What is a decision tree diagram?

Decision Tree Analysis Definition

Decision tree analysis is the process of drawing a decision tree, which is a graphic representation of various alternative solutions that are available to solve a given problem, in order to determine the most effective courses of action. Decision trees are comprised of nodes and branches - nodes represent a test on an attribute and branches represent potential alternative outcomes.

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What is Decision Tree Analysis?

A decision tree is a tree-like model that acts as a decision support tool, visually displaying decisions and their potential outcomes, consequences, and costs. From there, the “branches” can easily be evaluated and compared in order to select the best courses of action.

Decision tree analysis is helpful for solving problems, revealing potential opportunities, and making complex decisions regarding cost management, operations management, organization strategies, project selection, and production methods.

Drawing a decision tree diagram starts from left to right and consists of “burst” nodes that split into different paths. Nodes are categorized as Root nodes, which compiles the whole sample and is then split into multiple sets; Decision nodes, typically represented by squares, are sub-nodes that diverge into further possibilities; and the Terminal node, typically represented by triangles, is the final node that shows the final outcome that cannot be further categorized.

Branches, or lines, represent the various available alternatives, and sub-nodes can be eliminated via Pruning. Decision trees can be hand-drawn or created with the use of decision tree software. Analysis can be performed manually, via decision tree analysis in R, or via automated software.

Five Steps of Decision Tree Analysis

The steps in decision tree analysis consist of:

  1. Define the problem area for which decision making is necessary. 
  2. Draw a decision tree with all possible solutions and their consequences.
  3. Input relevant variables with their respective probability values.
  4. Determine and allocate payoffs for each possible outcome. 
  5. Calculate the Expected Monetary Value for every chance node in order to determine which solution is expected to provide the most value. Circles represent chance nodes in a tree diagram.

Popular applications include: decision tree analysis in risk management, decision tree analysis in healthcare, decision tree analysis in capital budgeting, decision tree business analysis, and decision tree analysis in finance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Tree Analysis

There are risks and rewards associated with the process of decision tree analysis. The advantages of decision tree analysis include: simple and easy to interpret decision trees; valuable without requiring large amounts of hard data; helps decision makers ascertain best, worst, and expected results for various scenarios; and can be combined with various decision techniques.

When using decision tree analysis, there may also be some disadvantages. Disadvantages include: uncertain values can lead to complex calculations and uncertain outcomes; decision trees are unstable, and minor data changes can lead to major structure changes; information gain in decision trees can be biased; and decision trees can often be relatively inaccurate. A popular alternative to decision trees is the influence diagram, which is a more compact, mathematical graphical representation of a decision situation.

Does HEAVY.AI Offer a Decision Tree Analysis Solution?

Data visualization can better depict and explain algorithms common in machine learning, such as the decision tree and the neural network. HEAVY.AI Immerse is a browser-based, interactive data visualization client that works seamlessly with HEAVY.AIiDB and Render to create an immersive data experience. Immerse generates SQL queries to the HEAVY.AI backend at the click of a button, and uses instantaneous cross-filtering to dramatically reduce the time to insights and expand an analyst's ability to find previously hidden insights. Analysts can even hand write SQL queries to effortlessly create new dashboards, charts and graphs.

Getting to know the Decision Tree Diagram

Introducing the Decision Tree Diagram

Decision Trees are an effective way of graphically representing a number of options and provide a mechanism to investigate the possible outcomes and benefits of choosing those options. They can also assist the analyst to form a balanced picture of the risks and benefits associated with each possible course of action. They are a close cousin of the Decision Table but have the benefit of being graphical. Enterprise Architect has a purpose-built diagram allowing complex decisions to be modeled and displayed including probabilities and uncertainty.

Where to find the Decision Tree Diagram

Ribbon: Design > Diagram > Add > Strategic Modeling > Decision Tree

Browser window Toolbar : New Diagram icon > Strategic Modeling > Decision Tree

Browser window context menu | Add Diagram... > Strategic Modeling > Decision Tree

Usage of the Decision Tree Diagram

Decision Trees can be used to help in decision making processes, particularly when the decision involves a complex set of conditions that have different likelihoods of occurrence. They can be used for strategic or operational decision analysis and can help to formalize the basis of decision making particularly when it is imperative that actions that are taken are based on formal analysis or have expensive consequences. A Decision Tree can be used to present a graphical picture of a Decision Table for stakeholders who are more comfortable viewing diagrams rather than tables and documents.

Options for the Decision Tree Diagram

Decision Trees can be drawn with varying levels of formality from simple trees with a series of decisions resulting in outcomes to more formal trees that involve uncertainty with probability values assigned or formulaic expressions with input parameters. The 'Decision Tree' toolbox page contains a range of elements that can be used, and two Patterns that can be used to create a diagram giving the analyst a starting point.

Diagram Filters can also be used when presenting the diagrams to draw attention to parts of the diagrams and the diagrams can be presented as hand drawn or in a whiteboard style by changing the properties of the diagram.

Learn more about the Decision Tree Diagram

Decision Tree Diagram

What is a decision tree simple definition?

A decision tree is a graph that uses a branching method to illustrate every possible output for a specific input. Decision trees can be drawn by hand or created with a graphics program or specialized software. Informally, decision trees are useful for focusing discussion when a group must make a decision.

What is decision trees and example?

What is a Decision Tree? A decision tree is a very specific type of probability tree that enables you to make a decision about some kind of process. For example, you might want to choose between manufacturing item A or item B, or investing in choice 1, choice 2, or choice 3.

What is a decision tree used for?

Decision Trees [DTs] are a non-parametric supervised learning method used for classification and regression. The goal is to create a model that predicts the value of a target variable by learning simple decision rules inferred from the data features.

What is the difference between a decision tree and a flowchart?

Decision trees are different from flowcharts because flowcharts are used to describe the tasks involved in a process, which could include multiple decisions along the way. Decision trees are for a single decision or classification.

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