Subject and object questions là gì

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Trong tiếng Anh, các từ để hỏi thông dụng gồm Who, What, When, Where, Why, How... Trong đó, các từ để hỏi như who/whom, what, which có thể giữ vai trò là chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ.

1. Khi từ để hỏi đóng vai trò chủ ngữ của câu

Ta có cấu trúc sau:

Question word + verb + object? = Từ để hỏi + động từ + tân ngữ?

Ví dụ:

  • Who teaches you English? [Ai dạy bạn tiếng Anh?]
  • Which is better? [Loại nào thì tốt hơn?]
  • What caused the explosion? [Cái gì đã gây ra vụ nổ?]

2. Khi từ để hỏi đóng vai trò tân ngữ 

Ta có cấu trúc sau:

Question word + Auxiliary + subject + verb? = Từ để hỏi + trợ ộng từ + chủ ngữ + động từ?

Ví dụ:

  • Who/Whom did you see yesterday? [Hôm qua bạn gặp ai vậy?]
  • What did you say? [Anh đã nói gì?] [what là tân ngữ của say]
  • What was the theory based on?/ On what was your theory based? [Lí luận của bạn căn cứ vào cái gì?] [what làm tân ngữ của on]

Ảnh: Pinterest

3. Lưu ý

Cả whowhom đều có thể làm tân ngữ của động từ hoặc giới từ, nhưng who thường được dùng hơn [nhất là trong lối nói thân mật]. Whom thường dùng trong lối nói trịnh trọng hoặc trong văn viết.

Ví dụ:

  • Who/ whom did you invite to your party? [Bạn mời những ai đến dự tiệc?]

Trong trường hợp whomlàm tân ngữ cho giới từ, giới từ có thể được đặt trước whom hoặc đặt cuối câu. Cách dùng giới từ + whom thường được dùng trong lối văn trịnh trọng.

Cần phân biệt: Trong trường hợp who làm tân ngữ của giới từ, giới từ luôn được đặt cuối câu.

Ví dụ:

  • To whom were you speaking at that time?/ Whom were you speaking to at that time? [Lúc đó bạn đang nói chuyện với ai vậy?]
  • Who does this place belong to? [Nơi này thuộc về ai vậy?] [Who là tân ngữ của giới từ to]
    To who does this place belong to?

Xem thêm:

  • Tự ôn ngữ pháp tiếng Anh theo lộ trình nào là hợp lý?

Advanced English Grammar Course

Subject and Object in English

First, let’s review the difference between a subject and an object.

The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that performs the action:

  • We want some fruit juice.
  • Karenlikes Fred.
  • Smoking causes cancer.
  • Daniel made a sandwich.
  • The earthquake damaged my house.
  • Jenniferlied to Sam.

The object of a sentence is the person or thing that is acted upon, or receives the action:

  • We want some fruit juice.
  • Karen likes Fred.
  • Smoking causes cancer.
  • Daniel made a sandwich.
  • The earthquake damaged my house.
  • Jennifer lied to Sam.

Object questions in English

Most questions in English are object questions – we want to know about the receiver of the action. These questions follow the QUASM formula: Question word – Auxiliary verb – Subject – Main verb.

For questions in the simple present, the auxiliary verbs are do and does: 

  • What do you want to drink?
    We want some fruit juice.
  • Who does Karen like?
    Karen likes Fred.
  • What does smoking cause?
    Smoking causes cancer.

For questions in the simple past, the auxiliary verb is did:

  • What did Daniel make?
    Daniel made a sandwich.
  • What did the earthquake damage?
    The earthquake damaged my house.
  • Whodid Jennifer lie to?
    Jennifer lied to Sam.

Subject questions in English

However, sometimes we want to ask about the subject. We don’t know the person or thing who performed the action, and we want to find out.

This type of question is called a subject question, and subject questions do NOT use the auxiliary verbs do, does, and did.

How to form subject questions:

  • Who / What + verb in simple present or simple past + object ?

Examples of subject questions in the simple present:

  • Whowants some fruit juice?
    We want some fruit juice.
  • Wholikes Fred?
    Karenlikes Fred.
  • Whatcauses cancer?
    Smoking causes cancer.

Examples of subject questions in the simple past:

  • Who made a sandwich?
    Daniel made a sandwich.
  • Whatdamaged your house?
    The earthquake damaged my house.
  • Wholied to Sam?
    Jennifer lied to Sam.

Subject and Object Questions in Other Verb Tenses

In other verb tenses – present continuous, present perfect, etc. – the auxiliary verbs are forms of the verbs be and have. In these verb tenses, we still use the verbs be and have in both subject and object questions:

Present continuous:

  • Subject Q: Whois washing the car?
  • Object Q: Whatis Paul washing?
  • Answer: Paul is washing the car.

Past continuous:

  • Subject Q: Whowas talking about the problem?
  • Object Q: Whatwas the manager talking about?
  • Answer: The managerwas talking about the problem.

Present perfect:

  • Subject Q: Whohas spent $1000 on a computer?
  • Object Q: How much have your parents spent on a computer?
  • Answer: My parents have spent $1000 on a computer.

Present perfect continuous:

  • Subject Q: Whohas been working on this project?
  • Object Q: Whathave you been working on?
  • Answer: I have been working on this project.

Future with WILL:

  • Subject Q: Whatwill help the students?
  • Object Q: Whowill this book help?
  • Answer: This textbook will help the students.

Future with GOING TO:

  • Subject Q: Who is going to order dessert?
  • Object Q: What are you going to order?
  • Answer: We are going to order dessert.

The simplest rule for subject/object questions

When you are going to ask a question in the simple present or simple past using who or what, ask yourself,

“Am I asking about the doer of the action or the receiver of the action?”

If you’re asking about the doer/subject, then DON’T use do/does/did:

  • Who does want fruit juice?
    Who wants fruit juice?
  • What did damage your house?
    What damaged your house?

If you’re asking about the receiver/object, then YES – use do/does/did:

  • What do you want to drink?
  • What did the earthquake damage?

Quiz: Subject & Object Questions in English

You will see a sentence, and then two possible questions asking about it. Only ONE of the questions is formed correctly. Look carefully at the question to see if it is asking about the subject or object of the sentence, and then choose the grammatically-correct question. After you finish, click "Get Results" to check your answers.

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