What is the function of sensory adaptation?

The world around us is full of information. Our brains have to work hard to process all that information as well as determine what information is most important for us to survive or communicate with others or make decisions. One of the best tools we have to accomplish this is through sensory adaptation.

  • In this article, we will begin with the definition of sensory adaptation.
  • Then, let's look at a few sensory adaptation examples.
  • As we continue, we will compare sensory adaptation to habituation.
  • We will then look at the diminished effects of sensory adaptation for individuals with autism.
  • Finally, we will wrap up by uncovering the advantages and disadvantages of sensory adaptation.

Sensory Adaptation Definition

In order to process all the stimulus information in our world, our bodies have several sensors that can process that information. We have five primary senses:

  • Smell

  • Taste

  • Touch

  • Sight

  • Hearing

While our brain can process a lot of sensory information at once, it cannot process it all. Therefore, it uses several techniques to pick and choose the most important information to process. One of these techniques is called sensory adaptation.

Sensory adaptation is a physiological process in which the processing of unchanging or repeated sensory information is reduced in the brain over time.

After a stimulus has occurred several times or remained unchanged, the nerve cells in our brains begin to fire less frequently until the brain is no longer processing that information. Several factors affect the likelihood and intensity of sensory adaptation. For example, the strength or intensity of the stimulus can affect the likelihood of sensory adaptation occurring.

Sensory adaptation will occur more quickly for the sound of a quiet ring than for the sound of a loud alarm.

Sensory adaptation in sight. Freepik.com

Another factor that can affect sensory adaptation is our past experiences. In psychology, this is often referred to as our perceptual set.

Perceptual set refers to our personal set of mental expectations and assumptions based on our past experiences that affects how we hear, taste, feel, and see.

A newborn baby's perceptual set is very limited because they haven't had very many experiences. They often stare for a long time at things they have never seen before like a banana or an elephant. However, as their perceptual set grows to include these previous experiences, sensory adaptation kicks in and they are less likely to stare or even notice the banana the next time they see it.

Sensory Adaptation Examples

Sensory adaptation occurs for all of us all day, every day. We've already discussed one example of sensory adaptation for hearing. Let's take a look at a few sensory adaptation examples that you have probably experienced with our other senses.

Have you ever borrowed someone's pen and then walked away because you forgot the pen was in your hand? This is an example of sensory adaptation with touch. Over time, your brain gets used to the pen in your hand and those nerve cells begin to fire less frequently.

Or perhaps you've walked into a room that smells like rotten food but over time you can barely notice it. You thought it was going away after a while but when you leave the room and come back, you're hit the smell stronger than before. The smell did not go away, rather, sensory adaptation was at play as your continued exposure to that smell caused your nerve cells to fire less frequently.

Sensory adaptation in taste. Freepik.com

The first bite of the food you ordered was amazing! You could taste so many flavors that you had never tasted before. However, while every bite is still delicious, you do not notice all the flavors you initially noticed on the very first bite. This is the result of sensory adaptation, as your nerve cells adapt and the new flavors become more and more familiar after every bite.

Sensory adaptation occurs less frequently in our daily lives for sight because our eyes are constantly moving and adjusting.

To test if the sensory adaptation does still occur for sight, researchers designed a way for an image to move based on the movements of a person's eye. This meant that the image remained unchanged to the eye. They found that pieces of the image did in fact disappear or come in and out for several of the participants due to sensory adaptation.

Sensory Adaptation vs Habituation

Another way in which the brain filters through all the sensory information we receive is through habituation. Habituation is very similar to sensory adaptation in that they both involve repeated exposure to sensory information.

Habituation occurs when our behavioral response to a repeated stimulus diminishes over time.

Habituation is a type of learning that occurs by choice while adaptation is considered a a.

You can find several examples of habituation just in nature. A snail will quickly crawl into its shell the first time they are poked by a stick. The second time, it will crawl back but will not remain in its shell for as long. Eventually, after some time, the snail might not even crawl to its shell after being poked because it has learned that the stick is not a threat.

Sensory Adaptation Autism

Sensory adaptation occurs for all of us. However, some may be more sensitive to it than others. For example, individuals with autism experience reduced sensory adaptation.

Autism spectrum disorder [ASD] is a brain or neurological and developmental condition that affects a person's social communication and behavior.

Individuals with autism have both high sensitivity and low sensitivity to sensory stimuli. High sensitivity occurs because sensory adaptation does not occur as frequently for individuals with autism. When sensory adaptation occurs less frequently, that individual is more likely to remain highly sensitive to any sensory input. Sensory adaption may occur less frequently because they do not access their perceptual set to process sensory information as often as others. As we discussed earlier, our perceptual set can affect how quickly sensory adaptation occurs. If this perceptual set is not accessed as frequently, sensory adaptation is less likely to occur.

If you are in a large crowd, sensory adaptation will kick in, and eventually, you will become less sensitive to the sound. However, individuals with autism often have a difficult time in large crowds because of their reduced sensory adaptation.

Sensory adaptation hearing. Freepik.com

Sensory Adaptation Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several sensory adaptation advantages and disadvantages. As we mentioned earlier, sensory adaptation allows the brain to filter sensory information around us. This helps us conserve our time, energy, and attention so we can focus on the most important sensory information.

Thanks to sensory adaptation, you can zone out the sound of the class in the other room so you can focus on what your teacher is saying. Imagine if you could never zone them out. Learning would be extremely difficult.

Sensory adaptation is an incredibly useful tool, but it is not without disadvantages. Sensory adaptation is not a perfect system. Sometimes, the brain may become less sensitive to information that turns out to be important after all. Sensory information occurs naturally and sometimes, we can't be in control or be fully aware of when it happens.

Sensory Adaptation - Key takeaways

  • Sensory adaptation is a physiological process in which the processing of unchanging or repeated sensory information is reduced in the brain over time.
  • Examples of sensory adaptation involve our 5 senses: taste, smell, sight, hearing, and smell.
  • Habituation occurs when our behavioral response to a repeated stimulus diminishes over time. It is important to note that habituation is a type of learning that occurs by choice while adaptation is considered a physiological response.
  • Sensory adaptation allows the brain to filter sensory information around us. This allows us to focus on sensory information that is important and prevents us from wasting time, energy, and attention on irrelevant stimuli.
  • Individuals with autism experience reduced sensory adaptation due to decreased use of their perceptual set.

What are the effects of sensory adaptation?

Thus, the net effect of sensory adaptation in the cortex is to decrease the overall neuronal response rate across the stimuli while increasing the total variability as well as correlations in variability [noise correlation] across neurons in the cortex.

What are some examples of sensory adaptation?

Examples of Sensory Adaptation.
Visual Adaptation. When we step into a darkened room from a bright, sunny day outdoors, we are temporarily unable to make out our surroundings. ... .
Sound Adaptation. Noise adaptation is very common as well. ... .
Touch Adaptation. ... .
Smell and Taste Adaptation..

What is sensory adaption in psychology?

Sensory adaptation is the process in which changes in the sensitivity of sensory receptors occur in relation to the stimulus. All senses are believed to experience sensory adaptation. However, some experimental psychologists say that the sense of pain does not experience this phenomenon.

How does sensory adaptation influence perception?

Sensory adaptation occurs when we become less sensitive to some aspects of our environment, freeing us to focus on more important changes. Perceptual constancy allows us to perceive an object as the same, despite changes in sensation.

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