What is the correct way to run all the Doctests in a given file from the command line Linkedin?


Q1.What is an abstract class?

class exists only so that other “concrete” classes can inherit from the abstract class.// CORRECT

Q2.What happens when you use the build – in function “any[]” on a list?

The “any[]” function returns True if any item in the list evaluates to True.Otherwise, it returns False. // CORRECT

Q4.What is a static method? Static methods are called static because they always return “None”. Static methods can be bound to either a class or an instance of a class.

They serve mostly as utility methods or helper methods, since they can’t access or modify a class’s state. // CORRECT

Q5.What are attributes?

class Function arguments are called “attributes” in the context of class methods and instance methods.// CORRECT

Q6.What is the term to describe this code?
count, fruit, price = [2, ‘apple’, 3.5]

tuple assignment // CORRECT

Q7.What built – in list method would you use to remove items from a list?

“.pop[]” method // CORRECT

Q8.What is one of the most common use of Python’s sys library?
To capture command-line arguments given at a file’s runtime //CORRECT

Q9.What is the runtime of accessing a value in a dictionary by using its key?

“O[1]”, also called constant time // CORRECT

Q10.What is the correct syntax for defining a class called Game?

class Game: pass // CORRECT

Q11.What is the correct way to write a doctest?
def sum[a, b]:
sum[4, 3]

sum[-4, 5]
return a + b

def sum[a, b]: //CORRECT

Q12.What buit – in Python data type is commonly used to represent a stack?
set list // CORRECT

Q13.What would this expression return?
college_years = [‘Freshman’, ‘Sophomore’, ‘Junior’, ‘Senior’]
return list[enumerate[college_years, 2019]
[[‘Freshman’, 2019], [‘Sophomore’, 2020], [‘Junior’, 2021], [‘Senior’, 2022]]
[[2019, 2020, 2021, 2022], [‘Freshman’, ‘Sophomore’, ‘Junior’, ‘Senior’]]
[[‘Freshman’, ‘Sophomore’, ‘Junior’, ‘Senior’], [2019, 2020, 2021, 2022]]
[[2019, ‘Freshman’], [2020, ‘Sophomore’], [2021, ‘Junior’], [2022, ‘Senior’]] // CORRECT

Q14.How does “defaultdict” work?

“defaultdict” forces a dictionary to only accept keys that are of the types specified when you created the “defaultdict” [such as string or integers].// CORRECT

Q15.What is the correct syntax for defining a class called “Game”, if it inherits from a parent class called “LogicGame”?

class Game[LogicGame]: pass // CORRECT

Q16.What is the purpose of the “self” keyword when defining or calling instance methods?

self refers to the instance whose method was called // CORRECT

Q17.Which of these is NOT a characteristic of namedtuples?

No import is needed to use namedtuples because they are available in the standard library // CORRECT

Q18.What is an instance method?

Instance methods can modify the state of an instance or the state of its parent class //CORRECT

Q19.Which choice is the most syntactically correct example of the conditional branching?

num_people = 5

if num_people > 10;
print[“There is a lot of people in the pool.”]
if num_people > 4;
print[“There are some people in the pool.”]
if num_people > 0;
print[“There are a few people in the pool.”]
print[“There is no one in the pool.”]

num_people = 5 // CORRECT

Q20.Which statement does NOT describe the object-oriented programming concept of encapsulation?

It only allows the data to be changed by methods // CORRECT

Q21.What is the purpose of an if / else statement?
An if / else statement executes one chunk of code if a condition it true, but a different chunk of code if the condition is false // CORRECT

Q22.What buit – in Python data type is commonly used to represent a queue?

list // CORRECT

Q23.What is the correct syntax for instantiating a new object of the type Game?

my_game = [Game] // CORRECT

Q24.What does the built-in map[] function do?

It applies a function to each item in an iterable and returns the value of that function. // CORRECT

Q25.If you don’t explicitly return a value from a function, what happens?

If the return keyword is absent, the function will return None. // CORRECT

Q26.What is the purpose of the pass statement in Python?
It is a null operation used mainly as a placeholder in functions, classes, etc. // CORRECT

Q27.What is the term used to describe items that may be passed into a function?

arguments // CORRECT

Q28.Which collection type is used to associate values with unique keys?

dictionary // CORRECT

Q29.When does a for loop stop iterating?

when it encounters an if / else statement that contains a break keyword // CORRECT

Q30.Assuming the node is in a singly linked list, what is the runtime complexity of searching for a specific node within a singly linked list?

The runtime is O[n] because in the worst case, the node you are searching for is the last node, and every node in the linked list must be visited.// CORRECT

Q31.Given the following three lists, how would you create a new list that matches the desired output printed below?
fruits = [‘apples’, ‘oranges’, ‘bananas’]
quantities = [5, 3, 4]
prices = [1.50, 2.25, 0.89]

# Desired output
[[‘Apples’, 5, 1.50],
[‘Oranges’, 3, 2.25],
[‘Bananas’, 4, 0.89]]

for fruit in fruits:
temp_qty = quantities[i]
temp_price = prices[i]
output.append[[fruit, temp_qty, temp_price]]
i += 1
return output
groceries = zip[fruits, quantities, prices] // CORRECT

Q32.What happens when you use the built-in function all[] on a list?
The all[] function returns True if all items in the list evaluate to True. Otherwise, it returns False. // CORRECT

Q33.What is the correct syntax for calling an instance method on a class named Game?

>> > dice.roll[] // CORRECT

Q34.Correct representation of doctest for function in Python

def sum[a, b]: //CORRECT
>>> a = 1
>>> b = 2
>>> sum[a, b]

return a + b

What is the correct syntax for defining An_init__ method that sets instance specific attributes upon creation of a new class instance?

This is Expert Verified Answer The right syntax for defining an __init__[] method that sets instance-specific attributes upon creation of a new class instance is def __init__[self]: pass.

What is the term used to describe items that may be passed into a function Linkedin?

Attributes are strings that describe characteristics of a class. Function arguments are called "attributes" in the context of class methods and instance methods.

What is the correct syntax for instantiating a new object of the type game in Python?

Instantiating a class in Python is simple. To instantiate a class, we simply call the class as if it were a function, passing the arguments that the __init__ method defines. The return value will be the newly created object.

What is the correct way to write a Doctest Python Linkedin?

Follow the below steps to write a function with doctest..
Import the doctest module..
Write the function with docstring. Inside the docstring, write the following two lines for testing of the same function. >>> ... .
Write the function code..
Now, call the doctest. testmod[name=function_name, verbose=True] function for testing..

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