Which framework helps firms identify their economic legal ethical and philanthropic obligations to society quizlet?

- organizations, groups, and individuals that can affect or be affected by a firm's actions
- internal stakeholders -employees [executives, managers, & workers], stockholders and board members
- external stakeholders - customers, suppliers, alliance partners, creditors, unions, communities, governments at various levels, and the media

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philanthropic responsibilities-corporate citizenship

ethical responsibilities-do what is right, just, and fair

legal responsibilities-laws and regulations are society's codified ethics; define minimum acceptable standard

economic responsibilities- gain and sustain competitive advantage

Which framework helps firms identify their economic legal ethical and philanthropic obligations to society?

In summary, the four part CSR definition forms a conceptual framework that includes the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic or discretionary expectations that society places on businesses at a given point in time.

What are the five steps to complete a stakeholder impact analysis?

Stakeholder Management: Stakeholder Analysis in Five Steps.
Guest Post by Joe Schembri..
Stakeholders are critical to the success of any project and should be included in every major assessment and decision. ... .
#1 Identify..
#2 Sort..
#4 Analyze..
#5 Record..

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