What are the advantages of using formative assessment?

According to Lang, et al [2008], the formative assessment process came from educators working on ways to accelerate student achievement and help predict how students will perform on standards-based statewide tests.

The benefits of formative assessment is obvious in the classroom. The usage of formative assessments in class as a way to guide instruction and to authentically determine student mastery offers many advantages, far beyond higher test scores. According to Chappius & Chappius [2007], although all formative assessment practices have the potential to increase student learning, some of the distinct benefits of formative assessment ar as follows.

  • Timeliness of results enables teachers to adjust instruction quickly, while learning is in progress.
  • Students who are assessed are the ones who benefit from the adjustments.
  • Students can use th results to adjust and improve their own learning

In very simple terms, formative assessments, unlike summative assessments, allow the student and educator to form a more detailed understanding of the student’s abilities, which can be used to inform remediation, re-teaching, and instructional strategy.

With formative assessment, we work with students, we don’t do something to students. We seek to use the data from formative assessments to help the student master the curriculum and help the student identify his/her strengths and weaknesses.

This is a shift in the classic educational paradigm. Formative assessment allows students to concentrate their efforts on specific areas and hence improve overall performance.

How can you make the most out of formative assessments in your classroom?

From Professional Learning Board’s online continuing education course for teachers: Formative Assessment

Formative and summative assessments both check for understanding. Formative assessments may decrease a student's test anxiety that usually comes at the end of a lesson. If trained properly, teachers can use these assessments to guide final mastery. Teachers have to be careful not to exhaust allotted time conducting excessive formative assessments in exchange for having time to cover complete lessons. Therefore, when to use formative assessment depends upon how familiar the teacher is with a student's knowledge of a subject.

Explore this article

1 Formative Assessments Defined

Formative assessments allow teachers to check for understanding during the lesson instead of waiting until the completion of the lesson to assess student learning. Judith Dodge, author of "What Are Formative Assessments and Why Should We Use Them?," says that formative assessments support learning during the learning process and check for understanding during the lesson. Some teachers have students use body actions, such as having students displaying a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down," as a way of indicating their understanding of concepts of the lesson.

2 Advantages of Formative Assessments

Formative assessments are not graded, which takes the anxiety away from students. It also detaches the thinking that they must get everything right. Instead, they serve as a practice for students to get assistance along the way before the final tests. Teachers usually check for understanding in the event that students are struggling during the lesson. Teachers address these issues early on instead of waiting until the end of the unit to assess. Teachers have to do less reteaching at the end because many of the problems with mastery are addressed before final tests.

3 Disadvantages of Formative Assessments

Some teachers complain about sacrificing time to assess during the lesson and fear that they may not even finish the lesson. Teachers then feel the need to rush through a series of units, which causes students to lack mastery once the assessment is given at the end of the unit. Teachers may lack training or professional development on how to use formative assessments successfully because, historically, assessments are completed at the end. Formative assessment may lack the same weight — low to no point value — as a summative assessment, and students may not take the assessments seriously, which may cause teachers to misread feedback from students.

4 Types of Formative Assessments

Formative assessments include summarizing techniques, where teachers can guide students through their thought patterns. Graphic organizers are also used to help students organize their work to master lessons. Collaborative learning activities allow students to work together in groups as they develop and demonstrate their understanding of concepts.

5 When to Use Formative Assessment

The goal of formative assessment is to gauge student learning and adapt content accordingly. Since it is "low stakes," formative assessments should be used to monitor student learning qualitatively as opposed to examine it quantitatively [e.g., a final exam]. Think of it this way: when assessing for learning, formative assessment is the way to go; when assessing the measure of learning, summative assessment is best.

About the Author

Dr. Nesa Sasser has served as teacher, school counselor, principal, and college professor. She earned a BBA in accounting from Texas A&M University; an MS in counseling; and an Ed.D. in educational leadership both from Texas A&M Univeristy-Commerce. Her dissertation related to Teacher Quality and Alternative Certification in Texas.

What are advantages and disadvantages of formative assessment?

Best of all, formative assessments are effective tools in personalized learning. The disadvantage of formative assessments is that they can take time, more time than teachers might perceive that they have. To repeatedly check students' learning takes more time than to administer one test at the end of a lesson or unit.

What are the 5 advantages of assessment?

The many benefits of using effective assessment for learning include:.
Improved relationships between teachers and students..
Improved attainment and achievement..
Improved confidence, resilience, and self-esteem amongst learners..
Improved classroom culture and teaching and learning environments..

What are the advantages of using summative assessment?

Summative assessments can benefit both teachers and students in many ways, such as:.
Motivates to study. For many students, periodic evaluation is the best motivation to study. ... .
Implements learning. ... .
Finds learning gaps. ... .
Identifies teaching gaps. ... .
Provides insight. ... .
Controls learning environment..

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