gilles là gì - Nghĩa của từ gilles

gilles có nghĩa là

"Gill" as in "giving a gill" A term used around the late 80s-early 90s, possibly regional, by children as a proclamation that someone/a friend just said something incredibly stupid or incorrect, AND that they deserve to be humiliated. It was shouted as he/she simultaneously burns the back of the other person's neck with a fast horizontal rub of the hand. Similar in nature to an Indian burn.


Person 1: Yeah, well your mother is your father. [I'm paraphrasing.]
Person 2: Not funny. You deserve a gill for that. Gill!
Person 1: Ow. What the hell?
Person 3: You're 17 and still giving people gills?
Person 2: Oh, wow. I haven't remembered a gill in a long time. Hah.

gilles có nghĩa là

William Gilbert is a talentless musician cast on the twentieth season of the reality TV show The Real World, The Real World: Hollywood. Displayed supreme levels of bitchassness throughout the season, especially towards Greg, the realest dude in the house.

Nice tidbit - likes to talk about dead housemates fathers as a way to irk to irk them.


Ex. William Gilbert's actions on Real World: Hollywood [Season 20]

Ex. That lame, fake dude Will Gill has corny shitlocks.

gilles có nghĩa là

A sweet Dutch man with glorious long locks of hair who is extremely considerate. He is a great listener and has great input. A Gilles can pull you out of a bad day at any time, his smile is extremely contagious. He also likes to make jokes with vampire references. He is very intelligent, not to mention extremely attractive. If you ever meet a Gilles, keep him safely by your side, he will treat and human being with the upmost respect.


"Woah, that was a total Gilles. I better keep him around."

gilles có nghĩa là

An action which was quite widespread in New York and possibly in other locations during the early 1990's. When someone would say something incorrect or stupid, any party who witnessed this could proclaim "Gill!", and then proceed to rub the back of the offender's neck with their hand, causing minor irritation to a red mark, depending on the severity of the given gill. One could also proclaim "Save mine", which would allow the person to administer the gill to the offender at a later point in time. It should be noted, however, that if the person committing the slip-up takes notice of their folly before anyone calls a gill on them, they can say "pause" and then could not be subjected to a gill. If someone calls gill after the initial speaker says pause, it's a gill on them. Giving gills is great but getting them isn't.


Person 1: "Yo, Iverson dropped 50 on the Sonics last nite...pause...he dropped 43."

Person 2: "Gill"

Person 1: "Chill, I already said pause. Save mine."

Person 2: "Damn."

gilles có nghĩa là

Nobal man with a big cock


That’s a gilles right there

gilles có nghĩa là

Gill is a surname found in the Sikh Punjabi community. The Gill clan is one of the largest clans in Punjab and are found all over in the three regions of Punjab, India [Majha, Malwa, and Doaba]. Gill’s control many high government positions and many are very wealthy. Most converted to Sikhism during Guru Hargobind Ji’s Guruship and were known for being exceptionally brave, honest, and noble. Gill means prosperity or richness and are one of the more elite classes in Punjab. They also won’t be afraid to bash your head in if you wrong them.


My best friend is a Gill he’s such a Jatt

gilles có nghĩa là

Like the term 'killing it' but ten times worse.

To achieve this requires failing in the worst way possible.


- So did you chat that girl up?
- Yeah I asked her if she was into tentacle rape porn
- Dude, you totally gilled it.
- Yeah I'm gilling it

gilles có nghĩa là

A status one achieves when they become so intoxicated they leave their present state of mind and body and are taken over by aliens, ghosts, and robots. In turn, causing them quite often to end up in different area codes, falling asleep in someones house and once they are disturbed from their slumber they will vigoursly argue they are in their own home and swear on their lives their roomates are upstairs. The end result usually results in a death punch to the chest to whom ever awakes this beast. If one can recognize someone is "Gilled" it is best to let them do as they please. Never, Ever, Ever disturb the slumber of the "Gilled" one.


"Bro, im fittin to get "Gilled" tonight. Ill probably need 100 beers and 2 bottles of 151!" "RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Im Gilled!!!!! I Live Here! I Will Eat Your First Born Child! Now Face My Death Punch To Your Chest!!!!" "Glop glop glop glop glop, steve, getcha, getcha, so Gilled"

gilles có nghĩa là

a dick head who steals your diamonds in Minecraft


'gilles you're such a cunt'

gilles có nghĩa là

Is when a friend says they are not going to spend time with there girlfriend / boyfriend. But then goes and does and leaves his mates hanging Gilling , Gill , Gilled


Perro: Hey bro u wanna fuck shit up on friday
Fish: Yeah i got nothing planned sep my gf wants me to go on a double date but nah not going, looking forawrd to fucking shit up with you
Fish [ day later] : nah sorry man im busy
going on a double date with my gf
Perro: you fucking Gilled me

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