scene points là gì - Nghĩa của từ scene points

scene points có nghĩa là

an elaborate system for calculating popularity commonly joked about among scenesters and scenester wannabes. everybody know what they are but no one will actually admit they exist.

for example, these things give you scene points:
-straight edge
-black hair over face
-collecting vinyl
-having obscure band merch
-wearing tight pants
-being friends with bands, promoters, etc.

these things make you lose scene points:
-wearing volcom, zero, hurley, etc.
-liking good charlotte
-asking for an autograph
-driving [scene kids walk/take the bus]
-having anything to do with rap
-getting a tan


Aw fuck! I can't make it to the show tonight! There go my scene points.

scene points có nghĩa là

A scale to measure how "scene" you are compared to others.


A "Scene" scale as done by Kelly A. and Jacki V.

Scene Points Scale.
-5 points:
Liking metal seriously
Fake Piercings
1/2 point:
Each pins/buttons
1 point:
Using adjectives from the late 80's/early 90's [i.e. rad, gnarly, rockin', etc.] for each word in vernacular
2 points:
Each studded belt
Dyed black hair/short
Each tight shirts/pants/track jackets
Thick rimed glasses
Each gaudy belt buckle
Each clothing bought from a thrift store
Having hair with bangs longer than the rest
Each trucker hat
Each plugs/body Piercings
Referring to bands as acronym
Each scarf
Mountain climbing key thingy
Each pair saucony/new balance/ converse shoes
Each livejournal/myspace/friendster account
Hollywood Undead
Owning Fiddle Faddle
Black eyeliner
Use of 'Kthxbai' 'Lykkeeoommgggzz' 'Oh Emm Gee' etc.
Each Tie
Being Pale
Eating Mac And Cheese at least 3 times a week.
3 points:
Reading books over 300 pages long
Aspiring photographer
Vegetarian diet
Messenger bag
Knowledge of swearing in foreign languages
Bright Makeup
Hearts/stars next to your eye [with eyeliner]
Fake Tattoo's
Trying to be Gangstuh.
4 Points:
Getting pictures taken in a photo booth
Wearing a bandana around your ankle/neck/wrist
Watching/Loving Disney movies
Fake Pearls/beaded necklaces
5 points
Clapping during midpaced part of a song
Working at an Indy record store/health food store
Being in a band
Attending hell fest
Writing poetry
Tea aficionado
Participating in "the mosh"
Riding a bike
Liking metal core
Straight edge
Food not bombs participation
Vegan diet
Being a camera whore
Having a binder/notebook/planner covered in Band logos/stickers
Hanging out at coffee shops
Being 'Electrikk'
Adding 'xcore' to things
Collecting Sobe/Jones Soda bottle caps.
Photoshopping pictures.
6 points:
Angling your pictures
Polka Dots
Fingers pointing to head in the shape of a gun
Having Sleepovers that include Dance party's to Spice Girls

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