the nicholas là gì - Nghĩa của từ the nicholas

the nicholas có nghĩa là

The coolest guy in the world, but can be an asshole from time to time and is carefree when it comes to just about anything. Basically he just doesn't give a shit......

A Nicholas or Nick....enjoys chonga and the finer things in life....He is a drifter and a daydream believer....some might speculate that the Nicholas is a conceited, hopeless romantic, and is most likely a loner.


[Jessica]- have you talked to that conceited asshole Nicholas lately?

[Britney]- No, why?

[Jessica]- Because i want to confess my love to him....his bad ass careless attitude just makes me go crazy for him.

[Nick off in the distance]- Damn straight bitch. Nobody can resist this body.

the nicholas có nghĩa là

[noun] 1. Usually a man of the gentleman class. Said person normally exhibits an out going nature, but is distinctly introverted. Many of the expressions of said person will be mysterious and enigmatic to the point of making no apparent sense. These creatures tend to excel in theoretical or academic fields.

[adj]1. Being of a distinct class
2. Extremely fun

[verb] 1. To have a wonderful night that is full of romance, passion, and compassion.


That professor is Nicholas.

He's so nicholas.

Last night was... nicholas.

the nicholas có nghĩa là

A boy's name. If you're friends with a Nicholas, never let him go. His love and companionship is something rare. Nicholas means victory of the people, but honestly, it's different from who they really are. Nicholas's are typically different from everybody else. They are handsome, and their laughs can rock your world. They can never fail to make you smile. To be honest, Nicholas is a very smart person, who tends to be lazy. His constant pranks and jokes can make for a good time, and can make him the subject of the majority's scorn or dislike. Nicholas's, or Nicks have a strong sense of pride and aren't afraid to fight for what he wants or loves, but he does know when to stop. Nicholas's are very smart, but lazy, which can frustrate his friends. But more than anything, he is loved, and he is loving. Nicholases can sometimes be shy.


Nicholas found her crying and swore that he would never let someone hurt his friend. He had longish brown hair, eyes so dark you'd swear they were black, and a permanent, mischievous smirk. Nicholas simply said "I tried. She's pretty, smart, and funny, but she said no. And I'm okay with that. So shut up." She was listening, and had to hold back tears as he said this. She knew shed made the wrong decision.

the nicholas có nghĩa là

A Nicholas [Nicky/Nick] is someone perfect. Someone who's charming and sweet and caring. A Niicholas is super duper cute. He has the brightest smile, but never uses it. He's such a star. A Nicholas has the best vibe where it's hard to not find him completely irresistible. If you have a Nicholas, never be stupid enough to let him go!


Friend: OMG who the heck was that hottie?
Me: Oh thats just Nicholas. He's so amazing. He's the one that I've been telling you about.
Nicholas [off in distance]: I don't understand why so many girls like me.

the nicholas có nghĩa là

The most handsome man in the entire world and is perfect in every way shape and form. He is amazing at piano, gets all the ladies and makes their hearts melt with every word from his soft perfect lips that are the best things to kiss.


[woman 1] Have you slept with Nicholas yet?
[woman 2] Yeah, he made me melt, he's just so amazing!

the nicholas có nghĩa là

A somewhat awkward nerdy kid enjoys the company of friends and ladies [especially ladies] poor Nicholas can never work up his courage to ask someone out great hugger quite forgetful at times but always remembers at the last minute whatever the hell he forgot WARNING never pair with anybody named Jacob as this may cause many problems


jacob hey nick lets go ride bikes
nicholas ok!
*5 minutes later a large building in the distance topples over*

the nicholas có nghĩa là

The biggest cock you'll ever meet in your whole life.


"Jesus fuck, you should've seen Nicholas' schlong yesterday"

the nicholas có nghĩa là

Is the most wonderful guy you will ever met. He is kind, sweet, and caring. He is adorable and if you meet one, don't let him go. He is a keeper. He is tall and usually works out. He would want you to do crazy stuff with him.


My boyfriend Nicholas it the most amazing person ever!

the nicholas có nghĩa là

A Charming young man who hates school and loves video games he loves science and is fast you do not want to mess with him or he will have his best friends to back him up.


Nicholas is Strong

the nicholas có nghĩa là

Nicholas is one of the best person you will ever meet. There sweet and loving. Nicholases would be amazing boyfriends, with there loving attitude. Although they may come of as a jerk to some at times and their jokes may be inappropriate. There's a compassionate gentleman in the inside. With big dark brown eyes a touching smile, he will make your world brighter and filled with color. He comes of as a player with his flirtyness but is only trying to find someone to love. They have experience painful events but never let's people get him down. He'll hold you tight and treat you well, and never give up on you. When they tell you they love you, they mean it. Never let them go, or you will regret losing them.


Nicholas- hey
Person- l love you

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