torri là gì - Nghĩa của từ torri

torri có nghĩa là

she is the the biggest bad ass around but she is cool as fuck she is evil just like me and can be trusted with anything im pretty sure she has been through everthing already


my best friend

torri có nghĩa là

A true and Real person, that you can really trust as a friends. She is always loyal, she always seems to find friends who don't like themselves, so they go behind her back and degrade her as a person. She is truly a woman of God, she get along with everyone she meets. Torri is beautiful inside and out. She normally have short hair and statistically white to light skinned. She is very confident in who she is. It takes a person who is secure in who they are to be able to hang with her on a day to day basis. If you know a Torri give her a hug and don't be scared to befriend her, because she will love you to the end.


Torri is always talking to someone. I don't tell you, Torri will. Torri is a trip, she is fun person to hang with.

torri có nghĩa là

hottest girl in town, usually blue eyed, about 5'6" and in love with a guy not around, amazing, gorgeous, and athletic, this girl isn't easy to get, but is caring for everyone


synonyms: amazing, hot, sexy,
antonyms : ugly, lazy

torri có nghĩa là

She is a wonderful girl who puts every last bit of energy she has into everything she does. People love to be around her because of her awesome energy. A vivacious blonde bombshell, she radiates passion and enthusiasm leaving a pixie dust like trail of happiness and warmth behind her wherever she goes. The world is a better place with her in it. She loves her family and friends and they love her back – grateful of the fact that she is in their lives. She is sunshine and lollipops and has a special soft spot in her heart for animals and guys who are idiots and loves a nice white wine on a warm summer evening and even the odd G & T when she’s with the girls.



torri có nghĩa là

A beautiful, intelligent girl with an amazing sense of humour. She can be trusted with any secret . She has many friends but at times it can seem like she only has a few who are there for her. She attracts all the boys and is very lucky when it comes to getting the man she likes. She gets her own way most of the time. She is surrounded by people who love her from near and far.


Torrie is so hot I love her so much, she's definetly a Torrie

torri có nghĩa là

Torry is an area within the city of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Setting and historical development:
Torry lies on the south bank of the River Dee. It is connected to the north bank and the centre of Aberdeen by three bridges. Leading most directly to the centre of Torry, the Victoria Bridge was completed in 1887, following a ferry disaster in 1876 which claimed the lives of 32 people returning from a visit to the Bay of Nigg. The bridge also has facilities for carrying water and gas services across the river. To the west of the Victoria Bridge lie the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge of the 1980s, and the narrow Wellington Suspension Bridge of 1829 which is closed to the public due to its unsafe condition.
Torry was once a Royal Burgh in its own right, having been erected a burgh of barony in 1495. It was incorporated into Aberdeen in 1891, after the construction of the Victoria Bridge, itself made possible by the 1871 channelling of the River Dee which had previously followed an unstable course to the sea. The channelling also enabled further expansion of the harbour.
Land use and economy:
Torry includes a large housing estate developed as a "garden suburb" to relieve overcrowding in Aberdeen. It is famous for its fishing community and still has a number of fishing businesses operating close to the Dee. However, most of the old fishermen's cottages of Old Torry have been swept away by first the channelling of the River Dee, then later by modern industry, particularly North sea oil at Torry Quay. Torry is also home to the Fisheries Research Laboratory in Victoria Road.
Torry has traditionally been seen as an area of low-cost housing. This has attracted students and more recently economic migrants from Eastern Europe and particularly Poland A Polish shop opened in Victoria Road in June 2006 to cater for the influx of new workers and their families to the Aberdeen area.
The median property sale in 2004 was £34,000 compared to £91,000 in the Aberdeen City area.
Unemployment in Torry is estimated at around 3 percent which is relatively high for the city. Torry is a neighbourhood highlighted as a priority area for Aberdeen's Community Regeneration Strategy. Currently around 8800 people are estimated to live in Torry.
The eastern side of Torry can be blighted by unpleasant smells from the fish processing businesses, and the sewage and waste processing at Nigg.
The Balnagask 18 hole golf course offers panoramic city views from the east side of Torry, as well as a good vantage point for viewing the dolphins which frequent the harbour mouth area.
Landmarks and historic buildings:
The formerly fortified Torry Battery — last used defensively in World War II — is now a scheduled ancient monument, protected as a place of historical interest of national importance. Close by are the remains of a rocket-propelled life-saving apparatus station [supplanted as a rescue system by the development of helicopters], and further along the shore road are a disused but preserved foghorn and Robert Stevenson-designed lighthouse.
Also of historical interest is the ruin of St. Fittick's Church, built 1199, the key to which is available from the Starter's Hut near the Balnagask golf clubhouse.
Balnagask Motte, near North Balnagask Road, may be the remains of the earthen mound which would have been the base of an early wooden castle, but it has never been the subject of archaeological investigation.
Buildings in Torry are often used in the annual Doors Open Day event which takes place in September each year. This is a great opportunity to obtain a free viewing of interesting locales both old and new.


Torry is an area within the city of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

torri có nghĩa là

Torrie a backstabbing, psychotic, seemingly schizophrenic, cheating, malicious, manipulative, violent person that you should avoid with every fiber of your being. A Torrie uses children as pawns. A Torrie is not a person, a Torrie is a thing and a pedophile. A Torrie is so delusional it believes it sees demons and can speak to them. A Torrie is known for cutting it's mates finger off purposely with a car door. A Torrie is known for cutting it's hand almost completely off with a steak knife. A Torrie files false reports to police about rape. A Torrie takes advantage of people and manipulates them into anything it wants them to believe. A Torrie harasses people relentlessly for no reason other than being dissatisfied with its own life of a crackhead alcoholic mother and an alcoholic father that drank himself to death. A Torrie is a drug addict that blames use on anyone but itself. A Torrie is a terrible mother. It leaves its baby in a pack and play all day long while being a whore and shooting up heroin and smoking crack. A Torrie is a compulsive liar and a pathological liar. A Torrie is obscenely jealous of others, so much so that she claims parts if their lives as her own and makes up a story around it to seem like it's her own experience. A Torrie also has an arrest record as well as list of charges. A Torrie has bacterial vaginitis that it has never gotten treated so it just has a festering parasitic infection going on down there.


Torrie is a succubus. Torrie is a pedo who likes photos of little girls.
Torrie should have been sterilized and never been allowed to bare children.
Torrie is a piece of shit.
Someone should beat the fuck out of Torrie, again.

torri có nghĩa là

a girl who loves to sit on the couch and watch T.V. she loves to talk to her friends at school and at home. She is real kind and nice. She is really fun to play with. She is smart and every one loves her!


Torrie is my BFF and my favorite friend.

torri có nghĩa là

The realist person you could ever meet. She is drop-dead gorgeous but she isn’t conceited. She comes from a wealthy family but remains humble and treats everyone equally. She is truly a woman of God. She stays in great shape and is put together almost perfectly. Torri is the sweetest person ever & stays out of mess. Even though she often keeps to herself, everyone loves her. She gets along with literally anyone she comes in contact with. Torri is incredibly smart, athletic, popular, funny, and beautiful inside and out. Everything she touches turns into gold. She isn’t easy to get but she cares for everyone. She is truly the best person you could ever meet in your lifetime. If you know a Torri, give her a hug and never lose her; she is irreplaceable.


“Omg everyone is always speaking to Torri, she’s so popular!” “Torri is such so astounding

torri có nghĩa là

Torri is an amazing friend who will always have your back. She is beautiful with the prettiest smile. She always try her best to make you happy. Torri has an amazing body and gorgeous. She always puts her friend first and never used you for popularity. If you know a torri get to know her because she could be shy on the outside bit inside she is a bubbly, kind girl who always has your back if you know a torri. Keep that torri #torriisthebest torri is beautiful inside and out never be scared of a torri cause she will be nice till the end and so fun to be with #torri #keeptorri #my bestie torri 😁😁🤞🤞👭


Torri told me to never feel like she is alone because she will always be there

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