Top up meaning game


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1. The uppermost part, point, surface, or end: wrote on the top of the box.
2. The part farthest from a given reference point: took a jump shot from the top of the key.
3. The crown of the head: from top to toe.
4. The part of a plant, such as a rutabaga, that is above the ground.
5. Something, such as a lid or cap, that covers or forms an uppermost part.
6. A garment worn on the upper half of the body.
7. Nautical A platform enclosing the head of the lower section of a mast of a square-rigged vessel, to which the topmast shrouds are attached.
8. The highest degree, pitch, or point; the peak, acme, or zenith: "It had come at a time when he was not feeling at the top of his form" [Anthony Powell].
a. The highest position or rank: at the top of his profession.
b. A person in this position.
10. Games The highest card or cards in a suit or hand.
11. The best part.
12. The earliest part or beginning: She played the piece again, from the top.
13. Baseball The first half of an inning.
14. Sports
a. A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin.
b. A forward spin on a ball resulting from such a stroke.
15. Slang One who penetrates the other person or is the dominant partner in a sexual encounter or relationship.
1. Situated at the top: the top shelf.
2. Of the highest degree, quality, rank, or amount: in top form; the top ten bestsellers.
3. In a position of preeminence: the top historian in her department.
v. topped, top·ping, tops
1. To form, furnish with, or serve as a top: topped the ice cream with jimmies.
2. To reach or go over the top of: The car topped the hill.
3. To exceed or surpass: The car's speed topped 80 miles an hour. Her performance really topped his.
4. To be at the head of: She topped her class.
5. To remove the top or uppermost part from; crop: topped the fruit trees.
6. Sports
a. To strike the upper part of [a ball], giving it forward spin.
b. To make [a stroke] in this way.
To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.
Phrasal Verbs:
top off
1. To fill up [a container], especially when it is almost full to begin with.
2. To finish up.
top out
1. To put the framework for the top story on [a building].
2. To fill up [a ship, for example].
3. To cease rising: Interest rates topped out at 16 percent.
4. Informal To give up one's career just as one becomes highly successful.
off the top of [one's] head Informal
In an impromptu way: She recited the poem off the top of her head.
on top
1. At the highest point or peak.
2. In a dominant, controlling, or successful position.
on top of Informal
1. In control of.
2. Fully informed about: a senator who is always on top of the issues.
3. In addition to; besides: On top of this, several other benefits are being offered.
4. Following closely on; coming immediately after: Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.
on top of the world Informal
In a position of great happiness or success.
over the top
1. Surpassing a goal or quota.
2. Excessively expressive or dramatic.
3. Over the breastwork, as an attack in trench warfare: "a whole battalion, onto the beachhead, over the top" [Margaret Atwood].
[Middle English, from Old English.]


A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.
[Middle English, from Old English.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the highest or uppermost part of anything: the top of a hill.
2. the most important or successful position: to be at the top of the class; the top of the table.
3. the part of a plant that is above ground: carrot tops.
4. a thing that forms or covers the uppermost part of anything, esp a lid or cap: put the top on the saucepan.
5. the highest degree or point: at the top of his career.
6. the most important person: he's the top of this organization.
7. the best or finest part of anything: we've got the top of this year's graduates.
8. the loudest or highest pitch [esp in the phrase top of one's voice]
9. the beginning: the top of the hour; at the top of the programme.
10. [Automotive Engineering] short for top gear
11. [Card Games] cards the highest card of a suit in a player's hand
12. [General Sporting Terms] sport
a. a stroke that hits the ball above its centre
b. short for topspin
13. [Nautical Terms] a platform around the head of a lower mast of a sailing vessel, the edges of which serve to extend the topmast shrouds
14. [Chemistry] chem the part of a volatile liquid mixture that distils first
15. [Clothing & Fashion] a garment, esp for a woman, that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips
16. [Electronics]
a. the high-frequency content of an audio signal
b. [as modifier]: this amplifier has a good top response.
17. blow one's top informal to lose one's temper
18. on top of
a. in addition to: on top of his accident, he caught pneumonia.
b. informal in complete control of [a difficult situation, job, etc]
19. off the top of one's head with no previous preparation; extempore
20. [Military] over the parapet or leading edge of a trench
21. over the limit; excessive[ly]; lacking restraint or a sense of proportion
22. the top of the morning a morning greeting regarded as characteristic of Irishmen
23. of, relating to, serving as, or situated on the top: the top book in a pile.
24. informal Brit excellent: a top night out.
vb [mainly tr] , tops, topping or topped
25. to form a top on [something]: to top a cake with whipped cream.
26. to remove the top of or from: to top carrots.
27. to reach or pass the top of: we topped the mountain.
28. to be at the top of: he tops the team.
29. to exceed or surpass
30. slang to kill
31. [General Sporting Terms] [also intr] sport
a. to hit [a ball] above the centre
b. to make [a stroke] by hitting the ball in this way
32. [Chemistry] chem to distil off [the most volatile part] from a liquid mixture
33. [Dyeing] to add other colorants to [a dye] in order to modify the shade produced
34. top and tail
a. to trim off the ends of [fruit or vegetables] before cooking them
b. to wash a baby's face and bottom without immersion in a bath
[Old English topp; related to Old High German zopf plait, Old Norse toppr tuft]


1. a toy that is spun on its pointed base by a flick of the fingers, by pushing a handle at the top up and down, etc
2. anything that spins or whirls around
3. sleep like a top to sleep very soundly
[Old English, of unknown origin]
Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., adj., v. topped, topping. n.
1. the highest point, part, or level of anything; summit.
2. the uppermost or upper part, surface, end, etc., of anything.
3. a lid or covering of a container.
4. the highest or leading position or rank: at the top of the class.
5. a person or thing occupying such a position.
6. the highest pitch or degree: at the top of one's voice.
7. the first or foremost part; beginning: Take it from the top.
8. a garment for the upper body.
9. a rooflike upper part or cover on a vehicle.
10. tops, the part of a plant that grows above ground, esp. of an edible root.
11. the head or the crown of the head: from top to toe.
12. the best or choicest part: the top of the lot.
13. Brit.
a. a part considered as higher: the top of the street.
b. high gear of an automobile.
14. a platform surrounding the head of a lower mast on a ship and serving as a foothold, a means of extending the upper rigging, etc.
a. [in bridge] the best card of a suit in a player's hand.
b. [in duplicate bridge] the best score on a hand.
16. the first half of an inning in baseball.
17. [in sports]
a. a stroke that hits a ball above its center.
b. the forward spin given to the ball by such a stroke.
18. Chem. the part of a mixture under distillation that volatilizes first.
19. of, situated at, or forming the top; highest; uppermost; upper.
20. highest in degree; greatest: to pay top prices.
21. foremost, chief, or principal: the top players.
22. highest in rank, quality, or popularity: the top ten movies.
23. to furnish with a top; put a top on.
24. to be at or constitute the top of.
25. to reach the top of.
26. to rise above.
27. to exceed in height, amount, number, etc.
28. to surpass, excel, or outdo: That tops everything.
29. to surmount with something specified.
30. to remove the top of; crop; prune: to top a tree.
31. to get or leap over the top of [a fence, barrier, etc.].
32. Chem. to distill off only the most volatile part of [a mixture].
a. to strike [a ball] above its center, giving it a forward spin.
b. to make [a stroke] by hitting the ball in this manner.
34. to rise aloft.
35. top off,
a. to climax or complete, esp. in an exceptional manner; finish.
b. to fill [a partly filled container, as a gas tank] to capacity.
36. top out,
a. to finish the top of [a structure].
b. to reach the highest level.
1. at the top of one's lungs, as loudly as possible; with full voice.
2. off the top of one's head, without thought or preparation; extemporaneously.
3. on top, successful; victorious; dominant.
4. on top of,
a. over or upon.
b. in addition to; over and above.
c. in complete control: on top of the problem.
d. very or overly close to: living on top of each other.
e. close upon; following upon.
f. aware of; informed about.
5. on top of the world, elated; exuberant.
6. over the top,
a. over the top of a trench, as in charging the enemy.
b. surpassing a goal, quota, or limit.
[before 1000; Middle English; late Old English topp, c. Old Frisian topp tuft, Old High German zopf plait, tress, Old Norse toppr top, tuft]



a toy, often inversely conical, with a point on which it is made to spin.
sleep like a top, to sleep soundly.
[before 1100; Middle English, Old English, c. Frisian, dial. Dutch top]


var. of topo- before a vowel: toponym.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


a tuft or handful of hair; wood fibres; a bundle of combed wool ready for spinning, 1637.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: topped
Gerund: topping

I top
you top
he/she/it tops
we top
you top
they top
I topped
you topped
he/she/it topped
we topped
you topped
they topped
Present Continuous
I am topping
you are topping
he/she/it is topping
we are topping
you are topping
they are topping
Present Perfect
I have topped
you have topped
he/she/it has topped
we have topped
you have topped
they have topped
Past Continuous
I was topping
you were topping
he/she/it was topping
we were topping
you were topping
they were topping
Past Perfect
I had topped
you had topped
he/she/it had topped
we had topped
you had topped
they had topped
I will top
you will top
he/she/it will top
we will top
you will top
they will top
Future Perfect
I will have topped
you will have topped
he/she/it will have topped
we will have topped
you will have topped
they will have topped
Future Continuous
I will be topping
you will be topping
he/she/it will be topping
we will be topping
you will be topping
they will be topping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been topping
you have been topping
he/she/it has been topping
we have been topping
you have been topping
they have been topping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been topping
you will have been topping
he/she/it will have been topping
we will have been topping
you will have been topping
they will have been topping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been topping
you had been topping
he/she/it had been topping
we had been topping
you had been topping
they had been topping
I would top
you would top
he/she/it would top
we would top
you would top
they would top
Past Conditional
I would have topped
you would have topped
he/she/it would have topped
we would have topped
you would have topped
they would have topped
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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top - the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"
chapiter, capital, cap - the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
masthead - the head or top of a mast
crown - the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel
region, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
head - the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list"
treetop, crown - the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant
top - the highest or uppermost side of anything; "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted"
top side, upper side, upside
crest, crown - the center of a cambered road
poll - the part of the head between the ears
pate, poll, crown - the top of the head
side, face - a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"
desktop - the top of a desk
rooftop - the top of a [usually flat] roof
tiptop - the extreme top or summit
top - the top or extreme point of something [usually a mountain or hill]; "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"
crest, summit, peak, tip, crown
hilltop, brow - the peak of a hill; "the sun set behind the brow of distant hills"
pinnacle - a lofty peak
place, spot, topographic point - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet"
mountain peak - the summit of a mountain
top - the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"
top of the inning
inning, frame - [baseball] one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat
bout, round, turn - [sports] a division during which one team is on the offensive
bottom of the inning, bottom - the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat
top - the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
acme, meridian, summit, tiptop, pinnacle, superlative, elevation, height, peak
degree, stage, level, point - a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?"
top - the greatest possible intensity; "he screamed at the top of his lungs"
intensiveness, intensity - high level or degree; the property of being intense
top - platform surrounding the head of a lower mast
platform - a raised horizontal surface; "the speaker mounted the platform"
ship - a vessel that carries passengers or freight
top - a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"
spinning top, teetotum, whirligig
humming top - a top that makes a humming noise as it spins
peg top - a pear-shaped top made of wood with a metal center pin
plaything, toy - an artifact designed to be played with
whip top, whipping top - a top that is spun by whipping
top - covering for a hole [especially a hole in the top of a container]; "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"
cap - a top [as for a bottle]
covering - an artifact that covers something else [usually to protect or shelter or conceal it]
lid - a movable top or cover [hinged or separate] for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.; "he raised the piano lid"
manhole cover - a flush iron cover for a manhole [as in a street]
screwtop - the top of a container that must be screwed off and on
top - a garment [especially for women] that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips; "he stared as she buttoned her top"
blouse - a top worn by women
bodice - part of a dress above the waist
bustier - a close-fitting and strapless top without sleeves that is worn by women either as lingerie or for evening dress
halter - a woman's top that fastens behind the back and neck leaving the back and arms uncovered
woman's clothing - clothing that is designed for women to wear
top - a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance; "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour"
big top, circus tent, round top
canvas tent, canvass, canvas - a tent made of canvas fabric
circus - an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus" - be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"
exceed, go past, overstep, transcend, pass
excel, surpass, stand out - distinguish oneself; "She excelled in math"
top - pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
overhaul, overtake, pass - travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"
hop - jump across; "He hopped the bush"
top - be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point; "A star tops the Christmas Tree"
lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
top - be ahead of others; be the first; "she topped her class every year"
lead - provide with a top or finish the top [of a structure]; "the towers were topped with conical roofs"
top out
furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
top - reach or ascend the top of; "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
arrive at, reach, attain, gain, hit, make - reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
top - strike [the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool] giving it a forward spin
hit - cause to move by striking; "hit a ball"
top - cut the top off; "top trees and bushes"
prune, snip, lop, cut back, clip, crop, trim, dress - cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
tail - remove the stalk of fruits or berries
top - be the culminating event; "The speech crowned the meeting"
culminate - end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage; "The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace"
top - finish up or conclude; "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne"
top off
complete, finish - come or bring to a finish or an end; "He finished the dishes"; "She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree"; "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours"
top - situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"
best - [superlative of `good'] having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit"
high - [literal meaning] being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension [sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high']; "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"
bottom - situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer"
side - located on a side; "side fences"; "the side porch"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. peak, summit, head, crown, height, ridge, brow, crest, high point, pinnacle, culmination, meridian, zenith, apex, apogee, acme, vertex I came down alone from the top of the mountain.
peak base, foot, bottom, underneath, nadir, underside
2. upper part, upper layer, upper surface Bake the biscuits until the tops are lightly browned.
3. lid, cover, cap, cork, plug, stopper, bung the plastic tops from aerosol containers
4. t-shirt, shirt, jersey, jumper, sweater, blouse, sweat shirt Look at my new top.
5. first place, head, peak, lead, highest rank, high point The US will be at the top of the medals table.
6. highest level, utmost extent He shouted to us at the top of his voice.
7. shoots, leaves, stem, stalk Rabbits have eaten the lettuces and the tops of the carrots.
1. highest, upper, loftiest, furthest up, uppermost, topmost Our new flat was on the top floor.
2. leading, best, first, highest, greatest, lead, head, prime, finest, crowning, crack [informal], elite, superior, dominant, foremost, pre-eminent He was the top student in physics.
leading worst, lowest, bottom, inferior, incompetent, inept, second-rate, amateurish, unranked
3. chief, most important, principal, most powerful, highest, lead, head, ruling, leading, main, commanding, prominent, notable, sovereign, eminent, high-ranking, illustrious I need to have the top people in this company work together.
4. prime, best, select, first-class, capital, quality, choice, excellent, premier, superb, elite, superior, top-class, A1 [informal], top-quality, first-rate, top-notch [informal], grade A, top-grade a candlelit dinner at a top restaurant
5. maximum, greatest, utmost, maximal, topmost The car-ferry has a top speed of forty-two knots.
1. lead, head, command, be at the top of, be first in What happens if the socialists top the poll?
2. exceed, go beyond, surpass, cap, outstrip, surmount Imports topped £10 billion last month.
3. cover, coat, garnish, finish, crown, cap, overspread To serve, top the fish with cooked leeks.
4. surpass, better, beat, improve on, cap, exceed, best, eclipse, trump, go beyond, excel, transcend, outstrip, outdo, outshine, go one better than How are you ever going to top that?
surpass fall short of, fail to equal, not be as good as
5. reach the top of, scale, mount, climb, conquer, crest, ascend, surmount As they topped the hill he saw the town in the distance.
over the top excessive, too much, going too far, inordinate, over the limit, a bit much [informal], uncalled-for, immoderate The special effects are a bit over the top, but I enjoyed it.
top something up
1. fill [up], refresh, recharge, refill, replenish, freshen He topped her glass up, complaining that she was a slow drinker.
2. supplement, boost, add to, enhance, augment The bank topped up their loan to £5000.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The highest point:
apex, cap, crest, crown, height, peak, roof, summit, vertex.
2. The outer layer of an object:
face, surface.
3. The highest point or state:
acme, apex, apogee, climax, crest, crown, culmination, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith.
Informal: payoff.
Medicine: fastigium.
4. The greatest quantity or highest degree attainable:
maximum, outside, ultimate, utmost, uttermost.
Idiom: ne plus ultra.
5. The superlative or most preferable part of something:
best, choice, cream, crème de la crème, elite, flower, pick, prize.
Idioms: cream of the crop, flower of the flock, pick of the bunch.
1. Of, being, located at, or forming the top:
highest, loftiest, topmost, upmost, uppermost.
2. Greatest in quantity or highest in degree that has been or can be attained:
maximal, maximum, topmost, ultimate, utmost, uttermost.
3. Exceptionally good of its kind:
ace, banner, blue-ribbon, brag, capital, champion, excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, prime, quality, splendid, superb, superior, terrific, tiptop.
Informal: A-one, bully, dandy, great, swell, topflight, topnotch.
Slang: boss.
Chiefly British: tophole.
4. Preeminent in rank or position:
highest, top-drawer.
5. Most important, influential, or significant:
capital, cardinal, chief, first, foremost, key, leading, main, major, number one, paramount, premier, primary, prime, principal.
1. To put a topping on:
cap, crown, top off.
2. To be greater or better than:
best, better, exceed, excel, outdo, outmatch, outrun, outshine, outstrip, pass, surpass, transcend.
Informal: beat.
Idioms: go beyond, go one better.
3. To reach or bring to a climax.Off or out:
cap, climax, crest, crown, culminate, peak.
phrasal verb
top off
To put a topping on:
cap, crown, top.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أَعْلَىالطَّبَقَةِ العُلْياثَوْب المَرأه العُلْويدُمْيَه دَوّامَهغِطاء
vrcholhorníodříznout vršekpokrýtpovrch
couverclehauttoupiedessusdu haut
borîplataefstur í bekknumfjarlægja efsta hlutalok; tappisem er efstur/fremstur í flokki
뚜껑맨 위맨 위의
atsegtaugšaaugšdaļaaugšgalsaugstākā pakāpe
lokktoppsnurrebassta toppen avoverdel
вершинаколошниковыйверхверхнийверхняя часть
dať navrchodrezať vrch/vršokprvé miestovekovrch
najvišjipokrovstrogo zaupenvrhvrhnji
đỉnhđứng đầu


1 [tɒp]
A. N
1. [= highest point, peak] cumbre f, cima f; [of hill] cumbre f; [of tree] copa f; [of head] coronilla f; [of building] remate m; [of wall] coronamiento m; [of wave] cresta f; [of stairs, ladder] lo alto; [of page] cabeza f; [of list, table, classification] cabeza f, primer puesto m, primera posición f
at the top of the hill en la cumbre de la colina
to reach the top; make it to the top [of career etc] alcanzar la cumbre [del éxito]
the men at the top [fig] los que mandan
executives who are at the top of their careers ejecutivos que están en la cumbre de sus carreras
top of the charts [Mus] el número uno
to be at the top of the class [Scol] ser el/la mejor de la clase
Liverpool are at the top of the league Liverpool encabeza la liga
at the top of the page a la cabeza de la página
top of the range [Comm] lo mejor de la gama
at the top of the stairs en lo alto de la escalera
at the top of the tree [lit] en lo alto del árbol [Brit] [fig] en la cima, en lo más alto
at the top of the pile or heap en la cima, en lo más alto
see also blow 2 A3
2. [= upper part] parte f superior, parte f de arriba; [of bus] piso m superior; [of turnip, carrot, radish] rabillo m, hojas fpl
he lives at the top of the house ocupa el piso más alto de la casa
the top of the milk la nata
at the top of the street al final de la calle
he sits at the top of the table se sienta a la cabecera de la mesa
3. [= surface] superficie f
oil comes or floats or rises to the top el aceite sube a la superficie
the top of the table needs wiping hay que pasar una bayeta por la mesa
4. [= lid] [of pen, bottle, jar] tapa f, cubierta f, tapón m
5. [= blouse] blusa f
pyjama top parte f de arriba del pijama
I want a top to go with this skirt quiero algo para arriba que me vaya con esta falda
6. [Brit] [Aut] = top gear
7. [US] [Aut] capota f
8. [Naut] cofa f
9. on top encima, arriba
to be on top estar encima [fig] [= winning etc] llevar ventaja, estar ganando
seats on top! [on bus] ¡hay sitio arriba!
let's go up on top [Naut] vamos a [subir a] cubierta
thin on top con poco pelo, medio calvo
on top of sobre, encima de
it floats on top of the water flota sobre el agua
the next second the lorry was on top of us al instante el camión se nos echó encima
the flat is so small we live on top of each other el piso es tan pequeño que vivimos amontonados
on top of [all] that [= in addition to that] y encima or además de [todo] eso
on top of which y para colmo, más encima
it's just one thing on top of another es una cosa tras otra
to be/get on top of things estar/ponerse a la altura de las cosas
I'm on top of my work now ahora puedo con el trabajo
things are getting on top of me ya no puedo más
to come out on top salir ganando or con éxito
to be/feel on top of the world estar/sentirse en el paraíso or en el séptimo cielo
10. tops: it's [the] tops es tremendo, es fabuloso
she's [the] tops es la reoca
11. [in phrases]
from top to bottom de arriba abajo
the system is rotten from top to bottom el sistema entero está podrido
to be at the top of one's form estar en plena forma
the top of the morning to you! [Irl] ¡buenos días!
over the top [Brit] [= excessive] excesivo, desmesurado
this proposal is really over the top [Brit] esta propuesta pasa de la raya
to go over the top [Mil] lanzarse al ataque [saliendo de las trincheras] [Brit] [fig] pasarse [de lo razonable], desbordarse
he doesn't have much up top [= stupid] no es muy listo que digamos; [= balding] tiene poco pelo, se le ven las ideas
she doesn't have much up top [= flat-chested] está lisa [basilisa]
at the top of one's voice a voz en grito
he said it off the top of his head lo dijo sin pensar
speaking off the top of my head, I would say hablando así sin pensarlo, yo diría que ...
1. [= highest] [drawer, shelf] de arriba, más alto; [edge, side, corner] superior, de arriba; [floor, step, storey] último
at the top end of the scale en el extremo superior de la escala
at the top end of the range [Comm] en el escalón más alto de la gama
top note [Mus] nota f más alta
2. [= maximum] [price] máximo
top priority principal prioridad f, asunto m primordial
at top speed a máxima velocidad, a toda carrera
3. [in rank etc] más importante
the top class at school [= final year] el último año en la escuela
a top executive un[a] alto/a ejecutivo/a
a top job un puesto de importancia
top management alta gerencia f
top people gente f bien
the top people in the party la dirección del partido
top stream [Scol] clase f del nivel más avanzado
4. [= best, leading] mejor
a top surgeon uno de los mejores cirujanos
the top 10/20/30 [Mus] los 10/20/30 mejores éxitos, el hit parade de los 10/20/30 mejores
to come top ganar, ganar el primer puesto
to come top of the class ser el primero de la clase
he came top in maths sacó la mejor nota de la clase en matemáticas
to be on top form estar en plena forma
to get top marks sacar la mejor nota
top scorer máximo/a goleador[a] m/f, pichichi mf [Sp]
top team equipo m líder
5. [= final] [coat of paint] último
the top layer of skin la epidermis
6. [= farthest] superior
the top right-hand corner la esquina superior derecha
the top end of the field el extremo superior del campo
C. ADV tops [= maximum, at most] como mucho
1. [= form top of] [+ building] coronar; [+ cake] cubrir, recubrir
a cake topped with whipped cream una tarta cubierta or recubierta de nata or [LAm] crema
a church topped by a steeple una iglesia coronada por un campanario
the wall is topped with stone el muro tiene un coronamiento de piedras
2. [= be at top of] [+ class, list] encabezar, estar a la cabeza de
to top the bill [Theat] encabezar el reparto
to top the charts [Mus] ser el número uno de las listas de éxitos or de los superventas
the team topped the league all season el equipo iba en cabeza de la liga toda la temporada
3. [= exceed, surpass] exceder, superar
profits topped £50,000 last year las ganancias excedieron [las] 50.000 libras el año pasado
sales topped the million mark las ventas rebasaron el millón
we have topped last year's takings by £200 hemos recaudado 200 libras más que el año pasado, los ingresos exceden a los del año pasado en 200 libras
and to top it all y para colmo ..., como remate ..., y para rematar las cosas ...
how are you going to top that? [joke, story etc] ¿cómo vas a superar eso?, te han puesto el listón muy alto
4. [+ vegetables, fruit, plant] descabezar; [+ tree] desmochar
to top and tail fruit [Brit] quitar los extremos de la fruta
5. [= reach summit of] llegar a la cumbre de
6. [= kill] colgar
to top o.s. suicidarse
E. CPD top banana N [US] pez m gordo
top boots NPL botas fpl de campaña
top brass N jefazos mpl
top copy N original m
top dog N she's top dog at work ella es mandamás en el trabajo
top dollar N [esp US] to pay top dollar for sth pagar algo a precio de oro
the top drawer N [fig] la alta sociedad, la crema
see also top-drawer top dressing N [Hort, Agr] abono m [aplicado a la superficie]
top gear N [Brit] [Aut] directa f
in top gear [four-speed box] en cuarta, en la directa; [five-speed box] en quinta, en la directa
top hat N sombrero m de copa, chistera f
top spin N [Tennis] efecto m alto, efecto m liftado
top off VT + ADV [= complete] coronar, rematar
he topped this off by saying that esto lo remató diciendo que ...
he topped off the fourth course with a cup of coffee para completar el cuarto plato se bebió una taza de café
top up [Brit]
A. VT + ADV llenar
to top sb's glass up rellenar el vaso de algn
shall I top you up? ¿te doy más?
to top up a battery [= refill it] llenar a nivel una batería
her parents topped up her grant sus padres le añadieron un complemento or suplemento a la beca
B. VI + ADV to top up with oil poner aceite
we topped up with a couple of beers como remate nos bebimos un par de cervezas


2 [tɒp] N
1. [= spinning top] peonza f, peón m; [= humming top, musical top] trompa f
see also sleep
2. [Circus]
see big
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[= highest part] [mountain] sommet m; [head] dessus m; [container, cupboard] dessus m; [page, ladder, stairs, street] haut m; [leg, arm] haut m
Don't fill it up to the top Ne le remplissez pas jusqu'au bord., Ne le remplissez pas à ras bord.
The water reached the tops of my legs L'eau m'arrivait en haut des jambes.
over the top of sth [= above] par-dessus qch
over the tops of the houses par-dessus les maisons
at the top of sth en haut de qch
at the top of the stairs en haut de l'escalier
at the top of the street en haut de la rue
go back to the top of the page, go back to top [web page] retour en haut de la page, haut de page
from top to bottom de fond en comble
I searched the house from top to bottom J'ai fouillé la maison de fond en comble.
from top to toe de la tête aux pieds
the top of the milk [British] la crème du lait
[= upper surface] dessus m
Bake the biscuits until the tops are lightly browned Cuisez les biscuits au four jusqu'à ce que le dessus soit légèrement doré.
a table top un plateau de table
[= highest place] [in list, table] tête f
at the top of the list en tête de liste, en haut de la liste
Welfare reform is at the top of the government's list La réforme de l'aide sociale est une priorité du gouvernement.
to be at the top of the league être en tête du championnat
[= lid] [box, jar] couvercle m; [bottle] bouchon m
Don't forget to put the top back on N'oubliez pas de remettre le couvercle.
[= garment] haut m; [pyjamas] veste f, haut m
She changed into a clean top Elle mit un haut propre.
That's a lovely top you're wearing C'est un joli haut que tu portes là.
a bikini top un haut de bikini
on top [position] dessus
hot chocolate with whipped cream on top du chocolat chaud avec de la crème fouettée dessus
on top of sth sur qch
on top of the fridge sur le frigo
on top [= in addition] en plus
on top of sth en plus de qch
There's a surcharge on top of that Il a un supplément en plus de cela.
to be on top of sth [= coping] dominer qch
to get on top of sth dominer qch
the top [= highest, most successful position] le sommet
to get to the top réussir
at the top au sommet
She is at the top of her profession Elle au sommet de sa profession.
to come out on top [= outdo competitors] prendre le dessus
at the top of one's voice [= very loudly] à tue-tête
over the top adjective [behaviour, reaction] excessif/ive; adv to go over the top exagérer
[= toy] toupie f
[= highest] [shelf] du haut
I can't reach the top shelf Je ne peux pas atteindre l'étagère du haut.
Please read the top line of the page
BUT Lisez, s'il vous plaît, la première ligne de la page.
the top part of sth le haut de qch
the top floor le dernier étage
on the top floor au dernier étage
[= very successful] de premier ordre
a top surgeon un chirurgien de premier ordre
a top model un top model
one of the top teams in the country l'une des meilleures équipe du pays
[= best] [speed] maximal[e]; [score] meilleur[e]
The top score was 98% Le meilleur score était de 98%.
a top speed of 241 km per hour une vitesse maximale de 241 km/h
at top speed à toute vitesse
[= excellent] excellent[e]
He always gets top marks in French Il a toujours d'excellentes notes en français.
[= first] [priority] premier/ière
a matter of top priority une absolue priorité
We need to solve this problem as a matter of top priority Nos devons faire du règlement de ce problème une absolue priorité.
[= exceed] dépasser
[= be first in] [+ list, poll] arriver en tête de
to top and tail beans effiler des haricots tops
to be tops, to be the tops être le top
adv [= at the most] au maximum
It should cost £50 tops Cela devrait coûter au maximum 50 livres.
It will only take ten minutes, tops Cela ne te prendra que dix minutes, au maximum.
top up
[British] vt
[= refill] [+ glass, drink] remplir
[= supplement] [+ salary] compléter
[+ mobile phone] recharger [en temps de communication]
to top up one's mobile phone acheter du temps de communication, acheter des minutes
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[= overcoat] Mantel m; [for men also] Überzieher m
[= coat of paint] Deckanstrich m, letzter Anstrich
top copy
n Original nt
top dog
n [fig] he always has to be top er muss immer das Sagen haben
top dollar
n [esp US inf] Spitzenpreise pl; to pay top for something Höchstpreise für etw bezahlen; Im paying top [as wage/salary] ich zahle einen Spitzenlohn/ein Spitzengehalt; security earns top mit Sicherheit[sdiensten] lässt sich spitzenmäßig verdienen
adj [esp US inf] spitzenmäßig [inf]; top prices Spitzenpreise pl; top lyrics spitzenmäßig gute Liedtexte
adj approach, view, analysis von oben nach unten
vt [Agr] mit Kopfdünger düngen
top dressing
n [Agr] Kopfdünger m


adj obergärig
adj Spitzen-, erstklassig; top football Spitzenfußball m
adj glass etc randvoll
top gear
n höchster Gang; to be in top [lit] im höchsten Gang sein; [fig] auf Hochtouren sein
top hat
n Zylinder m
adj mit Zylinder
adj [lit, fig] kopflastig; shes a bit top [hum inf] sie hat einen ziemlichen Vorbau [inf]; the army is top with officers die Armee hat zu viele hohe Offiziere
adj, interj [dated inf] famos [dated], erstklassig


n Dutt m
adj oben ohne, Oben-ohne-; pictures of top women Bilder von Frauen oben ohne; top waitresses Oben-ohne-Bedienung f; top model Oben-ohne-Modell nt; top bar Oben-ohne-Bar f, Toplessbar f
adv sunbathe, pose, dance oben ohne; to go top oben ohne gehen
adj Spitzen-; inquiry, negotiations auf höchster Ebene; top meeting Spitzentreffen nt; top folder [Comput] Hauptordner m
top light
n [Phot, Painting] Oberlicht nt
adj actor etc prominent; news wichtigste[r, s]; hotel etc erstklassig, renommiert
top loader
n [= washing machine] Toplader m
top management
n Spitzenmanagement nt
n [Naut] Toppmast m, Marsstenge f
adj oberste[r, s]; on the top floor im obersten Stockwerk
adj [inf] eins a [inf], prächtig
top-of-the-range, top-of-the-line
adj attr Spitzen-, der Spitzenklasse; top model Spitzenmodell nt


top quality
n Spitzenqualität f
adj Spitzen-; top quality product Spitzenprodukt nt
adj attr [Sport] Spitzen-; top player Spitzenspieler[in] m[f]; top Miami das Spitzenteam Miami
adj von hohem Rang; civil servant, officer also hohe[r]; personality hochgestellt; tennis player etc der Spitzenklasse; top author Spitzenautor[in] m[f]
adj attr führend


n [Naut] Marssegel nt
adj streng geheim
adj [Brit] magazine pornografisch
n [Brit: of beef] Oberschale f
adv [Naut] to go top an Deck gehen
n [Agr] Ackerkrume f
n Topspin m
top station
n Bergstation f


[= highest part] oberer Teil; [of spire, pyramid, cone etc, fig, of league, company etc] Spitze f; [of mountain] Gipfel m; [of tree] Krone f, Spitze f; [of pine tree] Wipfel m, Spitze f; [of branch] oberes Ende; [of wave] Kamm m; [of carrots, radishes] Ende nt; [= leafy part] Kraut nt; [= detachable part: of cupboard etc] Aufsatz m; [= head end: of table, bed, sheet] Kopfende nt, oberes Ende; [of road, beach] oberes Ende; which is the top? wo ist oben?; the top of the tree/page/list/wall etc is der Baum/die Seite/Liste/Wand etc ist oben ; the top of the milk die Rahmschicht [auf der Milch]; at the top oben; at the top of the page/list oben auf der Seite/Liste; at the top of the league/pile oben in der Tabelle/im Stapel; at the top of the stairs/wall/hill/tree oben an der Treppe/Wand/am Berg/Baum; at the top of the table/road am oberen Ende des Tisches/der Straße; to be [at the] top of the class Klassenbeste[r] or -erste[r] sein, der/die Beste in der Klasse sein; to come out at the top of the list Erste[r] sein; near the top [ziemlich] weit oben; hes near the top in English in Englisch gehört er zu den Besten; the liquid was cloudy near the top die Flüssigkeit war oben wolkig; she bashed the top of her head on the luggage rack sie schlug sich [dat] den Kopf an der Gepäckablage an; he looked over the top of his spectacles er sah über den Brillenrand [hinweg]; he curled his fingers over the top of the window er klammerte sich mit den Fingern an den oberen Fensterrand; she fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom sie fiel die ganze Treppe von oben bis unten hinunter; five lines from the top in der fünften Zeile von oben; from top to toe von Kopf bis Fuß; from top to bottom von oben bis unten; the system is rotten from top to bottom das System ist von vorn bis hinten schlecht [inf]; to scream at the top of ones voice aus vollem Hals or aus Leibeskräften brüllen; they were talking at the top[s] of their voices sie haben sich in voller Lautstärke unterhalten; to be at the top of the ladder or the tree [fig] auf dem Gipfel [des Erfolgs] sein; go to the top of the class [inf] du bist gar nicht so dumm!; off the top of my head [fig] grob gesagt; [with figures] über den Daumen gepeilt [inf]; just a quick comment please, off the top of your head bitte einen kurzen Kommentar, ganz spontan; to talk off the top of ones head [inf] nur so daherreden; to go over the top [in trenches] aus dem Schützengraben klettern; [= exaggerate] zu viel des Guten tun; thats a bit over the top das ist ein bisschen übertrieben, das geht ein bisschen zu weit; I find him a bit over the top ich finde, er übertreibt es ein bisschen; hes over the top [= past his best] er ist auf dem absteigenden Ast; top of the pops [record] Spitzenreiter m [in der Hitparade]; the top of the morning to you! [Ir] grüß Gott! [S Ger, Aus], [schönen] guten Morgen! ? bill2
[= upper surface] Oberfläche f; [Comput] Vordergrund m; to be on top oben sein or liegen; [fig] obenauf sein; it was on top of/on the top of the cupboard/pile etc es war auf/oben auf dem Schrank/Stapel etc; put it on top of/the top of the cupboard etc leg es oben auf den Schrank etc; to go up on top [on boat] an Deck gehen; seats on top! [in bus] oben sind noch Sitzplätze!; to see London from the top of a bus London vom Oberdeck eines Busses aus sehen; on top of [in addition to] zusätzlich zu; things are getting on top of me die Dinge wachsen mir über den Kopf; then, on top of all that und dann, um das Maß vollzumachen ; and, on top of that und zusätzlich , und außerdem ; its just one thing on top of another es kommt eines zum anderen; he didnt see it until he was right on top of it er sah es erst, als er ganz nah dran war; he felt he was on top of the situation er hatte das Gefühl, die Situation im Griff or unter Kontrolle zu haben; to come out on top sich durchsetzen; [over rival] die Oberhand gewinnen
[inf, of body] Oberkörper m; to blow ones top in die Luft or an die Decke gehen [inf], aus der Haut fahren [inf]; shes rather big round the top sie ist oben herum ganz schön füllig [inf]
[= working surface] Arbeitsfläche f
[= bikini top] Oberteil nt; [= blouse] Top nt
[= lid, of jar, suitcase] Deckel m; [of bottle] Verschluss m; [of pen] Hülle f; [of car] Dach nt; hard top [Aut] Hardtop nt; soft top [Aut] Weichverdeck nt
[Aut: = top gear] höchster Gang; in top im vierten/fünften, im höchsten Gang
[inf: = big top] Großzelt nt, Zirkuszelt nt
[inf] to be [the] tops klasse sein [inf], spitze sein [inf]
[Naut] Mars m
adj [= upper] obere[r, s]; [= highest] oberste[r, s]; branches, note, honours, price höchste[r, s]; [= best] Spitzen-, Top-; pupil, school, marks beste[r, s]; top athlete Spitzenathlet[in] m[f]; he was the top seed er war an erste Stelle gesetzt; top job Spitzenjob m; top prices Höchstpreise pl; todays top story die wichtigste Meldung von heute; on the top floor im obersten Stockwerk; a top-floor flat eine Dachgeschosswohnung; hes out of the top drawer [fig] er gehört zu den oberen zehntausend; the top end of the market das obere Marktsegment; the car has a top speed of 120 das Auto hat eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 120; at top speed mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit; in top form in Höchstform; to be top [Sch] Beste[r] or Erste[r] sein; the top men in the party/government/firm die Partei-/Regierungs-/Unternehmensspitze; the newspaper for top people die Zeitung für Führungskräfte; the top people [in a company] die Leute an der Spitze; [in society] die oberen zehntausend; the Top Ten [Mus] die Top Ten pl
to come top [Sch] Beste[r] werden
tops [inf] höchstens, maximal; itll take an hour tops das dauert höchstens or maximal eine Stunde
[= cover, cap] bedecken; topped by a dome gekrönt von einer Kuppel; fruit topped with cream Obst mit Sahne darauf
[= reach top of] just as the car/he topped the hill gerade, als das Auto/er oben auf dem Berg angekommen war or den Gipfel des Berges erreicht hatte
[= be at top of] his name topped the list sein Name stand ganz oben auf der Liste or an der Spitze der Liste ? bill2
[= be higher than, fig: = surpass] übersteigen; that tops the lot [inf] das übertrifft alles; and to top it all [inf] und um das Maß vollzumachen
to top a tree/radish/carrot die Spitze eines Baumes/das Ende eines Rettichs/einer Mohrrübe abschneiden; to top and tail gooseberries [Brit] Stachelbeeren putzen
to top oneself [inf] sich umbringen


n Kreisel m; to sleep like a top wie ein Murmeltier schlafen
Collins German Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [tɒp]
1. n
a. [highest point, of mountain, page, ladder] cima; [of list, table, queue] testa; [of career] apice m
at the top of the hill sulla cima della collina
at the top of the stairs/page/street in cima alle scale/alla pagina/alla strada
at the top of the table a capotavola
to be top of the charts essere in testa alla hit-parade
Liverpool is at the top of the league [Sport] il Liverpool è in testa alla classifica
from top to bottom [fig] da cima a fondo
from top to toe dalla testa ai piedi
from the top dall'alto
from the top of the hill dalla cima della collina
on top sopra
on top of in cima a, sopra [Brit] [in addition to] oltre a
to fall on top of sb cadere addosso a qn
he's going thin on top [fam] sta incominciando a perdere i capelli
to reach the top [fig] [of career] raggiungere l'apice
the men at the top [fig] quelli che sono al potere
b. [surface] superficie f; [of box, cupboard, table] sopra m inv, parte f superiore; [roof, of car] tetto; [upper part, of bus] piano superiore
the top of the table needs wiping bisogna pulire la superficie or il piano della tavola
oil comes to the top l'olio sale alla superficie
seats on top! [Brit] [in double-decker bus] ci sono posti di sopra!
the top of the milk [Brit] la panna
c. [Dress] [blouse] camicia; [T-shirt] maglietta; [of pyjamas] giacca
d. [lid, of bottle] tappo; [of box, jar] coperchio; [of pen] tappo, cappuccio
e. [also top gear] to change into top mettere la quarta [or quinta]
f. [in phrases] on top of [all] that per di più, inoltre
it's just one thing on top of another è una cosa dietro a un'altra
to be/feel on top of the world [fam] essere/sentirsi al settimo cielo
to be/get on top of things [fig] dominare/cominciare a dominare la situazione
things are getting on top of me [fam] mi sta precipitando tutto addosso
to come out on top [fig] uscire vincitore/trice
I can't tell you off the top of my head a mente non te lo posso dire
at the top of one's voice [fig] a squarciagola
over the top [Brit] [fam] [behaviour] eccessivo/a
to go over the top [Brit] [fam] esagerare
2. adj
a. [highest, floor, step] ultimo/a; [shelf, drawer] [ultimo/a] in alto; [price] più alto/a; [in rank] primo/a
at top speed a tutta velocità
top gear la marcia più alta, quarta [or quinta]
the top men in the party i dirigenti del partito
a top job un posto di prestigio
she's top dog at work [fig] [fam] è il grande capo sul lavoro
b. [best] migliore
to get top marks [Brit] avere i voti migliori
to come top of the class avere i voti più alti di tutta la classe, risultare il/la migliore della classe
he came top in maths or [Am] math ha avuto i voti migliori in matematica
the top twenty [Mus] i venti migliori dischi [della settimana]
to be on top form [fam] sentirsi veramente in forma
a top surgeon un grande chirurgo
c. [last, layer] ultimo/a
the top coat [of paint] l'ultima mano [di pittura]
she is in the top class at school sta facendo l'ultimo anno di scuola
3. vt
a. sormontare
a church topped by a steeple una chiesa sovrastata da un campanile
to top a cake with cream coprire una torta di panna
b. [be first in] essere in testa a
to top the bill [Theatre] avere il primo posto sul cartellone
c. [exceed] superare
and to top it all ... [fig] e come se non bastasse
profits topped £50,000 last year i profitti hanno superato le 50.000 sterline l'anno scorso
d. [vegetables, fruit] tagliare le punte a
to top and tail fruit tagliare le punte e i gambi alla frutta
top off vt + adv [finish] to top off with concludere con
we topped off the dinner with a toast to the happy couple abbiamo concluso il pranzo con un brindisi in onore della coppia felice
top up vt + adv riempire
to top sb's glass up riempire il bicchiere a qn, dare ancora da bere a qn
to top up a battery fare un rabbocco alla batteria


2 [tɒp] n [toy] trottola
to sleep like a top dormire come un ghiro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


[top] noun
1. the highest part of anything. the top of the hill; the top of her head; The book is on the top shelf. top قِمَّه връх ponto mais alto vrchol; horní die Spitze top; øverst κορυφή, πάνω μέρος cumbre, lo alto tipp, ülemine [osa] نوک؛ راس huippu haut; sommet; du hautראש, פסגה ऊपरी भाग vrh, najgornji dio tető puncak toppur, efsti hluti e-s cima てっぺん 맨 위 viršus, viršūnė virsotne; augša puncak; atas sekali toptoppszczyt څرخيدونكى، چورلندى، لاټو ponto mais alto vârf; [partea de] sus верхняя часть; вершина; макушка vrchol, vrcholec, vrch; horný vrh vrh topp, övre del จุดสูงสุด tepe, zirve 頂部 верхівка, вершина چوٹي، بلندي phần cao nhất 顶部
2. the position of the cleverest in a class etc. He's at the top of the class. toppunt ذُرْوَه، الأفْضَل، القِمَّه، مَرْتَبَه عُلْيا връх primeiro lugar přední místo, špička die Spitze bedst κορυφή a la cabeza, en primer lugar tipp صدر paras en têteראש फलक najbolji učenik osztályelső nomor satu efstur í bekknum primo 首席 수석 geriausieji, pirmieji [mokiniai] būt labākajam klasē paling bestebest i klassenczołówka لوړ primeiro lugar frunte лучший ученик prvé miesto prvo mesto, čelo vrh topp, [han är] bäst [i klassen] สถานะของผู้ที่ฉลาดที่สุดในชั้นเรียน en başarılı derece 首位 найвище, перше місце بلند ترين درجہ vị trí số 1 trong lớp 首位
3. the upper surface. the table-top. blad الطَّبَقَةِ العُلْيا повърхност tampo povrch die Oberfläche bordplade επιφάνεια, πάνω μέρος lo alto de, sobre pind بخش فوقانی yläpinta dessus מִשטַח עֶליוֹן लट्टू gornja ploha tető, lap permukaan borðplata [parte superiore] 表面 윗면 viršus virsa; virsma atas bladplatewierzch هسك tampo parte de deasupra поверхность povrch zgornja stran vrh yta, [bords]skiva ด้านบน üst 上面,上邊 верхня поверхня اوپري سطح mặt trên 上面,上边
4. a lid. I've lost the top to this jar; a bottle-top. dop, deksel غِطاء капак tampa víko der Deckel låg; -låg; prop; -prop καπάκι, σκέπασμαtapadera, tapón kaas در؛ سرپوش kansi couvercle, bouchonמכסה खूब चिल्ला कर poklopac fedő tutup lok; tappi coperchio; tappo ふた 뚜껑 kamštis vāks; vāciņš penutup deksellokk, kapselpokrywka سر tampa capac; dop крышка vrchnák, veko pokrov poklopac lock, kapsyl ฝา kapak 蓋子 кришка, закривка دھکن cái nắp 盖子
5. a [woman's] garment for the upper half of the body; a blouse, sweater etc. I bought a new skirt and top. top ثَوْب المَرأه العُلْوي блуза blusa svršek das Sonnentop top; overdel γυναικεία μπλούζαblusa, camiseta, top pluus, ülaosa بلوز؛ بالاتنه yläosa hautחולצה कुर्ता gornji dio [odjeća] felső[rész] blus toppur; blússa, peysa corpetto, top 上着 상의 palaidinukė, megztinis, švarkas [apģērba] augšdaļa [blūze, džemperis u.tml.] baju topjeoverdelgóra بلوز blusa top, parte de sus [a îmbrăcă­mintei] верхняя деталь одежды; топ vrch, vršok zgornji del majica topp, överdel เสื้อ [โดยเฉพาะของสตรี] elbise üstü 婦女的上衣[如襯衫、毛衣等] блузка; топ عورت کے اوپري بدن کا لباس áo lót của phụ nữ 妇女的上衣(如衬衫、毛衣等)
having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class. He's top [of the class] again. bo-aan, beste مُمْتاز، مُتَفَوِّق، حاصِل على أعْلى العَلامات най-висок primeiro první der/die/das erste bedst πρώτος, κορυφαίος, ανώτεροςmejor, primero parim برتر؛ نخبه paras en tête הַראש सर्वोच्च स्थान najbolji, prvi [leg]első nomor satu sem er efstur/fremstur í flokki primo 首席の 수석의 geriausias labākais; izcilākais nombor satu bestebestnajlepszy لوړ، سر، مشر، مخكې primeiro în frunte лучший prvý najboljši najbolji främst, bäst ซึ่งได้คะแนนมากที่สุดในชั้นเรียน üst düzey, en üst 最好的[成績] займаючий перше місце ممتاز، سب سے زيادہ نمبر لانے والا học giỏi nhất lớp 最好的(成绩)
verb past tense, past participle topped
1. to cover on the top. She topped the cake with cream. bedek يُغَطّي القِمَّه покривам cobrir pokrýt bedecken dække med σκεπάζω από πάνω cubrir, recubrir pealt katma پوشاندن päällystää surmonter, recouvrir לְצַפּוֹת ऊपर डालना pokriti, okruniti befed menutup setja/bæta ofan á ricoprire のせる 표면을 덮다 padengti pārklāt; uzlikt virsū membubuh aising bedekkendekke med nakrywać, pokrywać سر غوڅول، څوكه پرې كول پرسر ايښودل [ تاج، خولۍ ]، سرته رسېدل: مخكې كېدل، تېرېدل، برى موندل cobrir a acoperi, a pune peste покрывать сверху pokryť, dať navrch prekriti prekriti toppa, täcka, kröna ปกคลุมด้านบน üstünü kaplamak 給...加蓋[塗上] покривати اوپري سطح کو ڈھانکنا phủ lên bề mặt 给...加盖(涂上)
2. to rise above; to surpass. Our exports have topped $100,000. meer as, meer gekry يزيدُ على надхвърлям ultrapassar převýšit übersteigen overstige ξεπερνώsuperar, sobrepasar ületama فراتر رفتن ylittää dépasser לַעֲלוֹת शिखर पर पहुंचना nadvisiti, premašiti meghalad melampaui vera hærri en superare ~をしのぐ 초과하다 viršyti, pralenkti pārsniegt melebihi overtreffenoverstigeprzewyższać سر غوڅول، ultrapassar a depăşi превышать prevýšiť preseči preći överstiga, överträffa ไปจนถึงยอด üstüne çıkmak, aşmak 超過 перевищувати; досягати певної величини آگے بڑھ جانا vượt qua mức 超过
3. to remove the top of. bokant afhaal يُزيلُ قِمَّة الشَّيْء махам върха на cortar a parte de cima odříznout vršek kappen fjerne låg κορφολογώ, αφαιρώ το πάνω μέρος από κτ. quitar la parte de encima otsa maha võtma نوک چیزی را زدن poistaa yläosa étêter לְהַסִיר सेब ढकर रहना okresati, odrezati vrh tetejez; megtisztít membuka fjarlægja efsta hluta [e-s] cimare, spuntare 先端を切る [나무, 울타리 등의] 끝을 잘라내다 atidaryti, atidengti atsegt [virsu, galotni] membuang bahagian pangkal toppenta toppen av usuwać wierzchołek څوكه پرې كول پرسر ايښودل cortar a parte de cima a reteza, a tăia capul срезать верхушку odrezať vrch / vršok odsekati vrh ukloniti vrh hugga av [avlägsna] toppen på, toppa, beskära นำด้านบนออกไป [üst kısmını] çıkarıp/kesip atmak 刷新 обрізати верхівку اوپري حصہ کو ختم کردينا di chuyển đỉnh 刷新
ˈtopless adjective
1. having no top. toploos, bopuntloos بدون قِمَّه، بدون جُزْء عُلْوي без горна част sem a parte de cima bezhlavý ohne Spitze topløs γυμνόστηθος sin la parte de arriba ülaosata بی راس؛ بی سرپوش yläosaton sans haut טוֹפלֶס बिना चोली की bez vrha tető nélküli; felsőrész nélküli tanpa baju án efri hluta, topplaus; berbrjósta senza cima; topless トップレスの 윗옷을 입지 않은 be viršutinės dalies bez augšas/virsdaļas separuh bogel toplessuten overdel, toppløs goły do pasa سر sem a parte de cima fără vârf без верха; полуобнажённый odev hore bez [obnažujúci prsníky] brez zgornjega dela golih grudi utan överdel, topless ที่ไม่มีส่วนบน üstsüz 上空的 такий, що не має верхівки; такий, що з оголеними грудьми جس ميں اوپري حصہ نہ ہو không có đỉnh 无顶的,上身裸露的
2. very high. baie hoog عالي جِدا много висок no cume nesmírně vysoký unermeßlich hoch uendelig høj πολύ ψηλός de una altura desmesurada lõpmatult kõrge بلند huippu d'une hauteur démesurée לְלא גְבוּל עֶליוֹן चोलीविहीन vrlo visok égbe nyúló tinggi sekali himingnæfandi altissino とても高い 매우 높은 be galo aukštas bezgala augsts sangat tinggi topuendelig høy ginący w chmurach لوړ no cume uriaş очень высокий nesmierne vysoký zelo visok veoma visoko mycket hög สูงมาก çok yüksek 望不到頂的[極高的] безмежно високий بلند ترين rất cao 望不到顶的(极高的)
ˈtopping noun
something that forms a covering on top of something, especially food. a tart with a topping of cream. strooisel طبَقَه فَوْقِيَّه глазура cobertura poleva, ozdoba die Spitze pynt επικάλυψηcubierta -pealne, kate رویه؛ روکش kuorrutus garnitureציפוי अंतिम रंगाई preljev, bilo što na vrhu dísz lapisan atas krem, glassúr, sykurhúð, rjómi rivestimento 上飾り [케이크 등의] 표면 장식 viršus, viršutinis sluoksnis virskārta; [ēdiena] garnējums hias atas toplaag topp, pynt górna warstwa, wierzch سر، اوچت، اعلى، څوكه cobertura topping верх; верхнее украшение poleva, ozdoba preliv preliv garnering, topp[skikt] สิ่งที่ใช้แต่งหน้าอาหาร üstüne konulan sos, krema v.b. 塗[蓋]在表面上的東西[尤其食品] верхівка; глазур; полива اوپري سطح پر لگي ہوئي چيز phần trên 涂(盖)在表面上的东西(尤其食品)
top hat [ˈtopə] abbreviation [ topper ]
a man's tall hat, worn as formal dress. pluiskeil قُبَّعَه رَسْمِيَّه цилиндър cartola cylindr der Zylinder høj hat ψηλό καπέλο chistera, sombrero de copa torukübar کلاه سیلندر silinterihattu haut-de-forme צִילִינדֶר ऊपरी टोप cilindar cilinder topi tinggi pípuhattur cilindro シルクハット 중산모, 실크모자 cilindras cilindrs [cepure] topi tinggi hoge hoed flosshattcylinder یو دول خولی دی cartola joben цилиндр cylinder cilinder visoki šešir hög hatt หมวกทรงสูงของผู้ชาย silindir şapka 大禮帽 циліндр اونچي ٹوپي mũ chóp cao 大礼帽
ˌtop-ˈheavy adjective
having the upper part too heavy for the lower. That pile of books is top-heavy it'll fall over! topswaar يُخْشى سُقوطه لِثِقَل أعْلاه чиято горна част е твърде тежка за основата desequilibrado vratký kopflastig tung i toppen; ustabil βαρύτερος στο πάνω μέρος demasiado pesado por encima/en la parte superior ülevalt liiga raske سنگین در بالا yläosastaan liian painava trop lourd du haut כָּבֵד מִדָי לְמַעֲלָה ऊपर भारित koji je teži gore nego dolje, neuravnotežen fejnehéz berat atas of þungur að ofan; óstöðugur sbilanciato 頭でっかちの 상부 비중이 큰, 머리가 큰, 불안정한 viršuje perkrautas nestabils; nosvēries berat di sebelah atas topzwaartopptung, ustabil przeciążony u góry په پورته كي سنګين desequilibrado prea greu în partea de sus перевешивающий в верхней части;неустойчивый vratký težji zgoraj kot spodaj nestabilan för tung upptill, övertung ส่วนบนใหญ่เกินไป havaleli 頭重腳輕的 такий, що переважує у верхній частині اوپري حصہ کا زيادہ وزن دار ہونا nặng đầu 头重脚轻的
ˌtop-ˈsecret adjective
very secret. hoogs geheim سِرّي للغايَه строго поверителен altamente secreto přísně tajný streng geheim strengt fortrolig; tophemmelig άκρως απόρρητος altamente confidencial/secreto ülisalajane بسیار محرمانه huippusalainen ultra-secret סוֹדִי בְּיוֹתֵר परम गुप्त strogo povjerljiv hétpecsétes titok sangat rahasia sem er algert leyndarmál top-secret 最高機密 극비의 labai slaptas pilnīgi slepens sangat sulit uiterst geheim topphemmeligściśle tajny پت altamente secreto совершенно секретный prísne tajné strogo zaupen velika tajna hemligstämplad, topphemlig ลับสุดยอด çok gizli 絕密的 абсолютно секретний بہت خفيہ tuyệt mật 绝密的
at the top of one's voice
very loudly. They were shouting at the top[s] of their voices. so hard as jy kan بأعْلى صَوْتِه високо a plenos pulmões z plného hrdla aus vollem Halse af sine lungers fulde kraft [φωνάζω] με όλη μου τη δύναμη a voz en grito, a voz en cuello, a pleno pulmón täiest kõrist با صدای بسیار بلند kurkku suorana à tue-tête בְּקוֹל רַם खूब चिल्लाकर iz svega glasa torka szakadtából keras sekali eins hátt og maður getur [a squarciagola] 大声で 목청껏, 큰 소리로 visu balsu pilnā kaklā sekuat-kuatnya luidkeelsrope så høyt en kan, av full hals na cały głos دیړه جیږ a plenos pulmões cât îl ţine gura во весь голос z plného hrdla na ves glas iz sveg glasa för full hals, så högt man kan ด้วยเสียงดังมาก avazı çıktığı kadar 聲嘶力竭地喊 дуже голосно بلند آواز سے rất to 声嘶力竭地喊
be/feel etc on top of the world
to feel very well and happy. She's on top of the world she's just got engaged to be married. baie bly, baie gelukkig مَسْرور جِدا، سَعيد جِدا много съм щастлив pôr-se a caminho být na vrcholu blaha aufbrechen oppe i skyerne είμαι πανευτυχής sentirse/estar como en las nubes õnne tipus olema بسیار خوشحال olla onnensa kukkuloilla se mettre en route מְאוּשָׁר מְאוֹד बहुत प्रसन्न a hetedik mennyországban érzi magát merasa bahagia vera á leiðinni [essere al settimo cielo] 出かける 좋아서 어쩔 줄 모르다 būti/jaustis kaip devintame danguje būt/justies kā devītajās debesīs berasa sgt bahagia opgewonden zijn/raken være halvgammel, dra på åra być w siódmym niebie دیره خوشحال pôr-se a caminho a porni la drum; aşi vedea de drum, a-şi continua drumul быть на седьмом небе byť na vrchole blaha biti v devetih nebesih biti veoma srećan må toppenbra มีความสุขมาก çok mutlu olmak, etekleri zil çalmak 極為高興 бути на верху блаженства خوشي سے آپے ميں نہ رہنا hạnh phúc 幸福到极点,心满意足
from top to bottom
completely. They've painted the house from top to bottom. van bo tot onder كُلِيّا، من رأسِه حَتّى أخْمَصِ قَدَمَيْه изцяло de cima a baixo odshora dolů von oben bis unten fra top til tå από πάνω μέχρι κάτω, εντελώςde arriba abajo üleni, maast laeni کاملاً perin pohjin de fond en comble מִלמַעֲלָה לְמָטָה पूरी तरह से, सम्य रूप से potpuno, od vrha do dna tetőtől talpig menyeluruh hátt og lágt [da cima a fondo] すっかり 완전히 nuo apačios iki viršaus no augšas līdz apakšai; viscaur luar dalam van onder tot boven fra topp til tå od góry do dołu کاملا de cima a baixo în întregime сверху донизу odhora až dolu od vrha do tal u potpunosti uppifrån och ner ตลอด baştan aşağı 完完全全地 зверху донизу اوپر سے نيچے تک، مکمل طور پر hoàn toàn 完完全全地
the top of the ladder/tree
the highest point in one's profession. bo-aan die leer في أعْلى مَنْصِب، أعْلى مَرْتَبَه на върха o topo da profissão vrchol kariéry der Gipfel des Erfolgs på toppen η κορυφή της κλίμακας, το απόγειο της καριέρας cumbre kõrgeim aste اوج uran huippu haut de l'échelle בְּראש הַסוּלָם शिखर पर, सर्वोच्च पद na vrhuncu, na najvišem položaju a csúcs[on van] puncak karier á hápunkti ferils vertice, apice 最高の地位 절정에 karjeros viršūnė karjeras virsotne berada di kemuncak bovenaantoppen av karrieren szczyt kariery اوج o topo da profissão în vârful piramidei достигать высших степеней vrchol kariéry na najvišjem položaju vrh lestvice höjden av karriären ตำแหน่งหน้าที่หรือคนในตำแหน่งหน้าที่ที่สูงสุด en üst basamak/aşama [職業] 最高位階 визначне положення; вершина кар'єри کسي کے پيسے کا اعلي ترين منصب đỉnh cao của nghề nghiệp (同行中的)最高地位,事业的最高峰
top up
to fill [a cup etc that has been partly emptied] to the top. Let me top up your glass/drink. maak vol يَملأ напълвам encher dolít auffüllen fylde op γεμίζω ως επάνω acabar de llenar täitma, täis valama پر کردن täyttää remplir à nouveau לְמַלֵא लबालब भरना napuniti, natočiti feltölt memenuhi fylla, bæta á riempire 一杯にする 가득 채우다 pripildyti pieliet; piepildīt menambah bijvullenfylle opp dopełniać دک کول encher a umple [până sus] доливать doliať napolniti napuniti do vrha fylla på เพิ่ม üstünü doldurmak 添滿 доливати بھرنا nâng, làm đầy 添满


[top] noun
a kind of toy that spins. tol دُمْيَه دَوّامَه пумпал pião vlček der Kreisel snurretop σβούραpeonza vurr فرفره hyrrä toupieסביבון लट्टू zvrk, čigra játékcsiga gasing snúður, skopparakringla trottola こま 팽이 sukutis vilciņš [rotaļlieta] gasing tolsnurrebassbąk څرخيدونكى، چورلندى، لاټو pião titirez волчок vĺčik vrtavka čigra snurra ลูกข่าง topaç 陀螺 дзиґа ايک قسم کا کھلونا con quay 陀螺
sleep like a top
to sleep very well. The child slept like a top after a day on the beach. baie goed slaap ينامُ جَيِّدا спя като къпан dormir como uma pedra spát jako zabitý wie ein Murmeltier schlafen sove som en sten κοιμάμαι σαν αρνάκι dormir como un tronco/lirón, dormir como una marmota magama nagu nott به خواب عمیق رفتن nukkua kuin tukki dormir comme un loir שֵינָה עָמוּקָה गहरी नींद सोना čvrsto spavati alszik, mint a bunda tidur nyenyak sofa eins og steinn [dormire come un ghiro] 熟睡する 폭 자다 miegoti kaip užmuštam gulēt kā nosistam nyenyak slapen als een roossove som en stein spać jak suseł په عميق خوب كي ډوب dormir como uma pedra a dormi buştean спать как убитый spať ako zabitý spati kot top lepo spavati sova som en stock นอนหลับสนิท deliksiz uyumak 熟睡 міцно спати اچھي نيند لينا ngủ ngon 熟睡
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


أَعْلَى, غِطَاء, قِمَّة víčko, vrchní, vrchol låg, øverst, top Deckel, oberster, Spitze καπάκι, κορυφαίος, κορυφή de arriba, parte superior, tapa huippu-, kansi, yläpää couvercle, du haut, haut najviši, poklopac, vrh cima, superiore, tappo 一番上の, 上, 蓋 뚜껑, 맨 위, 맨 위의 bovenkant, bovenste, deksel lokk, øvre, topp góra, najwyższy, szczyt cimo, superior, topo верх, верхний, верхняя часть lock, översta, topp ด้านบน, ฝา, สูงที่สุด kapak, tepe, tepede đỉnh, đứng đầu 盖, 顶尖的, 顶端
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
  • Could you add some windshield wiper fluid? [US]
    Can you top up the windscreen washers? [UK] هَلْ يـُمْكِنُ أَنْ تـَمْلَأ خَزَّانَ الـمِياهِ لِـمَسَّاحاتِ الزُجَاجِ؟ Můžete, prosím, doplnit ostřikovače čelního skla? Kan De fylde vinduesviskerne? Könnten Sie bitte die Scheibenwaschanlage auffüllen? Μπορείτε να γεμίσετε τους υαλοκαθαριστήρες; Rellene el agua del limpiaparabrisas Voitteko täydentää tuulilasinpyyhkijät? Vous pouvez me remettre du lave-glaces ? Možete li napuniti tekućine za pranje vjetrobrana? Può riempire il serbatoio dei tergicristalli? フロントガラスのウォッシャー液を補充してもらえますか? 앞유리 세척액을 가득 채워 주시겠어요? Kunt u de ruitenwisservloeistof bijvullen? Kan du etterfylle vindusspylevæske? Czy mógłby Panuzupełnić płyn do spryskiwania szyb? O senhor pode completar o líquido limpador de pára-brisa? Вы можете залить жидкость для омывания ветрового стекла? Kan ni fylla på vatten till vindrutetorkarna, tack? คุณเติมน้ำยาล้างกระจกได้ไหม? Cam sileceklerinin deposunu doldurur musunuz lütfen? Bạn làm ơn đổ đầy nước rửa kính chắn gió được không? 请加满挡风玻璃清洁液
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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