Lỗi no more connections can be made to this remote

Khi bạn sử dụng Windows XP Professional làm máy chủ chia sẽ máy in, nhưng nếu như có nhiều hơn 10 kết nối tới máy của bạn. Có thể bạn sẽ gặp câu thông báo lỗi bằng tiếng anh như sau:

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

Nguyên nhân xuất hiện lỗi này là do giới hạn kết nối tối đa của Windows XP Professional, số lương kết nối chỉ có 10 thôi. Để giải quyết vấn đề này bạn cần phải sửa một tí phần registry trong máy tính của bạn. Theo các bước sau:

Have you ever dread with this problem? Just today one of my co-employee called me because she cannot print on a printer hosted by a Windows 10 machine. This is likely going to happen if you are connecting to a non-server type computer like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and even Windows XP.

This problem generally appears to computers that are hosting a shared drive, folder or printer.

Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and even Windows XP can only accept 10 concurrent connections which is a limitation to a non server operating system other than the Microsoft Windows Servers.

I tried to make it to 15 instead of 10 and it worked. I do not know if it is going to work if you make it to more than 15. I have this tested on a Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Here's how to fix this problem

  1. Click START -> RUN [for Windows XP], for Windows 10 right click Start menu then select Run, in Windows 7 just type "Regedit" in the search bar.
  2. Type regedit
  3. Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  4. Look for cachedlogonscount
  5. You should see a value that is equal to 10 in Windows XP, 7 and 10. Replace its value to your desired number of connection. I used 15 for this tutorial.
  6. Restart your computer to make sure it will take effect.

That's it, it is done.

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No more connections can be made to this remote computer.

Im trying to create client backups on a synology NAS shared folder but when I try to add new backups I'm getting this error: "no more connection can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept." I suspect this issue is caused by a limit on the number of concurrent connections on the share folder. How can a change the limit? Help

Whenever we share a file, there is always a limit on how many users can access the desired shared file from the Local Area Network [LAN]. Windows parent company Microsoft has restricted the number of remote connections for sharing to be 10 for XP Professional and 5 for XP Home editions. So whenever we exceed this limit, then we face this No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error.

Types of No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer Error:

  • Shared folder windows 10
  • Symantec
  • FreeNAS
  • Synology
  • Shared folder windows XP

As per the documentation, the maximum number of remote computers that are allowed to connect and share the data over the network simultaneously is ten. This limit restriction includes all resource sharing and transports protocols combined. If we talk about the Windows XP Home version, the limit of the maximum number of other computers that are allowed to connect over the desired network simultaneously is five. This limit of which we are talking about in this No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time article is the total number of simultaneous sessions from other systems that are permitted to host.

*Note: The limit of restriction of which we are talking about does not apply to the use of administrative tools that are attached from a remote computer system.

  • Click START -> RUN [for Windows XP] For Windows 10 right-click Start menu, then select Run, in Windows 7, just type “Regedit” in the search bar.

  • Type regedit
  • Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  • Look for cachedlogonscount
  • You should see a value that is equal to 10 in Windows XP, 7, and 10.
  • After that, you must replace its value with the number of your choice for connection.
  • Restart your computer to make sure it will take effect and get you rid of No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error.


As we have mentioned, the steps to resolve No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error, which occurs while sharing a file using LAN or some other network. This limit does not apply to the use of administrative tools that attach to a remote computer. After applying the steps, you will be able to access the file again and get rid of this No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error.

In this article we have told the solution regarding No More Connections Can Be Made To This Remote Computer at this Time error and if it helped you in resolving this error then we would love to know about it and you can do that by commenting down below and if there is anything else or any other failure on which you us to work on it then also let us know about it.

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