Why is there a 255 limit?



Jun 25, 2002, 9:46:18 AM6/25/02


I think it is very common to have variables with more than 255 chars.
Why SPSS has this limit? Is there any work around?




Jun 25, 2002, 10:42:55 AM6/25/02


There is other limit 33 variables or 100 variables. This is problem.

Uzytkownik "Edwin" napisal w wiadomosci

Arthur J. Kendall


Jun 25, 2002, 11:55:17 AM6/25/02


In 30 years of data analysis in many disciplines, there have been 3 or 4
times when I had variables with more than 255 characters. In those
instances the cases were journal articles and the variable held the
abstract. This would be a small fraction of 1 percent of all the data
sets I have used.

If you have a field which is say a 300 word abstract just read it in as
For a quick demo create a dummy file with an editor such as WordPad with
nothing but a couple of space characters.
save it as 'c:\temp\articles.txt'
then run the following syntax.
file handle articles /name= 'c:\temp\articles.txt'
/mode=character/recform = FIXED /lrecl= 2020.
data list file=articles table
/ id [F5]
author [t7, a100]
year [1x, f4]
title [1x, a120]
journal [1x, a240]
pages [1x, a15]
absline1 to absline6 [1x, 6a255].

Nick Nelson


Jun 26, 2002, 2:33:58 AM6/26/02


Edwin wrote:

In my experience needing more than 255 characters in
a string variable would be very very unusual. To need
them suggests that you are dealing with passages of free
text, something that SPSS isn't really designed to deal

In principle you could spread the material over several
variables, but is wouldn't be very convenient.


Why is there a 255 character limit for JavaScript strings in the FormFieldJavaScriptAction function?

Delphi, the programming language that Quick PDF Library is written in, has a 255 character limit for string constants, which means that strings longer than 255 characters can't be used. The easiest way around this when inserting JavaScript into a PDF with the FormFieldJavaScriptAction function is to break the long string into multiple strings. An example of this is provided here:

LongString := 'app.alert["This is a Long message window ' +
  'which can be displayed because the string Literal is ' +
  'bigger than 255 characters long ' +
  '' +
  '' +

Last updated on MAY 09, 2022

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In Advanced UI, we can only enter up to 255 characters into a TEXT type attribute field.


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Merges and flags.

Merging: Using z-edit, you can merge several mods into one. This makes updating your modlist a bitch and a half to do, but if you have several stable mods that aren't likely to ever need updates [such as dozens of house, armor, or follower mods], you can combine these into one esp fairly easily. Zedit can also relink scripts, which means a surprising number of mods will work well in a merge. In my experience, the only mods that don't work great are extremely complicated script mods. This runs the gamut from complex quests, mods with MCMs [technically on this one the mods function, but the MCMs tend to not function], and spell mods.

Flagging. You can make a mod an ESL, or an ESP-FE. An ESL mod will always load at the top of your load list, right after all ESM mods load, so this isn't desirable for a lot of things. An ESP-FE is just an ESP plugin with the ESL flag on it. ESP-FEs do obey normal load order conventions, and will not load out of position. They're great. You can flag a lot of mods as ESP-FE. To do so, you can launch SSEedit with the -PseudoESL launch option. Load your entire load order and filter it by the phrase "FE". This will show you every mod that could potentially be changed into an ESP-FE, or already is ESL flagged. Go through the order, and edit the file header so these mods are ESL flagged.

Note that this works great for a lot of mods, but not every mod will play nice with this. I think scripts, depending on how they're written, may not respond well to their ESP becoming an ESL, but I haven't truly understood why any one mod breaks when this happens. You should ideally back up each mod you flag, and test the now ESLified mod before committing to a playthrough.

if you're certain a mod will never be updated, you can even sometimes convert the mod to an ESP-FE even if SSEedit doesn't initially allow you to. This is the point of the "compact forms for ESL" function in SSEedit's right click menu. Only do this if you're certain you will never need the mod to be updated, and the mod does not involve extensive scripting. You are changing a lot about the file by doing this, and if the mod author updates it, their updated copy will not correspond to anything in your changed copy. You won't be able to update without breaking your save.

Not every mod can be eslified. Any mod with more than some number of records in it [so large mods] cannot be. but armor mods are great candidates. There is only one widespread bug with ESLifying mods. Only one known bug at this time, but it's pretty rare-case. IF an ESL or ESPFE adds brand new CELL records [which is pretty unusual for a mod to do], and that mod is not the very first mod to be loaded into FE space [meaning any FE slot greater than FE000], AND that new CELL record is overwritten by another plugin, then temporary references in that CELL will not appear in game. That's it. None of the patches in QUASIPC are affected by this bug. If you're converting your own mods to ESPFEs, though, it's a good idea to keep an eye out for brand new CELL records and simply don't convert any plugins that have them.

Here's an excellent resource for further reading. //www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/625

Why is 255 the limit?

The limit occurs due to an optimization technique where smaller strings are stored with the first byte holding the length of the string. Since a byte can only hold 256 different values, the maximum string length would be 255 since the first byte was reserved for storing the length.

Which field type has a limit of 255 characters?

The Text field is one of the most generic and common data entry fields used to capture text type data—letters, numbers, and symbols. Text fields hold up to 255 characters in a single line.

What does max 250 characters mean?

Answer: 250 characters is between 35 words and 63 words with spaces included in the character count. If spaces are not included in the character count, then 250 characters is between 41 words and 84 words.

What character is ASCII 255?

The ASCII character 255 is actually a non-breaking space, or NBSP!

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