abercrombie and fitch là gì - Nghĩa của từ abercrombie and fitch

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

a store that either people like or dont like. there is no middle ground on the matter. everyone says its over priced and it is, but what store in the mall isnt over priced. get real. gotta rake in the cash.


girl: these abercrombie jeans make my ass look totally sexy .... 70 dollars well spent!

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

Popular clothing brand of "Preppy" kids/adults


She went to Abercrombie and Fitch with her other cheerleader friends.

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

A clothing store. PERIOD! It is nothing more, I do not wear Abercrombie but I want to point out that this argument is utterly ridiculous. You all have turned urban dictionary into a forum. If you don’t like Abercrombie there is no reason to hate people who wear it. For everyone who is against it because it is a sign of conformity and you wish to be outside the crowd, I have news for you, you have opted to join another crowd, and I assure you that the teens who wear this logo, except for " prissy rich girls " [hey, everyone has their qualms], have nothing against you. I know many "rich" kids who opt not to wear this brand. If you think that you are the bigger person, because you can think freely and not buy this brand, keep in mind that by ridiculing people who choose to wear the Abercrombie logo you are thus proving your ignorance to everybody who reads your post. Not to mention you are going against your free thinking beliefs because you know that 5 minutes before you posted this your and your free thinking buddies were just repeating stereotypes about Abercrombie wearers that you picked up from some schmuck you met last week in the basement of a local church while listening to the new up and coming trendy emo band. Instead of telling all of us how bad you think you have it why don’t you wipe the shit out of your eyes and take a look at the flyers posted in the basement of the church that you just heard your favorite local band play and get off your ass and do something, like feed the homeless because you cant have it that bad seeing as you have a computer, an internet connection and enough free time to post these unpleasant explanations about Abercrombie and their marketing antics.


emo kid 1- Hey instead of descrimintating against people who wear certain genres of clothing, why dont i go try to make a difference on this planet?

emo kid 2- thats too hard, this is much more entertaining

emo kid 1- yeah, your right! Hey look at that Abercrombie faggot!

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

Abercrombie and Fitch is just a clothing store. They put an emphasis on people who are physically fit, so what. There are stores that make only fat ppl cloths, but no one makes a fuss over that because no one wants to be fat. It's just a jealousy thing. I work at A and F and I'm not a dumb blond. I'm short, brunet, I've never been a cheerleader or sorority member, and I'm an art major [totally not the steryo type ppl give to A and F]. I don't know what all the fuss is over the cost either. If you wait long enough all the clothes eventually go on sale [I never buy them full priced]. We have mens shirts on sale right now for $6.90. Please tell me who can't afford that. I never shopped there until I started working there and now have to where thier cloths, but I never in my wildest dreams would have HATED ppl just because they chose to shop there. Seriously! Get a life! There are more important things to worry about!


I'm over weight and can't wear the clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch, so i'm just going to call everyone assoseated with it anorexic toothpics.

Or I can't afford to buy Abercrombie and Fitch clothes full priced, and am either too good or too stupid to look at the clearance racks; so I'll just wine about the rich kids having everything.

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

An American clothing chain which caters to young adults, mainly the college aged crowd. They sell vintage styled clothing, including ripped jeans and faded shirts. Considered to be of "All-American" East-Coast style. They also own Hollister Co. and Ruehl No 925.

However, there are some points that need to be made:
Firstly, A&F is not truly preppy. Try Lacoste, Polo etc, not to mention the bright colored clothing preps may wear [i.e pink, lime shirts etc]
Secondly, A&F is not overpriced [in terms of all clothing]. European fashions will cost you at least 2x as much for a similar item at A&F. A&F isnt really designer clothing, persay. Want expensive jeans? Try dishing out $200 for diesel or even $400 for Dolce and Gabbana.

Bottom line: If you dont like A&F, then dont wear it.


Abercrombie and Fitch: Casual Luxury

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

a once "outdoors" store that now sells clothing aimed at upper-middle class teenagers and young college students. the clothing may be a bit overpriced, but it is definitely not other stores/brands such as the buckle, urban outfitters, lacoste, le tigre, or lucky brand. they advertise with a slogan of "casual luxury," which, indeed, it is. the clothes are generally very comfortable and fit well.

since it is targeted towards an OLDER audience than most "brand name" apparel, the clothes are made to fit misses sizes and young men.

abercrombie generally has a "mountain-range, yacht club" atmosphere, and it's younger counterpart, hollister co., has more of a "beachy" feel.

hollister is also owned by abercrombie, much as hot topic, old navy, and the gap are all owned by the banana republic.

hollister is significantly cheaper than abercrombie because it is targeted towards a younger audience that generally does not produce its own income.

contrary to popular belief, hollister is no more expensive than american eagle and pacific sunwear [pac sun]; in fact, most of the items there are cheaper. some may argue that american eagle is THE BEST THING SINCE EVER, but i personally find that their clothes stretch out way too much after a only couple of wears, and their jeans have had a noticeable increase in price over the past few months [ranging from $29.50 which is a very good price to $59.50 which is the same as the most expensive hollister jeans available atm]. while american eagle does have a great sale rack, hollister does, as well, and you can also find some pretty nice things at abercrombie.

abercrombie and fitch carries clothing that will last for a great amount of time. i, personally, have a purse and several shirts that have lasted me since the 8th grade [i am now a senior in high school]. they also seem to have very friendly service.

some individuals get beyond too carried away with the idea of being able to wear "high quality merchandise." these are usually, but not always, the kids who you see with popped collars, aviator sunglasses, and those annoying, "i am better than you" attitudes. this is not to be blamed on the store, but rather, the individuals and their love for shows like laguna beach. they tend to take things a bit too far, and yes, i agree, end up making themselves look moronic.

the truth is that if you don't like abercrombie and fitch or hollister, you DON'T have to wear it. no one is forcing you to do that. holding a grudge against individuals who do, simply because they are wearing a brand that you don't like, is immature. brands are brands; let people live with them.


"i like abercrombie and fitch... the clothing there fits me rather well."

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

I've been reading a lot of entries of people who are against people who hate abercrombie, they are saying that we stereotype them as "preppys" and "rich kids" well they are doing the same thing

i choose not to wear abercrombie & fitch not because i am too poor, or too fat, or emo, or any of the other crap they are saying. i choose not to wear it because they are racist, they say the hire "american looking people" because it is an "all american store" which would explain why they are making people in the philippines work 15 hrs. a day to make their clothes and sometimes get paid less than a dollar an hour.

and for people who have to put shirtless guys and hot models to advertise their store, they must be pretty pathetic.


"oh look at all those pretty girls on this abercrombie and fitch website! i guess if i ask my daddy for a few extra hundred dollars, i could buy that shirt and look just as sexy!"

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

Abercrombie & Fitch, established in 1892 as an outdoors store, is a clothing company. Like any other clothing company, some people are fond of their clothes. Some people have found a vehement dislike for said clothes and even the wearers. However, considering it's simply a clothing company, and a wearer of their clothing has every right to do what they want with their money, the forementioned critics are idiotic and wasting their time.


I think I want a comfortable shirt. I'll look at Abercrombie and Fitch.


abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

A nice clothing store which is bashed by many people for being skanky and too expensive. Skanky? Not really, unless you consider the moose logo to be too close to a girl's breast [oh, the horror]. Expensive? Yes, but have you ever noticed any designers? Such as Prada, Burberry, or Marc Jacobs? They are all a hell of a lot more expensive but a hell of a lot less bashed. Maybe people wear it to look 'preppy' and 'sexy', but unlike those people, I wear A&F because the quality is nice and I happen to like their style and designs.
Also, you can find $80 sweaters on clearance for $12. Good deal, I'd say.


A&F Hater: Eww, why are you wearing that horrible Abercrombie and Fitch top? It must've been like forty dollars!
A&F shopper: Uh, no, I got it on clearance for ten dollars. But it was originally twenty.
A&F Hater: Oh.

abercrombie and fitch có nghĩa là

A store of bad quality trashy clothes that do not flatter anyone. Sure they look good on the manican, but in real life? they look awful. These clothes are awful quality. They rip easily and do not last long. Also, A&F is very expensive. Furthermore, the clothes ar very trashy and ugly. My advice is to go to jcrew or madewell. Slightly more expensive, these stores have better quality better looking clothes. They last much much longer and you look MUCH less trashy in the.


Girl: "I am going to the mall later!"
Girl #2: "are you going to abercrombie and fitch?"
girl 1: god no! I am going to jcrew!

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