Square metric topology

Section 20: The Metric Topology

is a metric on if is a non-negative symmetric function such that iff , and the triangle inequality holds. is called the distance between and .
is a metric space if is a metric on and the topology on [called the metric topology induced by ] is generated by the basis consisting of -balls centered at , , for all and . A topological space is called metrizable if there is a metric on that induces .

General properties

  • The topology induced by is the coarsest topology on such that is continuous.
  • The standard bounded metric corresponding to is . and induce the same topology.
    • Another example of a bounded metric inducing the same topology as is .

Standard metrics on

  • isthe euclidean metric on if where .
  • isthe square metric on if .
  • isthe uniform metric on if .
    • The uniform metric inducesthe uniform topology.
    • For , where . is open in the box topology but not in the uniform topology.
  • is a metric that induces the product topology on .


  • The euclidean and square metrics induce the standard topology on .
    • And so does every metric of the form for .
  • The box topology on is finer than the uniform topology which is finer than the product topology. If is infinite, all three are different.
  • , for all , which is a homeomorphism relative to the box and product topologies, is continuous relative to the uniform topology iff s are bounded from above, and is a homeomorphism iff s are bounded from below and above by some positive numbers.

Metrization of

[in the box or product topology] is metrizable only if is countable and the topology is the product topology.
  • The metric is one that induces the product [box and uniform] topology on .
  • The metric is one that induces the product topology on .
  • As we shall see in §21, if and is metrizable, then there is a sequence of elements of converging to .
    • in the box topology is not metrizable. If then in the box topology, but there is clearly no sequence of elements of converging to in the box topology. A similar argument works for all infinite .
    • in the product topology is not metrizable if is uncountable. If , then in the product topology, but, if is uncountable, then for any sequence of points of there is some such that for all , hence, does not converge to in the product topology.

Subspaces of

is the subset of consisting of all sequences such that converges. Then, the topology induced by on is called the -topology.
is the subset of consisting of all sequences that are eventually zero.
  • equals in the box topology, the set of all sequences of real numbers converging to in the uniform topology, and in the product topology.
  • The -topology is strictly finer than the uniform topology on , but strictly coarser than the box topology [both inherited from ].
  • When all four [box, , uniform, and product] topologies are inherited by , they are all distinct.
  • When all four [box, , uniform, and product] topologies are inherited by the Hilbert cube, , the box topology is strictly finer than the other three topologies which become equal.

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