drive-in là gì - Nghĩa của từ drive-in

drive-in có nghĩa là

1. A shooting performed by a gang-member in a slowly moving motor vehicle that then speeds away from the scene.
2. To 'suss' something out, to complete a recce.


1. "Yo' roll up here MOFO, I gunna do a drive-by on this bitch."
2. "Have you done a drive by of the target?"

drive-in có nghĩa là

The Murphy's Law of Driving

1] The car infront of you is always slower.

2] The car in back of you always wants to go faster.

3] There is never traffic until you start to back out of your driveway.

4] There is never traffic until you reach the stop sign.

5] When you are in a hurry, everyone is on a joy ride.

6] When you are looking for an address, everyone is in a hurry.

7] Bugs, salt, and other grime on the windshield are attracted to the area directly infront of your line of sight.

8] If a car in the other lane is hovering between you and the car infront of you, he wants to switch, even though...

9] Turn signals [blinkas] are never used.

10] Your exit is 3 lanes to the right, and about 200 feet away.


And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

drive-in có nghĩa là

An extremely trippy series of back-country roads in Sherman, TX that Austin College students drive on when smoking pot.


Man, I got lost on the drive last night. We found a road with 12 foot fences on both sides!!

drive-in có nghĩa là

A band from El Paso, TX. They were highly successful in the mid-90s underground scene until the single "One Armed Scissor" was released and played quite frequently on MTV in the late 90s. But even during their popularity on MTV, they still stuck to their roots, playing with the same energy as they did when they were still underground and not conforming to the stereotypical MTV egocentric band. They eventually broke up in 2001, but the reason why is still in debate. Some say it's because they didn't want to become mainstream, some say it was artistic differences, and some say it's a mix of the two. Either way, their break up formed two different bands: Sparta, which is similar to At the Drive-In, but not as energetic in my opinion, and The Mars Volta, which is quite different from At the Drive-In and the main reason to support the "artistic differences" reason for the break up.


Damn, I wish I'd seen At the Drive-In live when I had the chance.

drive-in có nghĩa là

A band that hails from El Paso, Texas and stays true to its routes no matter what the circumstances. All around the wickest band in its class. Energetic, fast paced, intelligent rock that's bound to reach your soul. Napoleon Solo is a wicked song.


If you don't know who At The Drive-In are, you're listening to too much hip-hop and heavy metal on MTV. Therefore you suck.

drive-in có nghĩa là

Most Incredible Band with members - Cedric Bixler, Omar Rodriguez, Tony Hajjar, Jim Ward, and Paul Hinojos......but they broke up. Cedric and Omar are in The Mars Volta while the other members [along with Matt Miller on bass] are in Sparta..


At the Drive-In Releases: Hell Paso, Alfaro Vive, Carajo!, Acrobatic Tenement, El Gran Orgo, In/Casino/Out, Vaya, Relationship of Command, Anthology: This Station is Non-Operational

drive-in có nghĩa là

Quite simply one of the best bands ever. Too bad they split up :[


My favourite songs by At The Drive-in are "One Armed Scissor", "Cosmonaut" and "Hourglass".

drive-in có nghĩa là

another way to say " get out of here "


dude 1 : hey, give me your credit card dude 2 : drive it !

drive-in có nghĩa là

Sometimes referred to as the “Nebula of Cheese”, or the “Flower Powered Happy Station”, the Drive-In Movie Theatre of the 1970s was a popular destination for hippies, druggies, alcoholics, and the gobs and gobs of children these degenerates later fostered. In order to achieve entry into one of these places, one had to pay something called “money” [which was usually supplied through “making love” [a la hooker hippies] or “making drug deals” [a la drug dealing hippies/Chad]] One of the more interesting facets of the Drive-In Movie theatre was its methods of employing staff. As work at a drive-in was deemed strenuous and unpleasant [even for drug-out hippies!!] theatres of this nature were often forced to hire from the “untouchable” caste of American society. [This included ex-cons, street mimes, demented clowns, and certain types of super intelligent marsupials.]
People used to have an abundant amount of sex at a drive-in. This was due to the fact that, in the 1970s, it was thought that parents conceiving an infant during a drive-in feature would be granted immortality and a free betamax copy of In Like Flint. How this urban legend was started is unknown, but one would assume it had something to do with the massive amounts of LSD consumed by hippy stoners of the 1970s.
Drive-in movie theatres are now all gone, due mainly to the Hippy Massacre of 1986, which resulted in the genocide of many hippies, including Lance Armstrong’s third cousin “Larry Cletus Smokealotofpot”. Also, employees of drive-ins often burned parts of their workplace to cinders while performing bizarre pagan rituals.
In conclusion, Joan Rivers is hot and I would gladly have carnal relations with her pruny exoskeleton.


I like to stab hippies in the face with a golf pencils, whilst "drive-in" them over with my gas guzzling, eco-enemy Hummer.

drive-in có nghĩa là

A really lousy place to watch movies or go for a date. You get to watch the movie on a screen a mile away and listen to it on scratchy antique speakers.

Supposedly you could make out there. That is if you ignore the minivan full of retarded hilljack kids gawking at you all damn day. It's also a great place to get herpes as the bathrooms haven't been cleaned since sometime during the `70s.


Drive-ins were really popular during the 70s.

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