So sánh gigawork t20 và gigawork t40

I am looking to get some speakers for the bedroom. The source is a Pure Evoke Flow. They need to have a small footprint as they will be sitting on the bedside tables. I could get the matching Pure auxiliary speaker from ebay for around $100 but I thought I would probably get a nicer sound out of a pair of Creative speakers. Does anyone know if the T40's sound a lot better than the T20's? Are the T40's too large to go on the bedside? I currently have an old TDK 2.1 speaker system connected up and it sounds pretty good but it's probably a bit too bassy. Best to keep these for my gaming pc. I can get the T20 series II locally for $73 but the T40's don't seem to be in stock anywhere. Not sure I have the patience to wait but I also don't want to be disappointed with my purchase.

Any opinions?

T40 gives slightly "bigger" sound, and a little more bass. Sound quality wise it's much of much... T40 might edge it out a bit, but not by a lot.

Im tossing up between the two as well. Really im leaning toward the t40's since i want all the bass i can get, it being a 2.0 system and all. BUT T20's are so cheap!

IMO, I reckon the T20/40 are pretty good for the price. Definitely look for T40 if you want to have more bass.

I've had the T40's, not very bassy but they're not bad for the price. What about spending a bit extra for Audioengine A2's?


I ended up getting the T20's mainly because I was concerned the T40's would be a bit large for the bedside. At first I was a bit underwhelmed by their sound. The supplied cables are quite short so initially I had then positioned on the same table about 30cm apart. I went out this morning and got an RCA extension cable and now they are sitting about 2 meters apart and I am happier with the sound. Easily good enough for the bedroom IMO. MSY have them for $73 for those interested.

I'm thinking of getting the T20 Series II but wondering if the T40 Series II is worth the extra premium. Anyone who has a T20 SII like to comment on the sound quality of the speakers?

ca6leguy writes...

Anyone who has a T20 SII like to comment on the sound quality of the speakers?

I've had mine for about 18 months and I'm very happy with them. I went from a set of Logitech Z-2300s to these after the Logitech's stopped working. Obviously they lack the thump of a subwoofer but otherwise I haven't been left wanting for bass, you can still feel it. I seem to remember paying about $150 for the Z2300s back in the day, versus $85 for the T20 IIs and without a doubt the Creatives are the better sounding set.

One review on the web that I read said the T40s were better than the 20s at filling a room. Maybe that's true, but I need something to hook up to my TV so I don't have to listen to its crappy speakers, and I'm going to buy another set of the 20s. Going off my current set which I have setup on my desktop they won't have any problem filling my bedroom.

Bottom line is they're great value 2.0s.

MrMaestro writes...

I haven't been left wanting for bass, you can still feel it

Do you need to turn the volume up to "feel it"? I still cannot decide to get this or a 2.1 for the same price.

Your idea of loud might differ from mine, it's subjective, but I'd say no, the speakers don't have to be particularly loud to feel bass. Obviously you can't have the volume down low though.

Personally I wouldn't bother with 2.1s in this price range, they aren't going to sound all that great. Of course, you never know. The T20s are a safe bet though.

MrMaestro writes...

Personally I wouldn't bother with 2.1s in this price range, they aren't going to sound all that great. Of course, you never know. The T20s are a safe bet though.

I haven't heard Logitech Z2300s but have tested the Logitech z623. Is the z2300 comparable to the z623?

Problem is I cannot find any store that has the T20s on demo for me to judge the quality of the sound it produces.

i am also thinking of the Sony SRS-D5 or the SRS-D8 that is in the similar price range as the T20s. [//]

ca6leguy writes...

Is the z2300 comparable to the z623?

No idea, mate, I haven't seen them. It sounds like you have your heart set on getting 2.1s, so just go buy some 2.1s.

Think of what your primary use of the speakers will be. If it's music then your money will be better spent on a 2.0 setup, of which the Creative T20/T40 are an excellent example. If you're leaning more towards movies and gaming then a 2.1 setup would probably suit you better.

TedJ writes...

Think of what your primary use of the speakers will be. If it's music then your money will be better spent on a 2.0 setup, of which the Creative T20/T40 are an excellent example. If you're leaning more towards movies and gaming then a 2.1 setup would probably suit you better.

Good point. It is mainly for music, YouTube and occasional gaming. Won't be needing it for movies as I already have a Yamaha 6.1 sound system.

I picked up the T20 S-I for $29, I can't say I am a huge fan of the sound but they do the job as desk speakers at work. I hear the S-II is a bit brighter [more treble] but otherwise very similar sounding

If going by the current T20 and T40 S-II prices, I would consider a similar priced Microlab alternative, the brand seems to be getting a good rap

For filling a room would probably opt for the T40's.

ca6leguy writes...

wondering if the T40 Series II is worth the extra premium.

According to reviews there is a significant difference. "Worth" is very subjective.

sonny. writes...

What about spending a bit extra for Audioengine A2's?

Has anyone compared the T40 S-II with the Audioengine A2?

I have the T40s, while they are so much better than the TV speakers I would like to upgrade to go with the new TV I'm getting. I'm wondering if there will be enough difference with the Audioengine A2s, so I'm considering going for the A5s to avoid disappointment.

TedJ writes...

If you're leaning more towards movies and gaming then a 2.1...

I'd agree if we're talking about a decent 2.1 system for movies. I had a 2.1 system that's about the same price as the T40s and found the cheap sub woofer tended to muffle the dialogue. For my ears the T40s are much clearer.

beedy writes...

I'm wondering if there will be enough difference with the Audioengine A2s, so I'm considering going for the A5s to avoid disappointment.

Well, if you're more of a basshead, you won't be disappointed with the A5's compared to the A2's. The clarity, you could say, would be vastly a bit better on the A5's as well but is that worth the price difference, well that's up to you; to me, yes. Although, we all have different ears, but unfortunately, you can't audition them anywhere as far as I know now, PCCG had the A5's on audition several months back.

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