,  ISACA never publish any data about the passing rate of this exam., it is pretty easy-to-guess from available data in the Internet that  you need to prepare systematically and carefully to pass this highly respected IT auditing exam. Having passed this exam. at first attempt, I would say that you could easily increase the probability of your success, if you follow how the successful candidates prepare for this test. The following are the tips that  you can follow:

  1. Read the ISACA’s CISA review manual, and try to understand each concept. Never try to cram anything—this will not help you in the actual exam.
  2. Make notes of your concept in a notebook and review it until you become familiar and confident about the concepts.
  3. Once you are confident that you can recall and explain all the basic concepts of CISA exam. you need to start reading “CISA review questions, answers and explanation” ,published by the ISACA. Do not forget to read all the explanations for the wrong answers.
  4. Read the IS audit standards and guidelines, which  you will find in CISA review manual or you can access it freely from ISACA’s website: //
  5. Before taking the actual test, allow yourself at least 3-4 months to prepare. If you do not feel confident about the subject matter, allow yourself more time to prepare—there is no hurry since this exam. is offered three times a year.
  6. You can easily pass the exam. if you follow the official CISA review manual, but you may need to take help of supplementary materials for clarification of some concepts. Remember that it is not possible for a single book to help you develop clear concept on every topic of CISA test.
  7. When you study the CISA review manual, pay attention to the statements in the note [you will find these notes in a box on ever chapter in the review manual, which clearly says what you will be and will not be tested in the actual exam.]
  8. When you start studying the CISA review questions, never think that you are going to take the test. Instead, think that you are already an IT auditor, and you just have to make the right decision, taking into consideration of your professional code-of-conduct and without violating the assigned authority of an auditor in an IT environment.
  9. The hardest part for preparing CISA exam. is to visualize all the concepts, which will be tested in the exam, in your mind. So, prepare some notes of your own so as you can use it as a quick review. Remember: before the exam, you will not be able to review all the materials of CISA review manual. Therefore, you need some short notes to review the exam. topics quickly.
    CISA exam. preparation

Therefore, the bottom line of passing CISA boils down to two important points:

  1. Become familiar with the basic concepts that will be tested in the actual exam.
  2. Read the review questions manual provided by ISACA.

To become familiar with the core concepts of CISA and make it your second nature, you have two options: either make your own notes or collect notes from others. Although you can easily pass the exam. by studying only the official review manual, it is better to have something that you can easily review such as your own notes written in simple words. Remember that CISA will never test how strong you are in IT related systems; they will make sure that if you are competent enough to make decision, to evaluate and to review IT security and audit related issues.

You can have a look at some sample pages of  CISA essential exam notes.
[available at Amazon in Kindle format]

As one of the toughest exams in the IT Security domain, the CISA certification exam is notorious for challenging to pass and having a low pass rate. Though ISACA, the body administering the exam, has blocked revealing information about passing ratio in recent years, feedback from successful and unsuccessful CISA applicants proposes the pass rate floats around the 40-50% mark.

Tips For Passing the CISA Certification Exam on the First Try

Here are the crucial points to consider before starting preparation for the ISACA CISA exam!

1. Study The CRM Comprehensively

ISACA gives the CRM [CISA Review Manual] that acts as the complete guide for the CISA exam. It is a thorough reference book that is meant to guide CISA exam aspirants and gives in-depth information concerning the CISA exam, and explains the roles and responsibilities of a certified information systems auditor. In general, this book is the best self-study guide for CISA exam aspirants. It is advised that sincere aspirants finish at least two readings of the CISA Review Manual to perform well in the actual exam.

2. CISA Certification Blogs and Articles Should Be on Your To-Read List

Other than the CRM and CISA CDs, applicants should also read other CISA blogs and articles easily accessible on the internet to have a precise insight of Certified Information Systems Auditor exam preparation.

In addition to imparting valuable insights from the world of IT Security that may help exam takers deal with CISA questions from the syllabus, blogs updated by standard contributors are also platforms where the latest news and updates concerning the ISACA exams are likely first to reveal.

Also Read: Top 10 Best CISA Certification Exam Tips for Studying

3. Attempt CISA Practice Exam

You can’t completely prepare for an exam unless you’ve taken plenty of practice tests. This is when you can use the CISA practice exam offered by the Edusum website. These practice tests help you learn the areas you have mastered and those that you still have to work on. This indicates that you can center you learn the topics that you haven’t yet mastered. You can get a vibe for the actual exam questions by practicing with such a study resource.

4. Make Most of the ISACA’s Free Resources

Read the ISACA CISA Review Manual carefully. Focus on Section Two of every domain. Read the manual at least two times.

Additional Tips for CISA Certification Exam

  • If possible, enroll in a training course. The training course will lead you toward a complete understanding of complex topics, knowledge sharing, exam tips, improving your weak areas, mastering the technical aspects, and dealing with stress and time.
  • Perform CISA practice exam. Cover every topic and revise until you obtain a score of 90%.
  • You should spend 35-45% of your time on the manual, 15-20% on a training course, and another 35-40% on taking the CISA practice exam.

How to Approach the CISA Exam?

It is essential to take exams very sincerely. Focusing and thinking like an auditor should be your First preference. Learn concepts concerning every technology, tool, technique, and approach mentioned in ISACA’s CRM - CISA Review Manual.

Reasons Why Applicants Fail in CISA Certification Exam?

Most applicants with a technology background confront challenges in understanding governance and auditing topics, and they are prone to think technically. This can be a prime reason why many applicants fail in the CISA exam. They need to think like an auditor and perceive the complete picture.

On the other hand, applicants from audit and accounting backgrounds think like an auditor but may face challenges in technical topics. These applicants require to understand the core objectives, concepts, and reasons for technology being expanded.

Most experienced applicants try to implement their concepts and techniques, but this is undependable. You should consider and accept that ISACA’s methods are globally accepted, practical and regulated.

How Can a CISA certification Benefit You?

There are many benefits to passing the CISA exam to obtain professional CISA certification. This certification can benefit both the individuals who take the exam and the organizations they are working for. It is for this reason that it might be a smart idea to work hard to pass this ISACA certification exam. The benefits of CISA certification are as follows:

For Individuals:

  • Proves knowledge and experience of IS auditing and security
  • A globally recognized proof of excellence
  • It gives a comparative strength to stand out in a jam-packed marketplace
  • CISA provides evidence of your competency in IT controls and your knowledge of how IT relates to business.

CISA Certification - The Best for the Role of IT Auditor

For Organizations:

  • Boosts the confidence that CISA-holding employees are experts in their field
  • It gives your business credibility, as clients will identify the expertise which CISA confirms
  • Assures your organization remains to be up to date with the most advanced auditing standards due to the re-certification requirement every three years.

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association [ISACA] awards globally accepted certifications and is even needed by many organizations. Such certifications prove to a hiring manager that a job applicant holds the essential skills for this vital position. By receiving the CISA certification, an IT professional demonstrates they are ready for senior information security management positions.

Is getting CISA worth it?

The CISA certification is highly recommended by many industry professionals as it opens several new avenues and opportunities for your career in the early stages. According to Accenture, about 68% of businesses are certain their cybersecurity risks continue to rise.

What is a good score on CISA?

A scaled score of 450 or higher represents the minimum consistent standard of knowledge as established by ISACA's certification working groups. If candidates receive a perfect score of 800, they answered all questions correctly.

How can I pass CISA easily?

Part 1: CISA Exam Prep Tips.
Understand the Core Concepts. ... .
Gauge Your Existing Knowledge with Self Analysis. ... .
Design Your Study Plan. ... .
Familiarize with the Exam Question Format. ... .
Put on the ISACA Hat when Answering Questions. ... .
Analyze Your Answers and Read All Explanations. ... .
Don't Blindly Memorize. ... .
Don't Forget the Mock Exam..

Can you self study for the CISA exam?

For getting the CISA certification, self preparation over 4-5 months can be sufficient. Following are the ways in which self-study can be made more effective: You can refer to customizable, interactive sample exams that are designed from a database of 1,000+ CISA Review questions.

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