techies là gì - Nghĩa của từ techies

techies có nghĩa là

1] One who works for the stage doing techinical services, such as sound, lighting, or stage hand work.

2] A major subculture, where members dress up all in black, carry multitools, and a roll of gaft tape.


Techies do it in the dark.

techies có nghĩa là

A technician. One who works on the technical aspect of any production. Often work into the wee hours the night before a show opens and still receive little recognition.


Without techies, we wouldn't have a show.

techies có nghĩa là

Short for technicians. The people that make your shows happen. Often seen backstage, on the grid and any other dark space. Has a wide range of skills, knows how to fix anything with a role of duct tape. Rather sexual, doesn't need an excuse to feel you up. Always there for eachother. Strage obssessions with glowtape. Doesn't know what to do with self when tech is cancled. Basicly lives in the theater. Shows would be nothing without them. GO, techies, GO!


Those techies are strage creatures, I think one just tried to feel me up.

techies có nghĩa là

1: A Person who works Backstage during theatrical performances.
2: The People with Headsets and are silently laughing so hard they are crying because of the actors and actresses performance.
3: Really Run the Play
4: Techies [Ninjas] VS Actors [Pirates]

Techies are Referred to as Ninjas because they have the talent to vanish when ever the director is yelling at actors, and also must be silent and wear black for their job.

Actors are the Pirates cause they need the fans and the photos to continue doing there jobs. Techies do not need the fans or the photos they know they are awesome.

5: The people that have the most fun during play week, and after because they demolish everything!

6: The Stage Manager, Props Manager, Sound Technician, Light Technician, Spot Light Controllers, Scenery movers, and those who fly scenery in and out.

7: Techies are also the people you find sleeping in class or on the floor before play practice.


Don't piss off the Techies or you take your bow in the dark.

If the set falls down sure it may be our fault, you mess up your lines and don't improvise because of the set falling it's not our fault.

Don't put on the tehcie head sets, cause you may hear us making fun of you.

techies có nghĩa là

Someone who has a particular affinity and/or obsession with technology


person 1 " i cant get my computer working"
Person 2 "ask matt, he's our resident techy"

techies có nghĩa là

a techie is someone who builds the sets for plays. Also, they run the lights, sound, fly, props, set changes, and bothering the actors. They are known to wear all black and lurk in the darkness of the theater. They put in hours of work for little or no recognition from anyone and can usually be recognized by rather interesting sense of humor.


They have the mind of a techie.

techies có nghĩa là

The guardians of silence; the masters of darkness. They wear the blackness of midnight, and walk as the wind does; sometimes silently, sometimes howlingly, but always swiftly and with purpose. They live behind the curtains. They are the ninjas.
The actors are the pirates.


If you see a techie, it is because they want you to.

techies có nghĩa là




The techies are a bunch of fags, and suck each others dicks all day while watching bukkake videos, while pulling $30,000 a year from CHS.

techies có nghĩa là

I'm gonna tell the admin, and he's gonna ban you. I know you hack you faegit.


0nly n00bs d0 n0t f34r teh techies. leave now!

techies có nghĩa là

1]Techies is the Plural form of Techie
2]A term used to refer to people who are interested in technology almost to the point of obsession.
3]People that are extremely knowledgeable about Information Technology. These individuals generally have built custom CPU towers that run a opensource OS from either a UNIX or Linux thread. As well as spend Much of there free time researching new Computer technologies. 4]Techies is a term that "Computer Nerds" may use to refer to themself or other "Computer Nerds" but may not be used by others [Kind of like the equivalent to the N word for "Computer Nerds"] It is derogatory for non Techies to refer to others as Techies. *Can also be spelled "Techys" [[however the "Teamsters" that work back stage at theaters are now using the term "Techies" [ie spelling not y] to try and dissociate them selves with the teamsters that work on film sets.]Not cool!!! real Techies/Techys have come up with pretty much every major advancement in the technological field for the last 40+years. without them you wouldn't have the computerized lighting and sound systems that you use todays. that would make your jobs a lot harder. So please respect the title]


Techie 1: Hi I need a patch to make a new Barracuda HDD work with freenas v0.68
Techie 2: check with the other techies useing that OS
Techie 1: Hi I'm new @ this forum but am comp lit and do consider my self to be a Techie but guess we're all techies here
non-techie 1: look at those new kids over there they're so lame
non-techie 2: yeah I heard they're part of the Computer Club what techies

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