These are used to create and produce documents, presentations, databases, charts, graphs and more.


Microsoft Word is a text processing application. It allows the user to configure the attributes of a document, such as layout and the styles of content, and to add their content in a variety of ways and formats to produce documents.

  • Microsoft Word

    Commonly used text processing software

  • Making Word Work

    Our guide to using Word well


Microsoft Excel is an application used for creating and editing spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are commonly used to working with sets of data containing text and numbers and for generating graphs and charts.

Our guide to Spreadsheets introduces spreadsheets and has web and printable resources for using Excel.

  • Microsoft Excel

    Commonly used spreadsheet software


Microsoft PowerPoint is commonly used to create presentations using slides. Though often used to make simple, bullet-pointed presentations, it has has a range of features that can allow a range of media in your presentation. Our guide to Presentations takes you through how to use PowerPoint effectively.

It is also a great tool for creating posters, as the size of a slide can be changed to suit paper sizes and then the image options utilised to create posters without using image software. See more on our guide to Academic Posters [though of course you can make other kinds of posters using PowerPoint too].

  • Microsoft PowerPoint

    Commonly used presenting software


Microsoft Access is used when working with databases using relational data. This is data held in tables which are then linked according to the relationships between the data. Access processes data using queries and you can use forms and reports to interact with the data in a user-friendly way.

See our Databases guide for more information and resources on using Access.

  • Microsoft Access

    Commonly used database software

Further Office tips and tricks

Once you've mastered the basics of whichever Office applications you want to use, you might want to look into further features that help with tasks.

Microsoft have a selection of Office tips & tricks that can inspire you to work with these applications in different ways.

They also have a series of guides on making your content more accessible when using Office applications.

Got Office questions?

If you have specific questions about using Office, it is good to know where you can go to get answers.

On Microsoft's support pages, you can search for help with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and other applications such as Outlook and OneNote. These pages list different versions of Office [e.g. 2016, 2013, Online] so you can find the help applicable to the version of Office you are using.

If you cannot find the answer online, you can contact the IT Support Office at York for further help.

Miami, FL. Feb 10, 2022

Today productivity tools have become necessary for companies to execute their overall strategy successfully.

Employees use productivity tools to create and produce documents, databases, tables, charts, graphs, presentations, etc. In day-to-day office activities these tools are involved, such as performing daily computer tasks, creating address labels, writing and sharing an email, among others. But we want to introduce you to some of the benefits of using productivity tools.

Don’t lose these benefits of productivity tools for your business

Improve the quality of work:

Productivity and efficiency are significant factors that allow companies to be better every day and provide a better service, so more happy customers.

Productivity tools make it easier to set goals, assign tasks, track progress, create reports, and communicate with employees in real-time.

It is important to emphasize that the quality improvement should not be just with a few clicks and a productivity tool, but also teams should be committed to the process, share information, check the status of the project and review everyone's work. This improves the overall process and the final product. Productivity tools make this job easier!

Improved communication:

The right productivity tools promote communication at all company levels, even internal and external—for example, audio communications, e-mail, file sharing, and video conferencing. A team well-communicated is productive.

These features can be integrated into a single, easy-to-use, and customized software tool that streamlines all aspects of communications.

Another plus: With the home-office increment productivity tool is the opportunity to have team members located in multiple locations. And those who are in the same city can save travel costs and time, working from home.

Mobility and remote working:

Two features that we increasingly see as part of modern working life are mobility and telecommuting.

Since the COVID 19 pandemic, these two features have been in greater demand in almost all work areas.

These tools allow team members to perform at their best, regardless of where they are working. Employees stay connected to the project, even if they’re out of the office or home for a business meeting.

You can use a standard solution or, better yet, a customized solution for your company that has all the features you need to ensure your team's peak performance no matter where they are.

Easy performance tracking:

With productivity tools in business, managers can create tasks and determine objectives before assigning those tasks to team members.

Also, you can see in real-time the performance of employees concerning the designated purposes.

It not only allows you to highlight mistakes or bottlenecks, for example, promote good work done by employees or goal accomplishment. It brings more transparency and accountability to your system and motivates other team members to perform better, ultimately improving overall productivity.

Tracking progress is a necessary ingredient if you want to meet your deadlines. Failure to do so can lead to disastrous results.


Security is one of the essential aspects of these tools. If you decide and develop one, they can safeguard your, your company's, and your customers' critical information.

Fortunately, productivity tools come with a high level of security features that reduce security risks and keep your data safe from getting into the wrong hands.

It is possible to monitor installed applications, visited sites, customer information, accounts, transmitted messages, and much more. So, it protects your company's data from security breaches and unauthorized access.

Save your data in one place:

Productivity tools make it more accessible to share information by providing a single storage unit to store all your data.

You can store images, files, documents, datasheets, presentations, and much more.

All teammates with whom you share files and documents can quickly access them, allowing you to take necessary action without any delay.

Encourages task reporting:

Most productivity tools are designed to record team performance based on completed tasks.

In addition, it makes members vigilant to complete their work on time. You can add reminders for this purpose.

As a job is completed, it communicates with other members present on the task. Thus, by applying productivity tools in your business, employees will be result-oriented, and it will be easier to follow up and know the information.


Time is one of the most critical factors when working in companies. Only then can they guarantee a high level of service.

Using time wisely makes a big difference in your productivity.

Time management is a skill that is not easy to find. Productivity tools are excellent for this. Not only do they help you reach your goals well ahead of deadlines, but they even help you spend your time more wisely.

Tools steer you away from tasks that eat up your time and have little return and direct you to ways that maximize your efficiency.

Effective collaboration:

Small business owners juggle multiple projects and agendas. They need effective collaboration and individual accountability.

With productivity tools, it's easy to assign tasks and monitor their progress. Productivity tools also allow you to combine information from different sources and share updates with team members to keep track of project progress.

Messages can be sent to people for easy updates to stay informed of what's coming up and what tasks are pending.

Reducing paperwork:

Thanks to this software, paperwork is reduced to practically zero, and this avoids human error, damage of any document, loss, and greater security of information.

You also help your company contribute to the climate and create a clean image in the market. Nowadays, the environmental factor is considered for any company regardless of the area.

There are many more advantages of using productivity tools in your organization.

These tools can easily optimize your business processes and generate remarkable results this 2022. If you want to make changes in your company and improve it, the productivity tool will help you achieve significant progress in operations, which translates to customer satisfaction.

If you have any doubts about productivity tools in your business or just want to implement this solution, do not hesitate to ask, we will help you.

Cobuild Lab Team

Are used to create and produce documents presentations databases charts graphs and more?

Productivity software is a category of application programs that help users produce things such as documents, databases, graphs, spreadsheets and presentations.

What program is used to create new information such as text documents charts graphs tables and presentations?

Microsoft Office is a suite of applications designed to help with productivity and completing common tasks on a computer. You can create and edit documents containing text and images, work with data in spreadsheets and databases, and create presentations and posters.

What do you call the software that people use to create and produce professional quality documents presentations databases charts and graphics?

Productivity software [also called personal productivity software or office productivity software] is application software used for producing information [such as documents, presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital paintings, electronic music and digital video].

What is productivity tools in ICT?

Office productivity tools are applications that allow for the viewing, creating and modifying of general office documents [e.g. spreadsheets, memos, presentations, letters, personal database, form generation, image editing, etc.]. Office productivity tools also include applications for managing employee tasks.

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