Sort singly linked list C++

Given a linked list, write a function to rearrange its nodes to be sorted in increasing order.

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The idea is to use the sortedInsert[] function to sort a linked list. We start with an empty result list. Iterate through the source list and sortedInsert[] each of its nodes into the result list. Be careful to note the .next field in each node before moving it into the result list.

Following is the C, Java, and Python program that demonstrates it:

// Helper function to print a given linked list

void printList[struct Node* head]

        printf["%d —> ", ptr->data];

// Helper function to insert a new node at the beginning of the linked list

void push[struct Node** head, int data]

    struct Node* newNode = [struct Node*]malloc[sizeof[struct Node]];

// Function to insert a given node at its correct sorted position into a given

// list sorted in increasing order

void sortedInsert[struct Node** head, struct Node* newNode]

    struct Node* current = &dummy;

    while [current->next != NULL && current->next->data data] {

    newNode->next = current->next;

// Given a list, change it to be in sorted order [using `sortedInsert[]`].

void insertSort[struct Node** head]

    struct Node* result = NULL;     // build the answer here

    struct Node* current = *head;   // iterate over the original list

        // tricky: note the next pointer before we change it

        sortedInsert[&result, current];

    int keys[] = {6, 3, 4, 8, 2, 9};

    int n = sizeof[keys]/sizeof[keys[0]];

    // points to the head node of the linked list

    struct Node* head = NULL;

    // construct a linked list

    for [int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--] {

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2 —> 3 —> 4 —> 6 —> 8 —> 9 —> NULL

    Node[int data, Node next]

    // Helper function to print a given linked list

    public static void printList[Node head]

            System.out.print[ + " —> "];


    // Insert a given node at its correct sorted position into a given

    // list sorted in increasing order

    public static Node sortedInsert[Node head, Node newNode]

        while [ != null && = 0; i--] {

            head = new Node[keys[i], head];

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2 —> 3 —> 4 —> 6 —> 8 —> 9 —> null

    def __init__[self, data=None, next=None]:

# Helper function to print a given linked list

        print[, end=' —> ']

# Function to insert a given node at its correct sorted position into a given

# list sorted in increasing order

def sortedInsert[head, newNode]:

    while and 3 —> 4 —> 6 —> 8 —> 9 —> None

The time complexity of the above solution is O[n2], where n is the total number of nodes in the linked list, and doesn’t require any extra space. Please refer below for the merge sort based algorithm to sort a linked list in O[n.log[n]] time.

Also See:

Merge sort algorithm for a singly linked list – C, Java, and Python

Source: //

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