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How an Unemployed 27-Year-Old Man Makes His Living Trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

By Wang Xiangwei , Published on ,

Have You Ever Considered Making Money Online?

Liang Qiang of Dongguan, China was tired of worrying all the time where the next pay check would come from. Life seemed merely a succession of bills and worrying about how to pay them. One late night while surfing the internet, curiosity got the best of him and he decided to look into making money online. His long hours of research paid off and he discovered a secret system that would help him get a break in life. He was finally able to make a good salary and at the same time have enough free time to enjoy his life.

I read Liang's blog last month and decided to feature his story in our job report. In our phone interview he told me his amazing story. "I basically make about ¥32000[approximately $5000 usd] per month online. It's more than enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I hardly work at all."

Working online has been a big break for Liang, who struggled for months going from one dead end job to another. "I lost my job a year ago and since then have been unable to find a steady paying job, I needed a reliable income, I was not interested in the "get rich quick" scams you see all over the internet. Those are all pyramid scams or things where you have to sell to your friends and family. I just needed a legitimate way to earn a living. The best part of working online is that I chose what hours I work and at the same time have plenty of leisure time to enjoy as well."

"I basically make ¥32000 per month online."
-Liang Qiang

I asked him how he discovered his secret to success. "Honestly, it was easier than you would think. I found a youtube video online, where a couple traveled all over the world and were able to fund their adventures through trading Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. So I decided to look into exactly what cryptocurrencies were. I had zero experience with finance but I was willing to try anything to make some extra money."

In his search for information on cryptocurrency he discovered the Olymp Trade website. Here he was able to test out and learn how to trade easily using their free demo account. They feature an interactive training program that let him easily learn how to profit from cryptocurrency. He soon found out trading cryptocurrencies was actually fairly easy and took only a little practice and perseverance. After he watched his demo training account build up in profit he switched to a real account and started making real money.

Olymp Trade is known as the leader in cryptocurrency trading platforms online. It gives its users everything they need to learn to profit from trading. Additionally, they are also currently doubling their users deposits to help promote their trading platform. You can deposit as little as $5 USD into your account and they will add another $5 to your balance as a bonus. No matter how much you deposit they will double it!

People use their computers everyday but rarely do they think of using them to make money. Recently however, with the boom in people getting rich from trading Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, more people are quitting their jobs to work online. Cryptocurrency trading is easy to understand even for people who have never engaged in stock trading. Liang is not alone when it comes to people making a good living online, we have been able to talk to a lot of people in China and all over Asia with compelling stories of how cryptocurrency has changed their lives.

Remember, its always better to start small if you are a beginner. Dont risk a lot of money when initially starting out. With the Olymp Trade Platform you can start trading with a minimal amount of investment. Remember, large profit doesnt have to mean large investment. So its advisable to start small, and slowly increase your trading account as you make profit and add to your account by reinvesting what youve made.

Here's how to get started:

Step 1:
Go to Olymp Trade, fill out a basic online form and hit submit.

Step 2:
Take a test run on a free demo account and learn how to make money trading cryptocurrency.

Step 3:
Switch to a real account and start making real money. You should receive your first check within a week or so. Or you can have your profits automatically deposited into your bank account.

WARNING - Deadline for the Free Bonus Deposits Ends on

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  • Recent Facebook Comments

    • 朱有连

      I saw this on the news. It's great he found a way to support himself online.

      Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
    • Chan Myae

      I was kind of worried about the entire thing. I've never made money online before. But, I did just join and all ready made some money on my demo account. so I will post back how it goes!

      Reply . 6 . Like . 13 minutes ago
    • Steven Chew

      Does this really work? Has anyone tried this yet?

      Reply . 19 . Like . 46 minutes ago
      • Shi Yong Guan

        Steven, yes this really works. Its not that hard either. You just have to guess the trending movement of the market. There are tools on Olymp Trade that help you do this. Test it out on the free demo account they give you. This is truly a simple and effective way to make money online. I don't have any experience in working online, but I was able to make money.

        Reply . Like 25 minutes ago
    • Sama Almclawea

      Thanks for the information. I actually started trading 2 weeks ago. I've made some good money so far. I'm so happy!

      Reply . 53 . Like . 1 hour ago
    • 周生瑞

      I'm going to try this out for sure!

      Reply . 3 . Like . 1 hour ago
    • Lung Feng Hsieh

      I'd just like to add my story, I think others would like to hear it. I was always scared about making money online because they always seemed to be scams. I however decided to try this out and made an account on Olymp Trade. I traded for a few days using the demo account and then after I felt confident I decided to invest a small amount of money into trading bitcoin with real money. It worked like a charm - I was earning money right away! Please try this out, there is no easier way to make money. Just be sure to practice first using a demo account.

      Reply . . Like . 2 hours ago
    • Ramzi Ben Soltana

      How about you guys start actually doing some legitimate reporting instead of wasting space with these lame stories.

      Reply . 12 . Like .2 hours ago
    • Sriprae Yeepa

      My friend told me about this the other day and I thought she was joking. Can't believe this is actually true. I'm going to give this a try.

      Reply . 30 . Like .2 hours ago
    • Shwe Yee Win

      I just wanted to tell everyone I got my first payment today for 3k usd! This is ridiculously easy

      Reply . 53 . Like .2 hours ago
    • Pooja Patel

      Even though I was skeptical i went ahead and registered any account. And everything looks great, I've already made some money!!

      Reply . 16 . Like .2 hours ago
    • Qing Fang

      It's nice to read this story. I am glad Liang is making money, Gives me hope that it will work for me too!

      Reply . 2 . Like .2 hours ago
    • 張廣清
      Got back from work and just received my first payment!
      Reply . 11 . Like .2 hours ago
    • Aileen Yang

      I just got a demo account with olymp trade. Thanks for the advice! I will keep in touch.. I could be making some extra money soon...:]

      Reply . 33 . Like . 2 hours ago
    • Li Mei Zhu

      Just a quick notice... It does work but, I did lose some money a few time. So far though, I've made more money than I've lost. So I'm happy, but just be careful.

      Reply . 23 . Like . 3 hours ago
    • Raft Almuntsir

      Who cares...

      Reply . 6 . Like . 3 hours ago
    • Wafa Souissi

      I will do anything to never have to work at my job...if I could be my own boss that would be amazing...

      Reply . 2 . Like .3 hours ago
    • Abdulrasheed Babatunde

      Does this really work guys..? how much effort do I have to put?

      Reply . 17 . Like .4 hours ago
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