Which of the following method cannot be used for handling uncertainty in rule based expert system

Bruce G. Buchanan    Richard O. Duda   1982


An expert system is a computer program that provides expert-level solutions to ��important problems and is:

  • heuristic -- i.e., it reasons with judgmental knowledge as well as with formal knowledge of established theories;
  • transparent -- i.e., it provides explanations of its line of reasoning and answers to queries about its knowledge;
  • flexible -- i.e., it integrates new knowledge incrementally into its existing store of knowledge 

The key ideas have been developed within Artificial Intelligence [AI] over the last fifteen years, but in the last few years more and more applications of these ideas have been made. The purpose of this article is to familiarize readers with the architecture and construction of one Important class of expert systems, called rule-based systems. In this overview, many programs and issues are necessarily omitted, but we attempt to provide a framework for understanding this advancing frontier of computer science.
Because computers are general symbol manipulating devices, the non-numeric and heuristic aspects of problem solving can be encoded in computer programs as well as the mathematical and algorithmic aspects [Newel176].Artificial Intelligence research has focused on just this point. Work on expert systems is, in one sense, the applied side of AI, in which current techniques arc applied to problems to provide expert-level help on those problems. However, there is more to building an expert system than straightforward application of AI techniques. In this early stage of development, each new application challenges the current stock of ideas, and many applications force extensions and modifications.
We focus on rule-based systems in this survey because they clearly demonstrate the state of the art in building expert systems and illustrate the main issues. In a rule-based system, much of the knowledge is represented as rules, that is, as conditional sentences relating statements of facts with one another. Modus ponens is the primary rule of inference by which a system adds new facts to a growing data base:

      IF B IS TRUE                                        B

      AND B IMPLIES C,             OR               B --> c

      THEN C IS TRUE.                                 --------


Conceptually, the basic framework of a rule-based. system is simple; the variations needed to deal with the complexities of real-world problems make the framework interestingly more complex. For example, the rule B-X is often interpreted to mean ��B suggests C��, and strict deductive reasoning with rules gives way to plausible reasoning. Other methodologies are also mentioned and briefly discussed.
In an expert system the fundamental assumption is ��Knowledge is Power��. Specific knowledge of the task is coupled with general problem solving knowledge to provide expert-level analyses of difficult situations. For example, MYCIN [described below] analyzes medical data about a patient with a severe infection, PROSPECTOR [Duda79] analyzes geological data to aid in mineral exploration, and PUFF [Kunz78] analyzes the medical condition of a person with respiratory problems. In order to provide such analyses, these systems need very specific rules containing the necessary textbook and judgmental knowledge about their domains.
The key idea is to separate knowledge of the task area as much as possible from the procedures that manipulate it. This promotes flexibility and transparency because the store of knowledge -- called the knowledge base -- can then be manipulated and examined as any other data structures. Separation does not guarantee flexibility or transparency, nor does it guarantee high performance. But if a packaged framework of inferences and control procedures can be used, the design of a new system properly focuses on the expertise needed for high performance.
For many years, AI research has focused on heuristic reasoning. Heuristics, or rules of thumb, arc an essential key to intelligent problem solving because computationally feasible, mathematically precise methods are known for only a relatively few classes of problems. A large part of what an expert system needs to know is the body of heuristics that specialists use in solving hard problems. Specialists in science, mathematics, medicine or any discipline do not confine their everyday reasoning to the axiomatic, formal style of stereotyped textbook accounts. An expert system can also benefit from reasoning with informal knowledge. There is no explicit attempt .to simulate a specialist��s problem solving behavior in an expert system. However, the system derives power from integrating the same heuristic knowledge as experts USC with the same informal style of reasoning. The first expert systems, DENDRAL [Lindsay80] and MACSYMA [Moses71], emphasized performance, the former in organic chemistry and the latter in symbolic integration. These systems were built in the mid-1960��s, and were nearly unique in AI because of their focus on real-world problems and on specialized knowledge. In the 1970��s, work on expert systems began to flower, especially in medical problem areas [see, for example [Pople77, Shortliffe76, Szolovits78, Weiss79b]]. The issues of making the system understandable through explanations [Scott77, Swartout81] and of making the system flexible enough to acquire new knowledge [Davis79, Mitchell79] were emphasized in these and later systems.
In the early work, the process of constructing each new system was tedious because each was custom-crafted. The major difficulty was acquiring the requisite knowledge from experts and reworking it in a form fit for machine consumption, a process�� that has come to be known as knowledge engineering. One of the most important developments of the late 1970��s and early 1980��s is the construction of several knowledge engineering frameworks designed to aid in building, debugging, interpreting, and explaining expert systems. �� Engineering an expert��s knowledge into .a usable form for a program is a formidable task. Thus computer-based aids for system builders are important. Current tools -- including EMYCIN [vanMelle80] ROSIE [Fain81], KAS[Reboh81], EXPERT [Weiss79a], and OPS [Forgy77] -- provide considerable help. For example, working prototypes of new expert systems with one or two dozen rules have been constructed in a few days using EMYCIN [Bennett81a]. Considerable effort is then required to refine the knowledge base, but the effort is focused on the knowledge and not on the code. Much research remains, however, before broad, powerful systems can be constructed quickly.

1.1 Example: The MYCIN Program

MYCIN is a rule-based system developed in the mid-late 1970��s at Stanford University. Its representation and architecture are described in detail in [Davis77b] and [Shortliffe, 1976]. Although it is now several years old, it is representative of the state of the art of expert systems in its external behavior, which is shown in the following excerpt from a dialogue between the MYCIN program and a physician. It illustrates the interactive nature of most rule-based systems and provides a single example for the rest of the discussion.
The task of MYCIN is to help diagnose the likely causes of a patient��s infection and to help recommend the best therapy for that individual patient. The consultation is driven by a knowledge base of about 450 rules and a thousand facts about medicine, mostly about meningitis infections. In the example, we see the system asking questions to obtain a description of a new case, and we see the system providing an explanation of its line of reasoning.
The main point of this example is that a simple representation of knowledge as rules, and a relatively simple control structure, are adequate for constructing a consultation system in a domain as complex [but narrow!] as meningitis diagnosis and therapy. Appendix A shows answers to user��s questions about this consultation and about the knowledge base.
The level of expertise MYCIN exhibited on meningitis test cases in a double-blind evaluation study equalled the level of expertise of faculty members in Infectious Diseases [Yu79]. However, the program was never put into routine use in hospitals. Factors other than the program��s competence, such as human engineering and exportability, were the main barriers to routine use. There are two ways of overcoming these kinds of problems. First, some follow-on research to MYCIN addresses the human engineering problems directly, for example, by integrating high quality graphics with user-oriented forms and charts for input and output [Shortliffe81]. Second, some MYCIN-like programs finesse many human engineering problems  by collecting data from on-line instruments rather than from users [Kunz78]. Exportability can be gained by rewriting [Carhart79, Kunz78] or by designing for export initially [Weiss79a].

1.2 Key Components

The example showed some of the characteristic features of an expert system-- the heuristic nature of MYCIN��S rules, an explanation of its line of reasoning, and the modular form of rules in its knowledge base. We postponed a discussion of the general structure of a system until after the example, and defer entirely specific questions about implementation. For discussing the general structure, we describe a generalization of MYCIN, called EMYCIN [vanMelle80] for ��essential MYCIN��. It is a framework for constructing and running rule-based systems, like MYCIN.
Generally speaking, an expert system requires a knowledge base and an inference procedure. The knowledge base for MYCIN is a set of rules and facts covering specialized knowledge of meningitis as well as some general knowledge about medicine. The inference procedure in MYCIN [and all systems constructed in EMYCIN] is a large set of INTERLISP functions that control the interaction and update the current state of knowledge about the case at hand. The sections below on Representation and Inference discuss these two main parts. A system also requires a global database of facts known or inferred about a specific case, the working dataset, in other words. And it requires an interface program that makes the output understandable to users and translates users�� input into internal forms. MYCIN uses a technical subset of English in which there is little ambiguity in the language of communication with users.
In addition to these four parts, the EMYCIN system contains an explanation subsystem to answer questions about a consultation or about the static knowledge base. It also contains a knowledge base editor to aid in the construction of new knowledge bases [and thus new systems] and to aid in debugging an emerging knowledge base. All of these components are shown schematically in the figure below.


We turn now to two basic issues that have become the central foci of work on expert systems: [a] how knowledge of a task area is represented in the computer program, and [b] how knowledge is used to provide expert-level solutions to problems.



A representation is a set of conventions for describing the world. In the parlance of AI, the representation of knowledge is the commitment to a vocabulary, data structures, and programs that allow knowledge of a domain to be acquired and used. This has long .been a central research topic in AI [see [Amarel81, Barr81, Brachman80, Cohen82] for reviews of relevant work].
The results of 25 years of AI research on representation have been used to establish convenient ways of describing parts of the world. No one believes. the current. representation methods are the final word.
However, they are well enough developed that they can be used for problem solving in interesting domains. As pointed out above, a central concern is separation of the choice of vocabulary and data structures from the choice of program logic and language. By separating a program��s knowledge base from the inference procedures that work with the knowledge, we have attained some success in building systems that are understandable and extendable.
Three basic requirements on a representation scheme in an expert system are extendability, simplicity and explicitness.

Extendability -- the data structures and access programs must be flexible enough to allow extensions to the knowledge base without forcing substantial revisions. The knowledge base will contain heuristics that are built out of experts�� experience. Not only do the experts fail to remember all relevant heuristics they use, but their experience gives them new heuristics and forces modifications to the old ones. New cases require new distinctions. Moreover, the most effective way we have found for building a knowledge base is by incremental improvement. Experts cannot define a complete knowledge base all at once for interesting problem areas, but they can define a subset and then refine it over many weeks or months of examining its consequences. All this argues for treating the knowledge base of an expert system as an open-ended set of facts and relations, and keeping the items of knowledge as modular as possible.

Simplicity -- We have all seen data structures that were so baroque as to be incomprehensible, and thus unchangeable. The flexibility we argued for above requires conceptual simplicity and uniformity so that access routines can be written [and themselves modified occasionally as needed]. Once the syntax of the knowledge base is fixed, the access routines can be fixed to a large extent. Knowledge acquisition, for example, can take place with the expert insulated from the data structures by access routines that make the knowledge base appear simple, whether it is or not. However, new reasons will appear for accessing the knowledge base as in explanation of the contents of the knowledge base, analysis of the links among items, display, or tutoring. With each of these reasons, simple data structures pay large benefits. From the designer��s point of vi& there are two ways of maintaining conceptual simplicity: keeping the form of knowledge as homogeneous as possible or writing special access functions for non-uniform representations. There is another sense of simplicity that needs mentioning as well. That is the simplicity that comes ,from using roughly the same terminology as the experts use. Programmers often find ingenious alternative ways of representing and coding what a specialist has requested, a fact that sometimes makes processing more ��efficient�� but makes modifying the knowledge base a nightmare.

Explicitness-- The point of representing much of an expert��s knowledge is to give the system a rich enough knowledge base for high-performance problem solving. But because a knowledge base must be built incrementally, it is necessary to provide means for inspecting and debugging it easily. With items of knowledge represented explicitly, in relatively simple terms, the experts who are building knowledge bases can determine what items are present and [by inference] which are absent.
To achieve these goals, three types of representation framework have been used in expert systems. Although we concentrate on r&-based systems in the sections below, we also mention frame-based and logic-based systems by way of contrast. Such frameworks are often called representation languages because, as with other programming languages, their conventions impose a rigid set of restrictions on how one can express and reason about facts in the world. In all of these languages, one can express conditional expressions and causal dependencies. In rule-based systems, however, one sacrifices the ability to express many other general kinds of relations in favor of the homogeneity and simplicity of conditional rules. These frameworks, also, often include inference and control routines making them even more like languages.


2.1 Rule-Based Representation Frameworks

2.1.1 Production Systems

Rule-based expert systems evolved from a more general class of computational models known as production systems [Newel173]. Instead of viewing computation as a prespecified sequence of operations, production systems view computation as the process of applying transformation rules in a sequence determined by the data. Where some rule-based systems [McDermott80] employ the production-system formalism very strictly, others such as MYCIN have taken great liberties with it. However, the. production system framework provides concepts that are of great use in understanding all rule-based systems.
A classical production system has three major components: [1] a global database that contains facts or assertions about the particular problem being solved, [2] a rulebase that contains the general knowledge about the problem domain, and [3] a rule interpreter that carries out the problem solving process.
The facts in the global database can be represented in any convenient formalism, such as arrays, strings of symbols, or list structures. The rules have the form


In general, the left-hand-side [LHS] or condition part of a rule can be any pattern that can be matched against the database. It is usually allowed to contain variables that might be bound in different ways, depending upon how the match is made. Once a match is made, the right-hand-side [RHS] or action part of the rule can be executed. In general, the action can be any arbitrary procedure employing the bound variables. In particular, it can result in addition of new facts to the database, or modification of old facts in the database.
The rule interpreter has the task of deciding which rules to apply. It decides how the condition of a selected rule should be matched to the database, and monitors the problem-solving process. When it is used in an interactive program, it can turn to the user and ask for information [facts] that might permit the application of a rule.
The strategy used by the rule interpreter is called the control strategy. The rule interpreter for a classical production system executes rules in a ��recognize-act�� cycle. Here the rule interpreter cycles through the condition parts of the rules, looking for one that matches the current data base, and executing the associated actions for [some or all] rules that do match. As we point out in Section 3, there are many other ways to control the application of rules, but in all cases the result of executing actions is to change the data base, enabling the application of some rules and disabling others.
At this level of generality, production systems are capable of arbitrarily complex behavior. The many ways in which conditions might be matched and variables might be bound, the many factors that might be important for rule selection, and the complicated effects of executing  the rule actions can quickly lead to very difficult control problems. As one specific example, in many problem solving systems the application of one rule can invalidate conditions needed for the application of a previously applied rule; to cope with such possibilities, the rule interpreter may have to employ backtracking strategies, or may have to maintain and starch detailed records of the interdependencies between facts in the database.
Many of the expert systems constructed to date are have controlled this complexity by sacrificing the ability to perform general problem-solving tasks. They have achieved their competence by specializing -- by exploiting the fallible but effective heuristic methods that human experts bring to a particular class of problems. Many of the high-performance systems [including MYCIN] can be characterized as simple deduction systems, programs in which a fact once entered in the global database [whether by the user or by the application of a rule] is never subsequently deleted. .Their actions are typically limited to the addition of new facts to the database. In the remainder of this section, we use EMYCIN as a concrete, specific example of a rule-based approach to expert systems. While other rule-based systems have made other design tradeoffs, EMYCIN illustrates well the issues that arc involved.

2.1.2 EMYCIN Viewed as a Production System

To see how EMYCIN uses the production system formalism to represent knowledge, we must see how it represents facts about the current problem in its database, and how it represents general knowledge in its rules.
In all EMYCIN systems, facts are associative triples, that is, attribute-object-value triples, with an associated degree of certainty [called a certainty factor, or CF]. More generally, the EMYCIN syntax for statements of fact [both within the database and within rules] is:

The of is with certainty

In the MYCIN dialog shown above, fact triples are shown in the explanations as individual clauses of rules. For example, after Question #35, one fact that has been established is ��the type of the infection is bacterial". It can, also be seen that each question is asking for a value to be associated with an attribute of an object. In Question # 35, for example, MYCIN is asking whether or not the infection of the patient is hospital-acquired.
A rule is a conditional sentence relating several fact statements in a logical relation. The nature of the relation varies from rule to rule. Often rules record mere empirical associations -- rules of thumb based on past experience with little theoretical justification. Other rules are statements of theoretical associations, definitions, or causal laws.
The condition part of an EMYCIN rule is called its premise. In general, an EMYCIN premise is the conjunction of a number of clauses. Each clause is a simple statement concerning the facts, such as ��the age of the patient is greater than 10 days", or ��the identity of the infection is unknown. �� To enable EMYCIN to query the database to determine to what degree a clause might  be true, each clause includes a matching predicate that specifies how the statement is to be compared against the database of facts. In particular, a matching predicate is. not required to return a binary answer, but may return a number between 0 and 1 indicating how much evidence there is that the predicate is satisfied. About two dozen matching predicates are a standard part of EMYCIN, including is the same as, is not the same as, has already been established, is not known, is greater than [for comparing numerical values], and so forth.

    The basic EMYCIN syntax for a rule is:

      PREMISE:                [$AND [

      Class[x, bird]

      amounts to a definition, and can be used, together with relevant facts, to deduce logically whether or not an object is a bird. On the other hand, a rule such as

      State.[engine, won't turn over] & State[headlights, dim] -->

      State[battery, discharged]

      is a ��rule-of-thumb�� whose conclusion, though plausible, is not always correct.

      Clearly, uncertainty is introduced whenever such a judgmental rule is employed. In addition, the conclusions of a logical rule can also be uncertain if the facts it employs arc uncertain. Both kinds of uncertainty are frequently encountered in expert systems applications. However, in either case we arc using the rule to, draw conclusions from premises, and there are many common or analogous issues. In this section we temporarily ignore the complications introduced by uncertainty, and consider methods for using rules when everything is certain.
      In terms of the production-systems model of r&-based expert systems, this section is concerned with the rule interpreter. As we mentioned in Section 2, the rule interpreter for a production system for unrestricted problem solving may have to employ complicated procedures to handle such things as pattern matching, variable binding, rule selection, and backtracking. To simplify our problem further, we shall restrict our attention to simple deduction systems, programs whose actions are essentially limited to adding new facts to the global database. Our intent is to describe the general characteristics of the commonly used rule interpreters without becoming entangled in the detailed mechanisms they employ; control strategies for more general problem solving systems are described in [Nilsson80].

      3.2 Control

      In this section we describe three commonly used control strategies: [1] data-driven, [2] goal-driven, and [3] mixed. Since control concerns are procedural, we shall describe these strategies semi-formally as if they were programs written in a dialect of PASCAL, a ��Pidgin PASCAL.�� It is important to note at the outset, however, that these procedures are formal, employing no special knowledge about the problem domain; none of them possesses an intrinsic power to prevent combinatorial explosions. This has led to the notion of incorporating explicitly represented control knowledge in the rule interpreter, and idea that we discuss briefly at the end of this section.

      3.2.1 Data-Driven Control

      With data-driven control, rules are applied whenever their left-hand-side conditions are satisfied. To use this strategy, one must begin by entering  information about the current problem as facts in the database. The following simplified procedure, which we shall call ��Respond,�� can then be used to execute a basic data-driven strategy.

        Procedure Respond;

        Scan the database for the set S of applicable rules;

        While S is non-empty and the problem is unsolved do


          Call Select-Rule[S] to select a rule R from S;

          Apply R and update the database;

          Scan the database for the set S of applicable rules


      Here we assume that a rule is applicable whenever there are facts in the database that satisfy the conditions in its left-hand side. If there are no applicable rules, there is nothing to be done, except perhaps to return to the user and ask him or her to supply some additional information. [And, of course, if the problem is solved, there is nothing more to do.]
      If there is only one applicable rule, the obvious thing to do is to apply it. Its application will enter new facts in the database. While that may either enable or disable previously inapplicable rules, by our assumption it will never disable a previously applicable rule.
      If there is more than one applicable rule, we have the problem of deciding which one to apply. Procedure Select-Rule has the responsibility for making this decision. Different data-driven strategies differ greatly in the amount of problem-solving effort they devote to rule selection. A simple and inexpensive strategy is to select the first rule that is encountered in the scan for S -- ��doing the first thing that comes to mind.�� Unfortunately, unless the rules are favorably ordered, this can result in many useless steps. Elaborations intended to overcome such shortcomings can make data-driven control arbitrarily complex.
      Data-driven control is very popular, as is evidenced by the fact that it is known by so many different names [bottom-up, forward chaining, pattern-directed, or antecedent reasoning]. R1 is an excellent example of an expert system that employs this strategy [McDermott80]. The popularity of data-driven control derives largely from the fact that such a program can respond quickly to input from the user, rather than forcing the user to wait until the program gets around to what the user wants to talk about.
      We have already mentioned the potential inefficiency of this strategy. Other problems that are often overlooked can arise for programs intended to be used by naive users. For example, as a data-directed program fires off one rule after another, its behavior can appear to be aimless, undermining a user��s confidence in its soundness. Also, since the user must begin by entering a set of facts, some kind of a language is needed to convert facts as expressed in the user��s terms into the appropriate internal representation; menu systems may provide an acceptable solution, but a need for greater flexibility is frequently encountered. Both of these problems can be circumvented by using goal-driven control.

      3.2.2 Goal-Driven Control

      A goal-driven control strategy focuses its efforts by only considering rules that are applicable to some particular goal. Since we are limiting ourselves to rules that can add simple facts to the database, achieving a goal G is synonymous with showing that the fact statement corresponding to G is true. In nontrivial problems, achieving a goal requires setting up and achieving subgoals. This can also lead to fruitless wandering if most of the subgoals are unachievable, but at least there is always a path from any subgoal to the original goal.
      Suppose that the user specifies a goal statement G whose truth is to be determined -- typically a fact that the user would like to have present in the database. Then the following simplified procedure, which we shall call ��Achieve,�� carries out a basic goal-driven strategy.

          Procedure Achieve[G];

          Scan the knowledge base for the set S of rules that determine G;

          If S is empty then ask the user about G else

            While G is unknown and rules remain in S do


            Call Choose-Rule[S] to choose a rule R from S;

            G' A in a rule-based system, then some procedure must be invoked to change the probability of A from P[A] to P[A��B] whenever this rule is applied.
            In a typical diagnosis situation, we think of A as a ��cause�� and B as an ��effect,�� and view the computation of P[A��B] as an inference that the cause is present upon observation of the effect. The expert often finds it easier to estimate P[B��A] -- the probability of observing the effect B when the cause A is active. In medical situations, this is further justified by the argument that the probability of a disease given a symptom may vary with time and place, while the probability of a symptom given a disease remains invariant [Lusted68]. Thus, Bayes�� Rule is commonly employed to compute P[A��B] from P[B��A].
            It turns out that the important information that is needed to employ Bayes�� Rule is the prior probability P[A] and the likelihood ratio L defined by

            where P[BI-A] is the probability of observing effect B when cause A is absent.

            If we think of the link between B and A as being expressed by a rule of the form B -4 A, then we can think of the logarithm of the likelihood ratio L as representing the strength or weight of the rule; rules with positive weights increase the probability of A, and rules with negative weights decrease it.
            Two generalizations are needed to employ this result in practice. First, we need a way to combine the effects of several rules, particularly when they are in conflict. Second, we need a way to employ uncertain evidence. While a thorough treatment of these topics is beyond the scope of this paper, it is useful to explore this topic sufficiently to reveal the problems that are encountered and the general nature of their solutions.

            4.2.1 Corn bining Rules

            Suppose that we have n plausible rules of the form

            each with its own weight. Formally, the generalization of Bayes�� Rule is simple. We merely consider B to be the conjunction , and use the likelihood ratio

            The problem with this solution is that it implies that we not only have weights for the individual rules connecting the , to A, but that we also have weights for the pairs and B,, and so on, not to mention combinations involving negations when the evidence is known to be absent. This not only leads to extensive, nonintuitive computations, not directly related to the rules, but also requires forcing the expert to estimate a very large number of weight values.
            A major simplification can be achieved if it is possible to assume that the are statistically independent, both when A is present [true] and when A is not present [false]. In,that case, the conditional probabilities shown above factor, and L simplifies to the product of the separate likelihood ratios. In other words, under that assumption, we need only have one weight associated with each rule, and we can combine the effects of several pieces of evidence by adding the separate weights.
            In general, of course, this assumption is not justified. In fact, it can be shown that the assumption cannot be made repeatedly when there are multiple assertions. In its extreme form, this approach suggests designing an expert system by gathering all the evidence that bears in any way on a final conclusion A and going in, one step from the observations to the conclusion. Such an approach typically founders on the complexity of the interactions among observations that are not even approximately independent.
            The pragmatic solution to this problem places the responsibility on the knowledge engineer to see that the rules are properly structured. Many problems caused by interactions can be solved by employing a hierarchical structure, with several levels of assertions between the direct observations and the final conclusions. The goal is to localize and limit tic interactions, and to have a relatively small number of clauses in a condition and a relatively small number of rules sharing a common conclusion. Note that this limitation on the number of rules does not reduce the amount of evidence considered in reaching a conclusion, but rather controls the ways in which the observations are allowed to interact. A hierarchical structure is typically employed by the experts themselves to reduce the complexity of a problem. Wherever the remaining interactions still prevent the assumption of local independence, the rules have to be reformulated to achieve the desired behavior. For example, in the strongly interacting situation where , suggests A and suggests A, but the simultaneous presence of both and rules out A one may have to augment the rule set

            {[ --> A with weight Ll]

            [ --> A with weight L2] }

            with the rule [ & --> A with weight-m]. Thus, rather than viewing probability theory as a paradigm that prescribes how information should be processed, the knowledge engineer employs it as a tool to obtain the desired behavior.

            4.2.2 Uncertain Evidence

            There are two reasons why an assertion B might be uncertain: [1] the user might have said that B is uncertain, or [2] the program might have deduced B using a plausible rule. If we want to use B in a rule to compute P[A��B], the question then arises as to how to discount the conclusion because of the uncertainty associated with B.
            Let E symbolize whatever evidence was used to determine B, and let P[B��E] denote the current probability of B. Then our problem is to compute P[A]E], the current probability of A given this same evidence. It is shown in [Duda76] that under certain reasonable assumptions we should be able to compute P[A��E] by the formula

            P[A��E] = P[A��B]*P[B��E] + P[A����B]*[1 - P[B��E]]

            This formula certainly works in the extreme cases of complete certainty. That is, if we know that B is true we obtain P[A��B], and if we know that B is false we obtain P[A����B]. Unfortunately, a serious problem arises in intermediate cases. In particular, suppose that E actually supplies no information about B, so that P[B��E] is the same as the prior probability P[B]. While the formula above promises to yield the prior probability P[A], when the computation is based on numerical values obtained from the expert, the resulting value for P[A��E] will usually not agree with the expert��s estimate for the prior probability P[A]. That is, the four quantities P[A], P[B], P[A��B] and P[A����B] are not independent, and the expert��s subjective estimates for them arc almost surely
            numerically inconsistent.
            In this particular case, the problem can be solved in various ways [such as by not asking the expert for P[A], but by computing it from P[A] = P[A��B]P[B] + P[A����B]P[��B]]. However, that only makes the parameters for one rule consistent, and the solution is not at all obvious when there is a network of rules that have inconsistent values for probability parameters. The solution adopted in the PROSPECTOR system was to replace the above expression for P[A��E] by a piecewise linear function of P[B��E] that yields the expert��s estimate for P[A] when P[B��E] is numerically equal to the expert��s estimate for P[B] [see [Duda76]]. Interestingly, the resulting formulas turn out to be closely related to the certainty measure used in MYCIN, which we consider next.

            4.3 Certainty Theory

            We have seen several problems that arise in using traditional probability theory to quantify uncertainty in expert systems. Not the least of these is the need to specify numerical values for prior probabilities. While an expert may be willing to say how certain he or she feels about a conclusion A when evidence B is present, he or she may be most reluctant to specify a probability for A in the absence of any evidence, particularly when rare but important events are involved. Indeed, some of the problems that are encountered in obtaining consistent estimates of subjective probabilities may well be due to the fact that the expert is not able to separate probability from utility or significance, and is really expressing some unspecified measure of importance.
            To accommodate this reality, the designers of the MYCIN system developed a theory of certainty that provides a simple and effective alternative approach [Shortliffe75]. The central notion is that we can associate a certainty measure C[A] with every assertion A, where C = 1 if A is known to be true, C = -1 if A is known to be false, and C = 0 if nothing is known about A. A similar certainty factor CF is associated with every rule. The theory consists of procedures for updating certainties as rules are applied, and an analysis of the properties of these procedures.
            The procedures for updating certainties are easily stated. Initially, the certainty associated with any assertion is 0. If a rule says that B --> A with a certainty factor CF, then the certainty of A is changed to CF when B is observed to be true. Only two things remain to be specified: [1] the procedure for combining evidence when more than one rule concludes A, and [2] the treatment of uncertain evidence. We consider each of these in turn.

            4.3.1 Cornbining Evidence

            Suppose that [1] the present certainty of an event A is CA [which may be non zero because of the previous application of rules that conclude A], [2] there is an unused rule of the form B --> A with a certainty factor CF, and [3] B is observed to be true. Then the EMYCIN formula for updating C[A] to C[A��B] is


            This is the EMYCIN analog of the procedure of multiplying likelihood ratios to combine ��independent�� evidence. By applying it repeatedly, one can combine the conclusions of any number of rules . Aside from being easy to compute, it has several other desirable properties. First, the resulting certainty C[A��B] always lies between -1 and 1, being +l if CA or CF is +l, and -1 if CA or CF is -1. When contradictory conclusions are combined [so that CA = -CF], the resulting certainty is 0. Except at the singular points [1, -1] and [-1, l], C[A��B] is a continuous function of CA and CF, increasing monotonically in each variable. The formula is symmetric in CA and CF, and the results it yields when more than two pieces of evidence are combined are independent of the order in which they are considered.
            Of course, none of these properties prove that this is the ��correct�� way to combine the conclusions of rules. Indeed, the results will be wrong in strongly interacting cases such as our previous example in which ,suggests A and , suggests A, but the simultaneous presence of , and , rules out A. As with the use of Bayesian methods, the knowledge engineer should view certainty theory as a tool to be employed to produce the desired behavior.

            4.3.2 Uncertain Evidence

            When the evidence B for a rule B --> A is itself uncertain, it is clear that the strength of the conclusion must be reduced. The EMYCIN procedure is to multiply the certainty factor CF for the rule by the certainty of B, provided that the certainty of B is positive. If the certainty of B is negative, the rule is considered to be inapplicable, and is not used. EMYCIN assumes that a rule cannot be employed unless the certainty of its antecedent is greater than a threshold value of 0.2. This heuristic -- which implies that the certainty of a conclusion is not a strictly continuous function of the certainty of the evidence -- saves time by inhibiting the application of many marginally effective rules, and saves confusion by making explanations provided by the system more understandable.
            One more effect of uncertain evidence remains to be mentioned. In general, the antecedent B of a rule is a logical function of predicates or relations on associative triples. Since these functions or relations can return certainty values rather than truth values, there is a question  as to how the certainty of their logical combination is determined. The answer is that it is computed through the recursive application of the following formulas:

            These formulas are essentially the same as the corresponding formulas of possibility theory, which is discussed briefly in the next section.

            4.4 Possibility Theory

            Probability theory captures only some of the important aspects of uncertainty, and a variety of alternative approaches, such as certainty theory, have been developed to overcome its limitations. One of the most interesting of the recent alternatives is Zadeh��s theory of possibility [Zadeh78]. It is based on his earlier development of the theory of fuzzy sets [Zadeh65], much as probability theory is based on measure theory.
            Zadeh asserts that although the random model of probability theory may be appropriate for problems involving the measure of information, it is inappropriate for problems concerning the meaning of information. In particular, much of the uncertainty surrounding the USC of English terms and expressions concerns vagueness rather than randomness. Possibility theory provides a formalism for treating vagueness that is analogous to probability theory as a formalism for treating randomness.
            The theory of fuzzy sets expresses this kind of imprecision quantitatively by introducing characteristic or membership functions that can assume values between 0 and 1. Thus, if S is a set and ifs is an element of S, a fuzzy subset F of S is defined by a membership function F[s] that measures the degree to which s belongs to F. To use a standard example, if S is the set of positive integers and F is the fuzzy subset of small integers, then we might have F[1] = 1, F[2] = 1, F[3] = .8, . . . , F[20] = .01, and so on. Let X be a variable that can take values in S. The  statement ��X is F�� [for example, the statement ��X is a small integer��], induces a possibility distribution on X, and the possibility that X = s is taken to be F[s].
            Now probability theory is not concerned with how the numerical values of probabilities are determined, but rather with the rules for computing the probability of expressions involving random variables. Similarly, possibility theory is not concerned with how the numerical values of the possibility distributions are obtained, but rather with the rules for computing the possibilities of expressions involving fuzzy variables. In particular, if Poss{X = s} is the possibility that the fuzzy variable X is equal to s, then the formulas for disjunction, conjunction and negation are

            Poss{ X=s OR Y=t } = rnax[ Poss{X=s}, Poss{Y=t] ]

            Poss{ x =s & Y =t } = min[ Poss{X=s}, Poss{Y=t} ]


                                              Pass{ x ��s } = 1 - Poss{x=s}.

            For most of the concepts of probability theory there is a corresponding concept in possibility theory.  For example, it is possible to define multivariate possibility distributions, marginal possibility distributions, and conditional possibility distributions [see [Zadeh78]]. Thus, in principle one can use fuzzy possibility theory much like probability theory to quantify the uncertainty introduced by vagueness, whether the vagueness comes from the data or from the rules.
            Although possibility theory is a subject of great interest, it has yet to be exploited in work on expert systems. This is partly due to the fact that most of the problems that limit probability theory also arise in possibility theory -- such as the problem of prior possibilities and the problem of dependence in multivariate possibility distributions. Furthermore, as with certainty theory, possibility theory suffers from the problem that the semantics of its measure are not objectively defined. However, the distinction between uncertainty due to randomness and uncertainty due to vagueness is both valid and important, and should play a role in work in expert systems.

            4.5 The Dempster/Shafer Theory of Evidence

            We conclude this overview of formalisms for treating uncertainty with a brief consideration of a generalization of probability theory created by Dempster and developed by Shafer that has come to be known as the Dempster/Shafer theory of evidence [Shafer76, Barnett81].
            Dempster and Shafer insist that one must make a fimdamental distinction between uncertainty and ignorance. In probability theory, one is forced to express the extent of one��s knowledge about or belief in an assertion A through a single number, P[A]. Dempster and Shafer point out that the classical Bayesian agony concerning prior probabilities is often due to the fact that one often simply does not know the values of prior probabilities, and this ignorance may make any particular choice arbitrary and unjustifiable.
            The Dempster/Shafer theory of evidence recognizes the distinction between uncertainty and ignorance by introducing belief functions that satisfy axioms that are weaker than those of probability functions. Thus, probability functions are a subclass of belief functions, and the theory of evidence reduces to probability theory when the probability values arc known. Roughly speaking, the belief functions allow us to use our knowledge to put constraints or bounds on the assignment of probabilities to events without having to specify the probabilities themselves. In addition, the theory of evidence provides appropriate methods for computing belief functions for combinations of evidence.
            As one might expect, a theory that includes probability theory as a special case suffers from many of the same problems that plague probability theory. The greater complexity results in an increase in computational problems as well, and the conclusions that can be reached are necessarily weaker. However, when available. knowledge does not justify stronger conclusions, this latter fact has to be accepted. Whether or not the theory of evidence will provide the basis for computationally effective procedures for treating uncertainty, it deserves attention for exposing the effects of lack of knowledge on probabilistic reasoning.


            5. KEY CONCEPTS

            In the previdus three sections we focused on three central issues in the design of expert systems, with special attention to rule-based systems. The representation, inference methods and methods for reasoning under uncertainty are the elements of the design of rule-based systems that give them power. We turn now to a broader look at several less technical aspects of building an expert system. These are observations derived from our own experience and constitute suggestions for designing an expert system. They also reflect the current state of the art.
            In this section we first list several of these considerations, with very little explanation. Then we look at the nature of the problem [the first of the considerations] in more detail from three different perspectives: the types of problems for which expert systems have been developed [Sec.S.l], the nature of the data encountered in these problems [Sec.5.2], and the nature of the expertise [Sec. 5.3].
            We spoke earlier of the importance of separating task-specific knowledge from a system��s inference methods, and we discussed the representation and inference methods by which we can realize the truth in the assumption that ��knowledge is power.�� We list here some of those and other key ideas in putting together an expert system.


            Narrow scope -- The task for the system must be carefully chosen to be narrow enough that the relevant expertise can be encoded, and yet complex enough that expertise is required. This limitation is more because of the time it takes to engineer the knowledge into a system including refinement and debugging, than because space required for the knowledge base.��

            Existence of an expert -- These are problems so new or so complex that no one ranks as an expert in the problem area. Generally speaking, it is unwise to expect to be able to construct an expert system in areas where there are no experts.

            Agreement among experts -- If current problem solving expertise in a task area leaves room for frequent and substantial disagreements among experts, then the task is not appropriate for an expert system.

            Data available -- Not only must the expertise be available, but test data must be available [preferably online]. Since an expert system is built incrementally, with knowledge added in response to observed difficulties, it is necessary to have several test cases to help explore the boundaries of what the system knows.

            Milestones definable -- A task that can be broken into subtasks, with measurable milestones, is better than one that cannot be demonstrated until all the parts are working.


            Separation of task-specific knowledge from the rest of the program -- This separation is essential to maintain the flexibility and understandability required in expert systems.

            Attention lo detail -- Inclusion of very specific items of knowledge about the domain, as well as general facts, is the only way to capture the expertise that experience adds to textbook knowledge.

            Uniform data structures -- A homogeneous representation of knowledge makes it much easier for the system builder to develop acquisition and explanation packages.


            Symbolic reasoning - It is commonplace in AI, but not elsewhere, to regard symbolic, non-numeric reasoning as a powerful method for problem solving by computers. In applications areas where mathematical methods are absent or computationally intractable, symbolic reasoning offers an attractive alternative.

            Combination of deductive logic and plausible reasoning -- Although deductive reasoning is the standard by which we measure correctness, not all reasoning -- even in science and mathematics -- is accomplished by deductive logic. Much of the world��s expertise is in heuristics, and programs that attempt to capture expert-level knowledge need to combine methods for deductive and plausible reasoning.

            Explicit problem solving strategy -- Just as it is useful to separate the domain-specific knowledge from the inference method, it is also useful to separate the problem solving strategy from both. In debugging the system it helps to remember that the same knowledge base and inference method can produce radically different behaviors with different strategies. For example, consider the difference between ��find the best�� and ��find the first over threshold��.

            Interactive user interfaces -- Drawing the user into the problem solving process is important for tasks in which the user is responsible for the actions recommended by the expert system, as in medicine. For such tasks, the inference method must support an interactive style in which the user contributes specific facts of the case and the program combines them in a coherent analysis.


            Static queries of the knowledge base -- The process of constructing a large knowledge base requires understanding what is [and is not] in it at any moment. Similarly, using a system effectively depends on assessing what it does and does not know.

            Dynamic queries about the line of reasoning -- As an expert system gathers data and makes intermediate conclusions, users [as well as system builders] need to be able to ask enough questions to follow the line of reasoning. Otherwise the system��s advice appears as an oracle from a black box and is less likely to be acceptable.


            Bandwidth -- An expert��s ability to communicate his/her expertise within the framework of an expert system is limited by the restrictions of the framework, the degree to which the knowledge is already well-codified, and the speed with which the expert can create and modify data structures in the knowledge base.

            Knowledge engineer -- One way of providing help to experts during construction of the knowledge base is to let the expert communicate with someone who understands the syntax of the framework, the rule interpreter, the process of knowledge base construction, and the practical psychology of interacting with world-class experts. This person is called a ��knowledge engineer��.


            Level of performance -- Empirical measures of adequacy are still the best indicators of performance, even though they arc not sufficient for complete validation by any means. As with testing new drugs by the pharmaceutical industry, testing expert systems may best be accomplished by randomized studies and double-blind experiments.

            Static evaluation -- Because the knowledge base may contain judgmental rules as well as axiomatic truths, logical analysis of its completeness and consistency will be inadequate. However, static checks can reveal potential problems, such as one rule subsuming another and one rule possibly contradicting another. Areas of weakness in a knowledge base can sometimes be found by analysis as well.


            5.1 Classes of Problems for Expert Systems

            The first of the key concepts listed above was the nature of the problem. We examine this issue in somewhat more detail in this and the next two sections. While there are many activities an expert performs, the activities for which expert systems have been built fall into three categories: analysis, synthesis, and interface problems.
            Analysis Problems have been the most successfully solved with the knowledge engineering approach to date. Many applications programs that have the characteristics of expert systems have been developed for analysis problems in a diversity of areas including: chemistry [Buchanan78, Carhart79]; genetics [Stefik78]; protein crystallography [Engelmore79]; physics [Bundy79, Larkin80, Novak80]; interpretation of oil well logs [Barstow79b, Davis81]; electronics troubleshooting [Addis80, Bennett81b, Brown82, Davis82b, Geneserethslb, Kandt81, Stallman77]; materials engineering [Basden82, Ishizuka81]; mathematics [Brown78, Mosesirl]; medical diagnosis [Chandrasekaran80, Fagan80, Goriy78, Heisdr78, Horn81, Kaihara78, Lindberg81, Pati181,Pople77, Reggia78, Shortliffe76, Shortliffe81, Swartout77, Szolovits78, Tsotsos81, Weiss79bl; mineral exploration [Duda79]; aircraft identification and mission planning [Engelman79]; military situation assessment [McCo1179, Nii82]; and process control wamdani821. Within these and other disciplines, analysis problems are described using many different terms, including:

            • Data Interpretation
            • Explanation of Empirical Data
            • Understanding a Complex of Data [e.g., signal understanding]
            • Classification
            • Situation Assessment
            • Diagnosis [of diseases, equipment failures, etc.]
            • Troubleshooting
            • Fault Isolation
            • Debugging
            • Crisis Management [diagnosis half]

            An expert system working on one of these problems analyzes a description of a situation, and provides plausible interpretations of what the data seem to indicate. The data may come from a variety of sources ranging from subjective opinion to precise readings of instruments.
            Synthesis Problems have the character of constructing a solution to satisfy a goal within stated constraints. In many cases , solutions to small, local problems need to be synthesized into a coherent solution that satisfies global constraints. Synthesis problems arise in many fields including: planning experiments in molecular genetics [Friedland79, Stefik80], configuring the components of a computer system [McDermott80, McDerrnott81]; scheduling [Fox82, Goldstein79, Lauriere78]; automatic programming [Barstow79a, McCune77]; electronics design [deKleer80, Dincbas80, Sussman781, and chemical synthesis [Gelernter77,Wipke77]. These problems have been called:

            • Planning [or Constructing a Plan of Action]
            • Fault Repair
            • Process Specification
            • Design [of complex devices or of experiments]
            • Configuration
            • Therapy [or therapy planning]
            • Automatic Programming
            • Computer-Aided Chemical Synthesis Planning

            In addition to analysis and synthesis problems, expert systems have been built to provide advice on how to USC a complex system [Anderson76, Bennett79, Gencscreth78, Hewitt75, Krueger81, Rivlin80, Waterman791 or to tutor a novice in the use or understanding of a body of knowledge [Brown82, Clancey79, O��Shea79]. These problems arc partly analytic, since the advice or tutorial must be guided by an analysis of the context, and partly synthetic since the advice must be tailored to the user and the problem at hand.

            5.2 The Data

            One of the central concerns in choosing a task for an expert system is the nature of the data. In problems of analysis, the data require interpretation by means of some model or theory. Yet in many interesting problems, the data are not as complete or ��clean�� as the theory seems to require. In applying a theory to individual cases, the data are not always available to ��plug into�� formulas and principles. In the absence of perfect data, however, experts can still provide good suggestions, when a novice can not. We have identified several important concerns, briefly discussed below: incompleteness, noise and non-independence.
            Incompleteness of the data is a common difficulty. In medical diagnosis, for example, a physician usually must act before all possibly relevant tests have been made. Uncertainty of the data compounds the difficulty. Decision makers know that their sources of information arc fallible, whether the sources are instruments or other persons. Some tests arc notoriously unreliable, some items of information arc so incongruous with other data that something must be wrong. Yet, in the face of these. uncertainties in the data, expert decision makers can still integrate the results of many tests better than novices.
            Noise in the data can be confusing. Spurious data points, or ��red herrings��, can throw the best problem solvers off the track. However, experts have had more experience in sorting out good and bad data and arc less likely to remain confused than novices. The data given to a decision maker can be noisy for a variety of reasons including electronic noise, misreading dials and indicators, and transcription errors. By the time the decision maker sees the data, it is often too late to check the validity of any single data point.
            Non-independence in the data is often a difficulty, particularly for statistical methods that rely on assumptions of independence to combine pieces of evidence. In most interesting problems, though, there are processes linking many parts of complex systems, so that evidence about one part of the system is richly linked with other pieces of evidence. If the data were known to be error-free, then avoiding redundancy would simplify the decision making process. However, in the face of possibly unreliable data, redundancy is beneficial in helping reduce the effects of spurious data.
            The data are often of uneven grain size, combining gross descriptive reports with minute, precise statements of fact. Qualitative and quantitative information is mixed. Subjective reports are mixed with objective statements. There is no uniform theoretical framework in which information at all these levels can be combined. Yet, decision makers faced with less than perfect data often welcome more information, regardless of how heterogeneous it is. The volume of data, however, can get to be confusing. The combinatorics of considering meaningful clusters of data quickly swamps a person��s ability to consider combinations of data points systematically.
            One of the primary advantages of an expert system in coping with all of this ambiguity is its ability to exploit redundancy. Multiple pieces of data can indicate more or less the same intcrpretation, some more strongly than others, while others indicate mutually exclusive interpretations. An expert system will work with the data available using the overlapping contributions to help make up for missing data and incomplete interpretation rules.

            5.3 The Expertise

            The proficiency of an expert system is dependent on the amount of domain-specific expertise it contains. But expertise about interesting problems is not always neatly codified and waiting for transliteration into a program��s internal representation. Expertise exists in many forms and in many places, and the task of knowledge engineering includes bringing together what is known about a problem as well as transforming [not merely transcribing] it into the system.
            We have already said that much of the expertise is symbolic, heuristic!, and not well formalized. That implies that an expert��s knowledge is not always certain, that it is provisional, without guarantees of correctness. Because it is not well formalized [e.g., in neat theoretical formulations in textbooks], a specialists��s knowledge is not always easily accessible. In addition, we have to assume that it is incomplete, since the facts and heuristics change with increased experience.
            Because of the multitude of sources of expertise, an expert articulates what he or she knows in a mixture of frameworks, using terminology ranging from broad notions of common sense to precisely defined theoretical terms. As with the data, there is a mixture in concepts that the knowledge engineer must help the expert map into the system.
            Moreover, these frameworks are richly intertwined and not neatly separated into distinct subspecialty areas. Woven into the facts and relations are many examples, exceptions, links to other specialty areas. They-appear to be well indexed, for experts seem to have no difficulty in citing examples for every principle and two exceptions for every example. Finally, an expert��s store of knowledge is  large. Regardless of how one measures the size of an expert��s knowledge base, it is almost a truism to say that the more a problem solver knows, the better its advice will be.
            As with the data available for solving interesting problems, the expertise that is available may be redundant, with rich inter-dependencies in the reasoning network. In the case of the expertise, as well, the redundancy can be exploited as protection against being led into blind alleys by spurious data or inappropriate heuristics.


            6. CONCLUSIONS

            Expert systems represent an important set of applications of Artificial Intelligence to problems of commercial as well as scientific importance. There appear to be three main motivations for building an expert system, apart from research purposes:

            • Replication of expertise -- providing many [electronic] copies of an expert��s knowledge so it can be consulted even when the expert is not personally available. Geographic distance and retirement are two important reasons for unavailability.
            • Union of Expertise -- providing in one place the union of what several different experts know about different specialtics. This has been realized to some extent in PROSPECTOR [Reboh81] and CASNET [Weiss7b>] which show the potential benefits of achieving such a superset of knowledge bases.
            • Documentation -- providing a clear record of the best knowledge available for handling a specific problem. An important use of this record is for training, although this possibility is just beginning to be exploited. [Brown82, Clancey79].

            Rule-based systems arc currently the most advanced in their system-building environments and explanation capabilities, and have been used to build many demonstration programs. Most of the programs work on analysis tasks such as medical diagnosis, electronic troubleshooting, or data interpretation. The capability of current systems is difficult to define. It is clear, however, that they are specialists in very narrow areas and have very limited [but not totally missing] abilities to acquire new knowledge or explain their reasoning.
            One of the important concepts of this style of programming is the throwaway program. The existence of a framework system in which to construct a new program allows the expert and knowledge engineer to focus on the knowledge needed for problem solving. Without a framework, they spend more time on syntactic considerations than on semantic ones. Because the framework is already in place, however, they can readily scrap bad conceptualizations of the problem solving knowledge. For programs that are built incrementally, as expert systems are, throwing  away false starts is important.
            Technological innovations will be incorporated into expert systems as the conceptual difficulties of representation and inference in complex domains yield to standardized techniques. These will be most noticeable in the size of the computer and in the input/output of the system. A portable device for troubleshooting, with voice I/O, for example, is not out of the question in the near future. Systems will use much larger knowledge bases than the few hundred to few thousand rules now used. They will be linked electronically to large dab bases to facilitate inference and avoid asking questions whose answers are matters of record. ��Smart�� interpretation systems will be directly linked to data collection devices, as PUFF is linked to a spirometer, to avoid asking about the data for the case at hand.
            For the time being, the major difficult] in constructing an expert system will remain engineering the knowledge that experts use into a form that is usable by the system. Every problem area and every expert is unique. Nevertheless, many common features have been identified and built into knowledge acquisition packages of the major frameworks. Future systems will integrate several modes of knowledge acquisition: some rules can be extracted from an expert, some from large data bases, and some from experience.
            Finally, more powerful system-building frameworks will be developed to reduce the time it takes to iterate on the build-test-refine cycle and to increase the range of applications. There is considerable research in AI of interest to designers of expert systems [Buchanan81], much of it relating to the two central issues of representation and inference, some of it relating to improving the interface between system builders and the emerging system. As this work is integrated into more powerful frameworks, the breadth and depth of applications will increase.

            Which of the following methods can be used for handling uncertainty in rule

            Fuzzy logic is a method of choice for handling uncertainty in some expert systems.

            How uncertainty is managed in an expert system?

            In Expert systems the word uncertainty is related to the working with inexact data, imprecise information, handling identical situation, reliability of the results etc. An expert system allows the user to assign probabilities, certainty factors, or confidence levels and many more techniques to any or all input data.

            What is rule

            A rule-based expert system is the simplest form of artificial intelligence and uses prescribed knowledge-based rules to solve a problem 1. The aim of the expert system is to take knowledge from a human expert and convert this into a number of hardcoded rules to apply to the input data.

            What are the 4 components of expert system?

            An expert system generally consists of four components: a knowledge base, the search or inference system, a knowledge acquisition system, and the user interface or communication system.

            Which is the weakness of a rule

            The disadvantages of the RB system are as follows: Lot of manual work: The RB system demands deep knowledge of the domain as well as a lot of manual work. Time consuming: Generating rules for a complex system is quite challenging and time consuming.

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