Which of the following are the two major communication tools of the communication process?

It doesn't take long for a small-business owner to discover a few truisms about marketing: there is a bevy of mediums to choose from and, contrary to what some people may say, none of them is free – not even public relations, which is often billed as “free advertising.”

Once you come to terms with these truisms, it should make it slightly easier to evaluate your marketing communications choices with a more critical eye – in terms of the opportunity they portend, the challenges they pose and how you can expect to pay for them. The six major modes of communication in marketing include advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion. You may depend on one or two of these mediums more than the others, but over the lifespan of your small business, all of them will probably play a role in drawing new customers through your front door or your “internet door.”

Evaluate Advertising for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: For the purposes of this exercise, it will help to delineate traditional advertising from digital advertising, which has become a category unto itself. In this case, think of traditional advertising in terms of two subcategories: television and radio [broadcast] and newspapers and magazines [print].

Advertising has always held the promise of reaching these mass audiences to achieve one of four basic objectives: to inform, persuade, differentiate and remind, especially about the features and benefits of a product. These messages “work best” – in others, take root in someone's conscious thoughts – through the force of repetition, which is why marketers often counsel against “one-hit wonders.” They seldom work, unless you're prepared to spend several million dollars to produce a Super Bowl commercial.

Challenges it poses: There is no doubt that fewer people are gravitating to traditional broadcast and print mediums; the descent has been remarkably consistent for nearly 20 years and in sync with the emergence of the internet. But it would be short-sighted to discount traditional advertising mediums altogether – unless your “ideal customer” has, too. Research shows they're still hanging on.

Cost is another deterrent. You may even regard it as a painful irony since many small-business owners could benefit from advertising's image-building, brand-awareness strengths. But many small-business owners cannot afford to place advertising in their communication mix until much later in their business' lifespan.

How you can expect to pay: You can establish a marketing department in your small business, or you can hire a professional services firm. Either choice is better than placing your advertising in the hands of amateurs, even well-intentioned ones. It may be expensive to pay people to create and place an ad, but it can cost you even more in the long run to produce a bad one. Your good name, image and reputation should be worth the weight of gold – and treated that way.

Evaluate Digital Marketing for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: Another marketing truism holds that the goal is to “make the right offer at the right time and in the right place.” But who would have guessed that the smartphone would do more than revolutionize the way people communicate; it would revolutionize marketing, too. With more people now doing most of their searching by the device they hold in their hands – not the device sitting atop their desk at home or work – digital marketing has stepped in to fill myriad gaps.

Think of digital marketing as any marketing communications tactic that takes place online, especially website content, social media and email marketing. Some marketers like to say that advertising has become more “sophisticated” by going digital. This is a value judgment for you to decide, but there is little doubt that digital marketing is portable, interactive, shareable, targetable and adaptable.

The latter two qualities are particularly worth noting. Unlike “mass” advertising, digital marketing allows you to tailor content and offers to your target customers. And if you happen to “miss” your target? You can swiftly make changes in real time – a move that eludes you with other, slower-moving advertising mediums. These qualities contribute to making digital marketing more cost-effective, too.

Challenges it poses: If your gut feeling is that digital marketing carries a frenzied aura, just wait until you commit to it. For commit to it you must – at least if you want to maximize the results.

Today's consumers demand fresh content, new offers and enticing promotions. The days of publishing website pages and then letting them go stale for years on end are long gone – at least for competitive business owners. Today's consumers will abandon a search if a web page doesn't load fast enough. Research shows they'll move along to the next business in their search list if their other needs aren't met, too.

How you can expect to pay: This kind of intensity isn't suited to every small business. Neither is the ensuing time and financial commitments, which can be both steady and considerable.

Evaluate Direct Marketing for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: Direct marketing doesn't contain a modifier for nothing. If you know exactly who your target customer is, you can drop a letter, postcard, coupon, catalog directly in his hands.

If you're in marketing mode, direct marketing is most appropriate when:

  • A company sells a product or service directly to customers. Sales are heavily dependent on promotions, discounts and special offers. The primary distribution method is the mail or a shipping service.* A company depends heavily on reorders/renewals.
  • An advertising message cannot be contained to a short sound bite or concise statement.

To elevate direct mail above the pejorative grouping of “junk mail,” it should be personalized beyond the inclusion of a first and last name. Few things are more off-putting than an envelope addressed to “Resident.” The best direct marketing pieces also include messages that suggest the sender knows something insightful about the recipient, such as that he takes vitamin supplements, gets his oil changed religiously or likes dining out on Friday nights. In this context, consumers tend to regard direct marketing as helpful – a resource that guides them to smart purchasing decisions.

Challenges it poses: This type of information – a blend of demographic and psychographic data – takes time to cull. And because it takes time, it requires money, in terms of staff time.

Marketers have also long decried direct mail's “crowded marketplace” and low response rate. It tends to arrive in a bundle, where it can be easily missed or discarded, and a “good” percentage is only about 2 or 3 percent. This is where the small-business owner must be judicious about execution. In other words, that 2 or 3 percent can pay off handsomely, especially with higher-priced products or services that spawn a repetitive need.

How you can expect to pay: It's easy to assume that direct mail's cost is lopsided at the beginning, when it must be created and delivered. But the “sticker” actually stays on much longer, particularly if a small business treats his direct mail list as something akin to the golden goose, which it can surely become. Also, the business model that underscores direct marketing – business-to-consumer – requires a company to keep a steady focus on customer service, both to retain existing customers and also to win new ones.

Evaluate Personal Selling for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: It's no understatement to say that personal selling is a way of life for many small-business owners. When your life is wrapped up in a business – and vice versa – it's easy for people to accuse a business owner of “selling” when he's simply “conversing.” Either way, the flexibility of personal selling is one of its chief attractions; it can be done anywhere, at virtually any time. Of course, personal selling can be taken to an extreme; picture the neighbor who turns a friendly social hour into a high-pressure sales session. But it has other, more “proper” places, too, such as:

  • Field calls [in someone's home or office].
  • In-store consultations.* Demonstrations.
  • Trade shows.
  • Virtual [online] demonstrations.

The ability to tailor a message – and then tweak and gently modify it based on the customer's response, or lack of it – makes personal selling an irresistible addition to any small-business communication mix.

Challenges it poses: As the owner, you are the best ambassador – and sales representative – for your business. Once you start expanding sales duties to other people, you step into the field of sales training, where message content, pitch and consistency are paramount.

How you can expect to pay: Personal selling costs can vary widely – from being wrapped up in the salary you're already paying someone on your support staff to the commission you may be paying a full-time sales person. Then there are the potential costs of travel and lodging. But even these costs can pale to the expense of retraining, which is why keeping motivated, loyal and can-do people is vital to so many small businesses.

Evaluate Public Relations for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: Many towns have at least one: the small-business owner who seems to be everywhere. He attends chamber of commerce meetings and gives presentations. He's a fixture in the schools as a guest speaker, and he sponsors a youth sports league. You see him working at charity events and neighborhood barbecues, and he marches in community parades.

Just when his name has faded from your conscious thoughts, he flashes before your eyes again, this time with his name and face under a headline in the regional business paper, soaking up all that “free advertising.” In fact, this business owner has mastered the fine art of public relations, easily the most expansive component among the six modes of marketing communications. If you're really ambitious, public relations can become a full-time job for someone who works on your behalf to:

  • Promote your business. Burnish your image. Elevate your business profile. Cultivate community relationships. Position you as an industry expert and go-to source of information.
  • Deal with a public crisis, should one develop.
  • Convene press conferences.* Pitch media representatives to write about you – to generate all that “free advertising.”
  • Organize tours and open houses.* Nominate you for awards and other forms of public recognition.
  • Bolster sales.

Challenges it poses: This is by no means an exhaustive list, though some small-business owners consider public relations to be exhausting. It's not because of a lack of excitement or variety but a lack of control. In other words, you can stage the most newsworthy press conference, distribute the most polished press kit and offer the most riveting visuals. But still there is no guarantee that any “free advertising” will materialize.

Even in the most skilled, professional hands, public relations is a gamble. This is why marketing professionals try to head off disappointment by warning their clients: If it's a guaranteed placement you seek, purchase an ad instead.

How you can expect to pay: Clearly, you can spend as much or as little as you wish on public relations. You will see results, but only if your PR is threaded strategically and you give the initiatives time to work.

Evaluate Sales Promotion for Your Communication Mix

Opportunities it presents: Few tactics can pique curiosity and generate sales like promotions. They run the gamut and can include coupons, discounts, sample and premium give-aways, two-for deals, loyalty programs, free shipping, sweepstakes, contests and rebates. Sales promotions are often the lifeblood of new businesses, which must find a way to stand out and make their presence known in a crowded marketplace.

Challenges it poses: Over the long term, sales promotions require a deft and restrained hand. It's true that consumers love “freebies.” But it's also true that consumers can become skeptical of a business that hands out too many. In other words, an abundance or a steady stream of sales promotions can run the risk of impugning a brand and undercutting its value and prestige. This helps explain why frequent flyer programs have been so successful for the airlines; the programs are singular and focused on only one goal: rewarding loyal customers.

How you can expect to pay: Savvy small-business owners see this dynamic on the horizon – and work hard to integrate sales promotions in their marketing communications mix in a limited way. A business consultant or dispassionate third party might be in the best position to offer the type of strategic advice that focuses on achieving your long-term marketing goals – and the kind of loyal, long-term customers that every small-business owner needs.

What is the combination of 2 or more communication tools called?

Unified communications [UC] is an umbrella term for the integration of multiple enterprise communication tools -- such as voice calling, video conferencing, instant messaging [IM], presence, content sharing, etc.

What are the 2 types of communications commonly used by marketers?

The six major modes of communication in marketing include advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion.

What are the communication processes in marketing communication?

Marketing communication is an effective way of conveying a company's message to its customers about its brand, products and services. The basic marketing communication process involves the following constituents: Sender, Encoding, Transfer Mechanism, Feedback, Response and Decoding.

Which of the following communication tools is most effective for generating awareness of a brand?

Advertising & Sales Promotions Advertising is one of the most prominent and widely used communication tools in a marketing campaign, as its main feature is increasing awareness. Ads can be effective not only for marketing your product or service, but also for marketing your brand.

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