ArrayNode to List java

Methods Modifier and Type Method and Description protected ArrayNode _add(JsonNodenode) protected JsonNode _at(JsonPointerptr) protected boolean _childrenEqual(ArrayNodeother) protected ArrayNode _insert(intindex, JsonNodenode) ArrayNode add(BigDecimalv)

Method for adding specified number at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(booleanv)

Method for adding specified boolean value at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(Booleanvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode add(byte[]v)

Method for adding specified binary value at the end of this array (note: when serializing as JSON, will be output Base64 encoded)

ArrayNode add(doublev)

Method for adding specified number at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(Doublevalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode add(floatv)

Method for adding specified number at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(Floatvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode add(intv)

Method for adding specified number at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(Integervalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode add(JsonNodevalue)

Method for adding specified node at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(longv)

Method for adding specified number at the end of this array.

ArrayNode add(Longvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode add(Stringv)

Method for adding specified String value at the end of this array.

ArrayNode addAll(ArrayNodeother)

Method for adding all child nodes of given Array, appending to child nodes this array contains

ArrayNode addAll(CollectionJsonNode>nodes)

Method for adding given nodes as child nodes of this array node.

ArrayNode addArray()

Method that will construct an ArrayNode and add it as a field of this ObjectNode, replacing old value, if any.

ArrayNode addNull()

Method that will add a null value at the end of this array node.

ObjectNode addObject()

Method that will construct an ObjectNode and add it at the end of this array node.

ArrayNode addPOJO(Objectvalue)

Method that will construct a POJONode and add it at the end of this array node.

ArrayNode addRawValue(RawValueraw) JsonToken asToken()

Method that can be used for efficient type detection when using stream abstraction for traversing nodes.

ArrayNode deepCopy()

Method that can be called to get a node that is guaranteed not to allow changing of this node through mutators on this node or any of its children.

Iterator elements()

Method for accessing all value nodes of this Node, iff this node is a JSON Array or Object node.

boolean equals(Comparatorcomparator, JsonNodeo)
Entry method for invoking customizable comparison, using passed-in Comparator object.
boolean equals(Objecto)

Equality for node objects is defined as full (deep) value equality.

ObjectNode findParent(StringfieldName)

Method for finding a JSON Object that contains specified field, within this node or its descendants.

List findParents(StringfieldName, ListfoundSoFar) JsonNode findValue(StringfieldName)

Method for finding a JSON Object field with specified name in this node or its child nodes, and returning value it has.

List findValues(StringfieldName, ListfoundSoFar) List findValuesAsText(StringfieldName, ListfoundSoFar) JsonNode get(intindex)

Method for accessing value of the specified element of an array node.

JsonNode get(StringfieldName)

Method for accessing value of the specified field of an object node.

JsonNodeType getNodeType()

Return the type of this node

int hashCode() ArrayNode insert(intindex, BigDecimalv)

Method that will insert specified numeric value at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, booleanv)

Method that will insert specified String at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Booleanvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, byte[]v)

Method that will insert specified binary value at specified position in this array (note: when written as JSON, will be Base64 encoded)

ArrayNode insert(intindex, doublev)

Method that will insert specified numeric value at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Doublevalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, floatv)

Method that will insert specified numeric value at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Floatvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, intv)

Method that will insert specified numeric value at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Integervalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, JsonNodevalue)

Method for inserting specified child node as an element of this Array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, longv)

Method that will insert specified numeric value at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Longvalue)

Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues with auto-unboxing.

ArrayNode insert(intindex, Stringv)

Method that will insert specified String at specified position in this array.

ArrayNode insertArray(intindex)

Method for creating an array node, inserting it at the specified point in the array, and returning the newly created array (note: NOT 'this' array)

ArrayNode insertNull(intindex)

Method that will insert a null value at specified position in this array.

ObjectNode insertObject(intindex)
Method for creating an ObjectNode, appending it at the end of this array, and returning the newly created node (note: NOT 'this' array)
ArrayNode insertPOJO(intindex, Objectvalue)

Method that will construct a POJONode and insert it at specified position in this array.

boolean isEmpty(SerializerProviderserializers)

Method that may be called on instance to determine if it is considered "empty" for purposes of serialization filtering or not.

JsonNode path(intindex)
This method is similar to JsonNode.get(int), except that instead of returning null if no such element exists (due to index being out of range, or this node not being an array), a "missing node" (node that returns true for JsonNode.isMissingNode()) will be returned.
JsonNode path(StringfieldName)
This method is similar to JsonNode.get(String), except that instead of returning null if no such value exists (due to this node not being an object, or object not having value for the specified field), a "missing node" (node that returns true for JsonNode.isMissingNode()) will be returned.
JsonNode remove(intindex)

Method for removing an entry from this ArrayNode.

ArrayNode removeAll()

Method for removing all elements of this array, leaving the array empty.

void serialize(JsonGeneratorf, SerializerProviderprovider)

Method called to serialize node instances using given generator.

void serializeWithType(JsonGeneratorjg, SerializerProviderprovider, TypeSerializertypeSer)

Type information is needed, even if JsonNode instances are "plain" JSON, since they may be mixed with other types.

JsonNode set(intindex, JsonNodevalue)

Method that will set specified field, replacing old value, if any.

int size() String toString()

Method that will produce developer-readable representation of the node; which may or may not be as valid JSON.