The organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd) guidelines recommend

Scope of Application

Recommendations addressed by governments to multinational enterprises that are operating in or from adhering countries. A list of these countries can be found here.


Offers nonbinding principles and standards to further economic, environmental, and social progress and encourage responsible business conduct consistent with host countries’ laws and internationally recognized standards.

General Key Points

Developers and Contractors [originally, "multinational enterprises”] should:

  • Abide by host countries’ laws and regulations related to environmental and social risks and impacts.
  • Contribute to economic, environmental, and social progress in host countries.

Key Points on Stakeholder Engagement

Developers and Contractors should:

  • Disclose accurate information about their activities, structure, performance, ownership, governance, and financial situation in a timely manner.
  • Engage in communication and consultation with relevant stakeholders, including affected local communities, employees, customers, and suppliers.
    • Incorporate stakeholders’ views on various issues, such as a project’s environmental, health, and safety policies, into project planning and decision-making.
  • Provide the public and their workers with adequate, measurable, and verifiable information in a timely manner on each project’s potential environmental, health, and safety impacts.
  • Ensure meaningful employment negotiations by providing information to workers’ representatives.
  • Promote consultation and cooperation with workers and their representatives on matters of mutual concern. These may include standards of employment, industrial relations, wages, benefits, and working conditions.
  • Employ local workers and provide them training to improve their skills as much as possible.
  • Provide workers with adequate education and training in environmental health and safety [H&S] matters.

Key Points on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Developers and Contractors should:

  • Avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts but address them if they occur.
    • Undertake due diligence scaled to the scope of operations and the severity of human rights risks.
  • Establish and maintain a system of environmental management that includes the following:
    • The collection and evaluation of adequate information about their activities’ environmental, health, and safety impacts in a timely manner.
    • The establishment of measurable objectives and targets to track environmental performance.
    • The consistent monitoring and verification of progress toward these objectives or targets.
  • Maintain contingency plans for preventing, mitigating, and managing serious environmental and health damage.
  • Establish mechanisms for immediate reporting on serious environmental and health damages to competent authorities.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations on responsible business conduct addressed by governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from the 50 adhering countries.[1] The Guidelines provide non-binding principles and standards for responsible business conduct in a global context that are consistent with applicable laws and internationally recognised standards.

The Guidelines are legally non-binding, but the OECD Investment Committee and its Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct encourage implementation among adherents. The most concrete manifestation of government commitment to the principles set forth in the Guidelines are the National Contact Points [NCPs], which are offices charged with promoting observance of the Guidelines by multinational enterprises. Each of the 50 adhering countries are required to set up an NCP.

Among other tasks, NCPs are charged with supporting a grievance mechanism called 'specific instances' — under this procedure, alleged non-observance of one or more of the Guidelines' recommendations is brought to the attention of an NCP, which then is responsible for helping the parties to find a resolution for the issues raised by providing access to consensual and non-adversarial procedures.[2]

Since the mediation procedure was invented in 2000, 450 specific instances have been handled covering such areas as employment and industrial relations [about half of the specific instances], environment, human rights and disclosure of information [the database on specific instances covers the 2000-2019 period].[3]

Originally, the Declaration and the Guidelines were adopted by the NP in 1976. The Guidelines were subsequently revised in 1979, 1982, 1984, 1991, 2000 and 2011.[4]

Issues covered[edit]

Garment factory in Bangladesh

The Guidelines cover business ethics on a range of issues, including:

  • employment and industrial relations
  • human rights
  • environment
  • information disclosure
  • combating bribery
  • consumer interests
  • science and technology
  • competition
  • taxation.

Uncut diamond from the Democratic Republic of Congo

In addition, the OECD has developed more detailed guidance in a number of sectors to help enterprises implement the Guidelines and proactively identify risks of adverse impacts. These sectors include extractives, mineral supply chains, agricultural supply chains, garment supply chains, and the financial sector.[5] The work of the National Contact Points in support of this development is called the "proactive agenda."[6]

Supporting institutions[edit]

National Contact Points[edit]

According to the OECD Council decision each adhering country has to set up a National Contact Point [NCP], an entity responsible for the promotion of the Guidelines on a national level. It handles all enquiries and matters related to the Guidelines in that country, including investigating complaints [referred to as "specific instances"[7]] about a company operating in, or headquartered in that country. Some NCPS are based in a relevant government department; others are independent structures comprising government officials, trade unions, employers unions and sometimes non-governmental organisations.

Oil palm nursery in Indonesia

The functioning of the NCPs is reviewed every year and the findings are summarised in an annual report.[8] In order to improve their functioning and coherence across adherent countries, the NCPs established a peer review schedule in 2016 that plans 4-6 reviews annually. These peer reviews provide an in-depth focus on the functioning of individual NCPs.[9]

OECD Investment Committee[edit]

The OECD Investment Committee is the primary body responsible for overseeing the functioning of the Guidelines and implementation of all OECD investment instruments. The Committee consists of member states' senior officials from treasuries, economics, trade and industry, and foreign affairs ministries and central banks. All OECD member states are members of the Investment Committee. Argentina and Brazil are observers and the 13 non-Members that have subscribed to the Declaration participate in the work of the committee on issues related to the Guidelines. A Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct was established in 2013 as a subsidiary body of the Investment Committee to help implement the Guidelines and strengthen the system of National Contact Points.[10]

Advisory committees[edit]


  • The Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD [de]


  • The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD

Adhering countries[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Multilateral Agreement on Investment
  • OECD Anti-Bribery Convention


  1. ^ "Annual Report on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2020" [PDF]. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
  2. ^ "Guidelines for MNEs - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2021-02-11.
  3. ^ "Database of specific instances - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2021-02-11.
  4. ^ "2011 Update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - OECD".
  5. ^ "Sectors - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2017-09-30.
  6. ^ "Guidelines for MNEs - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2017-09-30.
  7. ^ "Guidelines for MNEs - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2017-09-30.
  8. ^ "Annual reports on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - OECD". Retrieved 2021-02-11.
  9. ^ "Guidelines for MNEs - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development". Retrieved 2021-02-11.
  10. ^ "On-Line Guide to OECD Intergovernmental Activity". Retrieved 2017-09-30.

External links[edit]

  • Text of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • Contact information of the NCPs
  • OECD Watch
  • TUAC OECD Guidelines Website
  • The OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises profile on database of market governance mechanisms

What is the main purpose of the OECD?

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] is a unique forum where the governments of 37 democracies with market-based economies collaborate to develop policy standards to promote sustainable economic growth.

What are the 2 aims of the OECD?

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.

What are the benefits of OECD?

Salaries and benefits.
Salaries exempt from income tax in most member countries. ... .
30 days of annual leave. ... .
Comprehensive medical insurance as well as paid parental leave and paid sick leave. ... .
Family allowances and education allowance. ... .
Expatriation allowance, home leave, as well as a removal and installation allowance..

How many countries benefit from the work of the OECD?

Through our standards, programmes and initiatives, we help drive and anchor reform in more than 100 countries around the world, building on our collective wisdom and shared values.

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