On the top of everything meaning

1. In complete control or with complete awareness of someone or something, often due to being diligent, fully informed, and/or up-to-date. A: "How is the new project going?" B: "Right on track! Jen was on top of it while you were on vacation." I don't know how you keep on top of all the different student issues that are brought to your attention. How Janet manages to stay on top of all eight of those kids is really beyond me.

2. In addition to something. On top of losing my favorite present, the pool where I was having my party had to close down for the day. Worst birthday ever!

3. In very close proximity to someone or something. I thought I had a great spot right up front for the concert, but I had so many people right on top of me that I ended up not enjoying it at all. Zoning laws usually prohibit new developments from being built right on top of existing ones.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

COMMON If you are on top of a task or situation, you are dealing with it successfully. That's the job. You've got to be on top of the problems. The government does not seem able to get on top of the situation. Note: If you are beginning to deal with a task or situation successfully, you can say that you are getting on top of it. We are getting on top of crime but there is much more to be done.

See also: of, on, something, top

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

1 in addition to something; also: On top of his salary, he gets about €150 in commission every week.
2 too close to something/somebody: These houses are all built on top of one another.He was right on top of [= driving very close behind] the car in front.

See also: of, on, somebody, something, top

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

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on top of something

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

na szczycie tego wszystkiego

on top of everything else 92

The owner Janice is so sweet & is on top of everything.

Właściciel Janice jest taka słodka i znajduje się na górze wszystko.

Nothing should dominate you. You should be on top of everything.

Nic nie może was zdominować. Wy macie być na wierzchu wszystkiego.

Images flash in the center of the display on top of everything for 1-50 ms every 5-60 sec.

To let you stay on top of everything and tackle your tasks without leaving Outlook, we created a free Outlook addin called CodeTwo Task Workflow.

Aby mieć wszystko pod kontrolą i zapanować nad swoją pracą bez opuszczania Outlooka, stworzyliśmy darmowy dodatek - CodeTwo Task Workflow.

Stay on top of everything that happens in your company!

Bądź na bieżąco z wszystkim, co dzieje się w Twojej firmie!

The Standard model was a heavy and clumsy device which on top of everything was very expensive.

Przeznaczony dlań model Standard był ciężkim, topornym urządzeniem, które w dodatku było bardzo drogie.

The snow, has come down, on top of everything.

Śnieg, ma przyjść, na wszystko.

1 Free Stay on top of everything that happens in GRTO Force Regardless of Vasco.

Thanks to the automatic transmission of all online bookings to the eTermin calendar, you're always on top of everything.

Our automated coaches are always there to help you to stay on top of everything, keeping you motivated along the way.

Nasze zautomatyzowane trenerzy są zawsze tam, aby pomóc utrzymać się na szczycie wszystko, utrzymując motywację po drodze.

The entire framework tells us we need other teams on the level of the programme, like solution teams, that are on top of everything.

Cały framework mówi nam, że na poziomie programu potrzebujemy innych zespołów, takich jak solution teamy, które zajmowałyby się całością.

WEBFLEET's reports help you stay on top of everything from fuel efficiency to legal compliance, and helps you focus on delivering top quality service.

Raporty WEBFLEET umożliwiają monitorowanie różnych parametrów - od efektywności wykorzystania paliwa po zgodność z przepisami - i pozwalają skupić się na zapewnieniu najwyższej jakości usług.

No results found for this meaning.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


In addition to what has been stated

“While I find the very premise of the show irritating at best, this conclusive season promises to be tainted by an unintended melancholy on top of everything else.”

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English as a Second Language English Vocabulary, Grammar and Idioms

Can you explain the meaning of phrase “on top of everything else”? thank you!


Since you have not provided any context I will take a wild guess: on top of everything else can mean in addition to everything.

Literally it means: “above everything else”. Example: “the upper piece of bread of a hamburger comes on top of everything else”, that is, above the meat, the salad et cetera.

Figuratively, it may be used as “later than everything else”, “more striking than everything else”, or “more important than everything else”, and things similar. It is slightly colloquial.

“I had a very bad day at work. First, I spilled coffee all over my boss. Then, my computer crashed very badly. And after lunch, on top of everything else [or “on top of it all”], my girlfriend called to my office and broke up with me. Can you believe it?”

Thank you all. But in this context, it still makes me confused: “I didn’t need Mandy turning up and having a go at me on top of everything else.”

It means what Milanya said: in addition to everything else. “To have a go at someone” usually means to attack someone, either physically or verbally.

How I would interpret your example: first, everyone else had a go at me. That was bad. Then, Mandy had a go at me as well. That made my situation even worse, because I was already quite unhappy after the others had had a go at me.

Think of an imaginary situation where someone is building up a pile of bad luck for you. He first puts down some bad luck, then some more. On top of all that bad luck, he adds the last piece of bad luck, which you will dislike the most. You will dislike it most either just because it is last, or [more often] because it is both last and worst.

[size=117]Do you say “on top of everything else” to add something else that is [color=blue]bad?[/size]

Yes, it is nearly always bad if used as an expression, though perhaps not 100% of the time. I’d be mildly surprised if I ever saw it used in a positive way.
When used literally, as in “the icing of the cake comes on top of everything else”, it is of course neutral.

Tom: I had a crappy day, Eleanor. First, my car broke down on the way to work. Eleanor: Oh dear… Tom: So I got to work four hours late. Eleanor: Oh my… Tom: Mr. Bruginski, my boss, wrote me up for it. Eleanor: [sigh] Tom: And on top of everything else, I had diarrhea! What a crappy day! Eleanor: Ha ha ha, nice pun!


In my experience, people generally use “on top of everything else” to [sometimes melodramatically] introduce the last in a series of complaints and/or bring extra attention to one specific complaint.

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