We couldn t connect to the Remote Desktop Gateway because of an internal error

We couldn't connect to the gateway because of an error. If this keeps happening, ask your admin

What causes the ‘An Internal Error has Occurred’ Error on Windows 10?

Since the error appears out of the blue, its specific cause is not known, however, it can occur due to one of the following factors —

  • Remote Desktop Connection settings: For some users, the error was caused by their Remote Desktop Connection client settings.
  • RDP Security: In some cases, the error can appear due to the Security of the Remote Desktop Protocol in which case you will have to change the security layer.
  • Computer’s domain: Another thing that can cause the error to appear can be the domain to which your system is connected. In such a case, removing the domain and then joining it again will fix the issue.

Now, before you apply the solutions that are provided down below, please make sure that you are using an administrator account. Also, we recommend following the given solutions in the same order as provided so that you can isolate your issue quickly.

Solution 1: Change Remote Desktop Connection Settings

To start off, we will try to isolate the issue by changing the RDP settings a little bit. Some users have reported that their issue was resolved once they checked the ‘Reconnect if the connection is dropped’ box. You can do this by following the given steps:

  1. Go to the Start Menu, search for Remote Desktop Connection, and open it up.
  2. Click on Show Options to unveil all the settings.
  3. Switch to the Experience tab and then make sure ‘Reconnect if the connection is dropped’ box is checked.
    Changing RDP Settings
  4. Try connecting again.

4 Replies

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Oct 12, 2021 at 15:34 UTC

Depending on your .Net version, put the new web.config file on the following location:


Restart the IIS service.
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matt727 Oct 12, 2021 at 16:42 UTC

Just to clarify where am I copying the web.config file from to those directories?

Also to clarify, the RD Web page pulls up fine, user is able to login, but the error indicated comes up when trying to launch one of the published remote applications that was previously working flawlessly.

Edited Oct 12, 2021 at 18:07 UTC
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matt727 Oct 13, 2021 at 22:38 UTC

Any other thoughts on this one?

I re-created the collection to just standard Remote desktop, and from the web I still get the same error:

OOPS, we couldn't connect to RDS Desktop we couldn't connect to the gateway because of an error. If this keeps happening, ask your admin or tech support for help.

upon downloading the RDP file and trying to launch locally, I am able to authenticate as long as I specify the domain name, domain.local, but then I am greeted with the error indicating it can't find the computer.

Remote Desktop can't find the computer "RDS-SERVER.domain.local. This might mean that "RDS-SERVER.domain.local" does not belong to the specified network. Verify the computer name and domain that you are trying to connect to.

Please advise on any ideas.

Thank you

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matt727 Oct 25, 2021 at 18:28 UTC

Well still no direction here so like many forums I have seen their solution was to rebuild the server, so I guess that is the path I am taking next.

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Below is not an exhaustive list of connection errors, it’s just a some things that have tripped me up. If you have a nasty error that you have fixed, feel free to drop me a line, send me some screenshots and the fix, and I’ll add them as well.

RDP error: This computer can’t connect to the remote computer

Let’s try to figure out how to fix an RDP connection error This computer can’t connect to the remote computer. It occurs when you try to connect to a remote computer or Remote Desktop Server [RDS] using the built-in Windows RDP client [mstsc.exe].

The problem looks like this: when you try to connect to a remote Windows server/desktop via RDP, the mstsc.exe client freezes for a minute, and a window with the following RDP error appears:

Remote Desktop Connection

This computer can’t connect to the remote computer.

Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.

Check the RDP Network Connectivity

First of all, check if the remote computer is accessible from your device over the network, and the default Remote Desktop port [TCP 3389] is responding [and not blocked by firewalls].

Make sure the DNS address of the remote RDP host is correctly resolved from your computer. Use the following commands:

nslookup rdp_server_name1 ping rdp_server_name1

If the DNS name is not resolved properly, check your DNS settings or try connecting to a remote host using an IP address.

You can check the RDP port availability on a remote server from a client workstation using:

The Telnet client:

telnet rdp_server_name1 3389

PowerShell 4.0 and higher:

Test-NetConnection rdp_server_name1 -Port 3389 -InformationLevel Quiet

Note. If this command returned True, then the RDP port responds on the server and it’s not blocked.

PowerShell all versions:

New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient].Connect[‘rdp_server_name1’, 3389]

If port 3389 is unavailable, you should check if the Remote Connection is enabled on the remote server [right-click on Start button > Settings > System > Remote Desktop > Enable Remote Desktop].

You can remotely enable Remote Desktop on a Windows computer by changing the fDenyTSConnectionsregistry.

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