mile là gì - Nghĩa của từ mile

mile có nghĩa là

#1 Shrek daddy


yeah its true Miles is

mile có nghĩa là

Miles is the most amazing boy and a awesome boyfriend he. Is really sweetand romantic he always knows the right thing to say he is really cute and cares about other peoples feelings. Overall try too be friends with a miles



mile có nghĩa là

Ancient unit of length, originally invented by the Romans who defined it as 1000 paces of a Roman Legion. The word mile is Latin for 1000. Now mostly replaced in usaged around the world by the kilometre. The Roman mile was approx 1.48 km in length, the modern mile is 1.609344 km in length. Still used on British roads and most US roads for distances and for speed limits in miles per hour. Most countries have long since abandoned this archaic measurement. Still used in vernacular speech for exaggeration.


That last attempt was miles better.
1 mile is about 1600 metres.

mile có nghĩa là

Miles is a cute dark-haired guy with brown eyes and is the sweetest guy and best boyfriend you could wish for. He does have a case of RBF, but he's actually extremely caring and empathetic but also super funny and smart. He has a great taste in music and is one of the best friends you could ever wish for. At times he can be weird and nerdy, but don't be fooled by his height and shy demeanor because he's also a known ladykiller. The reason for this is he is an actual god at sex. He knows how to push all the right buttons with his mouth and hands that will leave you screaming and cumming before he even unzips his pants. He has an absolutely massive dick called the big mac that is almost 9 inches long and thick [I measured 6.5 inches around] with some nice big balls attached too. However, he does actually have extreme hyperspermia, meaning he cums A HUGE AMOUNT, so be ready to be completely drenched in cum.
Don't be intimidated though, cause this guy KNOWS how to use his blessing like a god. Honestly, this guy will stretch you out and make you scream and cum so much that you'll become addicted to getting fucked like a whore by him. Even though he's dominant during sex, he's actually always super attentive and treats you like a princess. But, all the girls I know say that after, sex with every other guy just feels mediocre and meh cause you won't stop comparing your next partners to him.He is the best friend, boyfriend and sexual partner I know by miles[no pun intended].


"Did you see Miles towel drop the other day? No wonder he has such a reputation, that thing is a monster dong!"
"Jesus, yesterday I slept with Miles for the first time...and I still feel the effects down there today! I can hardly walk or sit straight!"
"Hey did you hear about Andrea sleeping with Miles? Do you think Miles knew that she had a bf? Seems she broke up instantly afterwards with her bf now and has been wanting Miles ever since that night."
"Yeesh when I saw Miles with his pants down, I thought he was going to break me or split me in half , I was so scared! But, thank god I didn't leave cause that was the best night I ever had. Too bad he's in a relationship now."
"Honestly, having sex with him is so intense feels like being pumped continuously with electrical orgasms that I often almost end up crying! It's sooo good but I can barely use my legs after cause they're like jelly afterwards."
"Uuurgh I heard Miles yesterday night doing it with M and A, I don't understand how his stamina goes on for so long! And his girls are always either screaming or moaning super loudly, I can hardly concentrate in my room!"

mile có nghĩa là

related to the word minute. meaning a really long time.


Wow! I haven\'t heard that word in a mile.

mile có nghĩa là

A special secret drink that only two people know the definition of. It's sorta like a hot chocolate... but not really so screw you hehe


mmmmmmm... this IS a tasty mile!


Can I have a sip of your mile, please

mile có nghĩa là

The term that is feared by anyone who is not on the track team and hates running. In Physical Education or P.E. it is now mandatory that all kids run "the mile" to complete the class. Usually the most dreaded day of the semester but it's great when it's over. Yay for fitness!


"Man, we have to run the mile today"

mile có nghĩa là

a great girl that will never be a fake ass snake to you. has lots of friends and is nice to everyone. she may seem like an bitch but once you talk to her she is so sweet. guys reel her in and make her feel special only to drop her and make her feel like a worthless piece of shit. she loves the outdoors but also likes to lay in bed all day. she loves being with her friends mobbing around. she loves to paint and take pictures. she has a very weird taste in music and will listen to everything. old soul, great girl. an amazing fucking girlfriend. LOYAL AS FUCK.


woah i bet her name is milee

mile có nghĩa là

Refering to Seven Mile Rd. in Detroit, MI. Mainly Between Telegraph Rd. to Woodward Ave. on the West Side of Detroit. Home of Skoolkrill, Lil' Drug Sto, Renny Ren, The Whites, Keenan "Tank" Wells, Boogie Bandero, and last but not least....The "Seven Mile Syndicate".


Man...yo' "shape-up" is tight...who cut you up?

Man, D-Nill up there at Picture Perfect on "The Mile"....

mile có nghĩa là

A girl who deserves to be put first she loves with all her hart is perfect wife material looks treating her man like a king if he deserves it she will give him everything he deserves


Miling is the best that guy is a fucking idiot won't admit it's time to take a knee

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