pre-pubescent là gì - Nghĩa của từ pre-pubescent

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

1. someone who is yet to start puberty
2. pubeless

Ví dụ

1. "sprout a pube ya pre-pubescent twat!"

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

[Adj.] An individual of approximately 14 years of age, that acts as if he/she were, in fact, 8. Can be extremely annoying.

Ví dụ

1. "sprout a pube ya pre-pubescent twat!" [Adj.] An individual of approximately 14 years of age, that acts as if he/she were, in fact, 8. Can be extremely annoying.

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

Alpha Nerd: I AM KING DORK!!!!!!!

Ví dụ

1. "sprout a pube ya pre-pubescent twat!" [Adj.] An individual of approximately 14 years of age, that acts as if he/she were, in fact, 8. Can be extremely annoying. Alpha Nerd: I AM KING DORK!!!!!!!
Beta Nerd: OMG you're such a pre-pubescent. a very highly annoying scream or yell from a kid in their pre teen age, who makes a horrible high pitched victory screech..

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

prepubescent screamer: "HOLY SHIT, I JUST GOT THE NUKE....YESSSSS NUKE!!"

Ví dụ

1. "sprout a pube ya pre-pubescent twat!"

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

[Adj.] An individual of approximately 14 years of age, that acts as if he/she were, in fact, 8. Can be extremely annoying.

Ví dụ

Alpha Nerd: I AM KING DORK!!!!!!!
Beta Nerd: OMG you're such a pre-pubescent. a very highly annoying scream or yell from a kid in their pre teen age, who makes a horrible high pitched victory screech..

pre-pubescent có nghĩa là

prepubescent screamer: "HOLY SHIT, I JUST GOT THE NUKE....YESSSSS NUKE!!"

Ví dụ

Omg Quandale’s pre-pubescent ball hair clippings are so hot ima rub my roast beef to them i am Pre-pubescent ball hair clipping sexual

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