Price listing app

How to create a price list template using MyBusinessCatalog

Starting from version 18, direct publication of price lists in the online service TheCatalog.Online is available

Everything is simple if you have under 100 products, but if you have more, like 500 or 1000, updates and formatting changes become a real pain in the neck.
MyBusinessCatalog efficiently solves the main problem storing content separately from its representation. All you need to do is to keep your product list up-to-date, group it by your own criteria and use ready templates for price list display.

What is a price list? Its an enumeration of prices for goods or services provided by a certain company.
In the simplest form, its just an Excel spreadsheet with a lit of product numbers, names, prices and, sometimes, additional parameters, such as weight, size, etc.
The task of creating a template for price list in Excel or other spreadsheet processor is usually not a problem.
Next comes the task of adding images, breaking the list into groups and thats where the situation goes out of control. Difficulties emerge when we want to use it as a sales tool, as a comprehensive, and yet concise registry of goods that is informative and attractive at the same time.
Configuration of Table of Contents and Price List

How to create a price list

Price list maker app: quick review

How create price list Price list maker app: quick review

By the instrumentality of MyBusinessCatalog it is possible to create a price-list for many application variants.
Here are several samples below for your concern:

Download price list templates samples: Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5

Review of the all free catalog and price list templates .

Application: publishing a price list on a website as a PDF or HTML file, sending by email or printing out in the office. Can be used as a simplified version of a PDF catalog.

How to make a price list, how to proceed?

First, download and install our a free trial price list templates creation software, MyBusinessCatalog.
Your task is to fill the list with your products. You have a number of tools that make it easier.
[Import Data Wizard , Drag and Drop ]

The button on the tools menu bar to start a creation of a price list [More methods >>]

Print off or save the price list in excel, pdf or other required format

More about the templates

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