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15 Best Among Us Streamers, Ranked By Skill

Plenty of streamers took to playing Among Us at its peak popularity. But only some really made a name for themselves thanks to their in-game skills.

In the lonely, lockdown-heavy year of 2020, a game would come out of nowhere [or, at least, 2018] that would show people that the best way to bond again is to be constantly at each other's throats. Innersloth's Among Us has become a sleeper hit, party game after its viral success on streaming platforms. It gave people an easy, accessible way to spend time with one another under one game while also teaching them subtle tricks for either manipulating one another or detective work.

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Teaching some of the best tricks out there for either catching the Impostor, being the Impostor, or just ruining friendships in record time are the best players in the world who've made their mark with entertaining content, unique strategies, and some big wins in the game's recent rise as an eSport.

Updated July 4, 2021 by Tom Bowen: After a slight dip in popularity at the beginning of the year, Among Us is back in the spotlight following the release of the Airship map. A fifth map was also announced during the 2021 Summer Game Fest, which, if released promptly, will likely see the game remain popular right through into 2022. Unlike a lot of other games, however, much of Among Us' popularity comes not from people playing the game, but instead through watching others do so online. Whether through Twitch or on Facebook or YouTube, these Among Us streamers are not only entertaining to watch, but also incredibly skillful too.

15 Valkyrae

Rachel "Valkyrae" Hoffsetter is one of the most popular streamers on Twitch and can often be found playing Among Us. Her streams are full of energy, with a lot of funny moments littered throughout. That's not to say that there aren't also a lot of great plays too, however.

Valkyrae's powers of deception are incredibly impressive, making her an excellent impostor. The way that she casually casts doubt on innocent players while brushing off the suspicions of others is at times masterful and her strategies for kills and sabotages are usually well thought through.

14 Pokimane

She might not play the game quite as much as she used to, but when she does, Pokimane's Among Us streams are a joy to watch. She's always full of enthusiasm and her upbeat energy and quirky responses make it difficult not to crack a smile while watching.

Some streamers have been known to change when their channels start to take off, but Pokimane remains as down to earth as ever. She also happens to be very good at Among Us, with her vast understanding of the game making her streams not just entertaining, but also educational too.

13 Nogla

Nogla can regularly be found playing with other big Among Us streamers like Ludwig and xQc. He may not be quite as well-known as his playing partners, but he is every bit as good at the game; particularly when it comes to playing as an imposter.

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His stealthy approach to killings allows him to slip under the radar more often than not and he's very good at defending himself in the event that someone gets suspicious. He's not too bad as a crewmate either, mind, with his deep understanding of the game allowing him to identify impostors with a surprising degree of accuracy.

12 Sydnee Goodman

Though perhaps best known for her work on IGN's The Daily Fix, Sydnee Goodman also enjoys streaming in her free time. She plays a fairly wide variety of games on her Twitch channel, but is arguably at her most entertaining when she's playing Among Us.

Her approach to playing the game is enjoyable enough to watch as is, but it's the way that she engages with her stream that really draws in the viewers. She does an excellent job of explaining her strategies and is also happy to answer any questions that viewers might have about her job or the gaming industry in general as she plays.

11 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's work as a politician means that she doesn't have much time for streaming. When she does, however, she's great to watch and offers something completely different than those who stream full-time or on a fairly regular basis.

Her very first stream saw her playing Among Us with the likes of Pokimane and Lupo and she demonstrated some fairly impressive deduction skills for somebody new to the game. She also took the opportunity to engage with some of her viewers about politics, raising awareness of key issues while also responding to some of their questions.

10 Classify

Classify may very well be one of the most underrated Among Us players out there. While he is an active participant in the recent tournaments, he's mostly known for his laidback attitude and funny content. However, whenever he plays the game, he's one of the hardest people to read and one of the most vicious Impostors.

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Let no one forget that, for a short time, he was the winner of Code Red's Among Us tournament back in November before a clerical error was discovered. Nonetheless, his consistency and talent in the game shouldn't go untold.

9 Ludwig

Ludwig Anders Ahgren made his name in the gaming world through some notable plays as a Smash Bros. player and color commentator. However, when he got into Among Us, he didn't use his fighting game, twitch skills but, in fact, his own English degree to become a master liar in the game.

As an Impostor, Ludwig can use his extensive vocabulary and sense of narrative structure to lie his way out of any situation. As a Crewmate, he's constantly searching for inconsistencies within other people's narratives. He's a tactical player who's consistently ranked high within Among Us tournaments and a proud example of an English degree at work.

8 m0xyy

m0xyy is more famous for being one of the most popular and hilarious Overwatch streamers out there. And while he still maintains that same, funny spirit in Among Us, one shouldn't let that charisma underestimate him as a player. m0xyy has the competitive spirit necessary to make quick, efficient kills in the game and the natural cool to play a good liar.

He also does really well in a co-op Impostor though his trust has cost him some games. Ranking consistently high in tournament play, m0xy definitely has some moxie.

7 moistcr1tikal

While moistcr1tikal's crude commentary is understandably not for everybody, there's no denying that he's become a popular presence among the Among Us community and a talented one at that. Much like most other streamers, cr1tikal is simply goofing around with his friends and sometimes even public lobbies.

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However, he's quickly adapted to the various nuances of the game and can instinctively react to them as both a tough Impostor and an insightful Crewmate, all while sharing his iconic, colorful vocabulary.

6 Corpse Husband

Corpse Husband hasn't always been famous as a game streamer. His main claim to internet fame is as a horror narrator, recollecting various but true horror tales that he manages to find. This is an ideal line of content for him given his iconic deep and imposing voice.

That same voice is what's made him one of the most dangerous Among Us players out there. He's already picked up the ropes in the game pretty quick but really stands out as an Impostor whose lies are near indistinguishable in tone from his truths and still manage to be as threatening.

5 Yeti Apocalypse

Yeti Apocalypse is one of the most acclaimed Among Us players out there who really made his mark as the winner of the first, ever professional Among Us tournament hosted by FaZe Clan.

This should be even more impressive given that he wasn't even initially part of the tournament but was instead brought in at the last second. For his most loyal fans, Yeti was unsurprising as one of the most well-balanced players out there, effectively playing in both Crewmate and Impostor positions.

4 xQc

xQc's Among Us playstyle and perhaps even his entire type of content are not for everybody, leaving many to accuse him as one of the most annoying Among Us players. He's become famous among streamers for his loud, abrasive playthroughs, qualities that have manifested as major advantages within the game.

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There's no denying that xQx has certainly played enough of the game to become one of the most methodical players who can personally catch Impostors from a mile away. As an Impostor himself, he can both make quick kills as well as use his abrasive nature to keep people from accusing him.

3 Trainwreckstv

Trainwreckstv, or, to some, just Train, has become one of the most popular Among Us streamers within the game's recent spike in popularity. He's become one of the most reputable players out there mostly because of his very strategic and logical plays.

Train already knows the types of pathing and plays that have become the core of the game and can use that knowledge to either catch Impostors or trick Crewmates. It should also be noted that he's already won both of Code Red's recent Among Us tournaments.

2 Disguised Toast

Disguised Toast is far from a competitive person, but he's easily one of the most impressive and talked about Among Us players out there. While he's never formally enrolled in a tournament, Toast has taken on and consistently beaten some of the best players in the world using both his complex rhetoric and expert detective skills.

More of a showman than a fighter, Disguised Toast has become more famous as of late for creating new tricks and challenges in the game to make the game and his playthroughs even more entertaining.

1 5up

5up may not have a clear accolade to his name, but he's frequently ranked high within the few Among Us tournaments out there and is easily one of the most consistent and influential Among Us players out there. And while he does a great job as a Crewmate, he's become more famous as one of the most entertaining Impostors out there.

He's constantly creating new strategies to either create strategies for himself or new obstacles for his opponents, and these tricks and tips have easily made their rounds across the Among Us community.

NEXT: Games To Play If You Like Among Us

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Sean Cubillas [6 Articles Published]
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