What diseases affect the bronchial tubes?


Lung disease refers to several types of diseases or disorders that prevent the lungs from functioning properly. Lung disease can affect respiratory function, or the ability to breathe, and pulmonary function, which is how well lungs work.

There are many different lung diseases, some of which are caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Other lung diseases are associated with environmental factors, including asthma, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.

Chronic lower respiratory diseases is a set of conditions that includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Together, chronic lower respiratory diseases are a leading cause of death in the United States.1

The following clinical trials are currently recruiting

  • EPR: DNA & Your Environment
  • NHALES: Asthma Study

Respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD involve a narrowing or blockage of airways that reduce air flow.

In other lung conditions ̶ such as pulmonary fibrosis, a lung tissue scarring that can be caused by different factors, and pneumonia, a bacterial or viral infection in which air sacs fill with fluid ̶ the lungs have reduced ability to hold air.

Lung cancer is a disease caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Though most lung cancer starts in the lungs, some cases start in other parts of the body and spread to the lungs. The two main types of lung cancer—small cell and non-small cell—grow and spread in different ways, and each type may be treated differently.

Cigarette smoking is the overall leading cause of lung cancer. Breathing secondhand smoke can also increase a person’s chance of developing the disease.

Other environmental factors linked to lung disease include asbestos, radon gas, air pollution, and chemicals such as uranium, beryllium, vinyl chloride, and arsenic.2

Fact Sheets

What Is NIEHS Doing?

NIEHS conducts and funds studies to understand the genetic and environmental contributions to lung disease development, and to identify new ways to prevent and treat lung disease in people.

Air pollution studies – Long-term exposure to air pollutants can affect lung development and increase the chance of developing asthma, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases. Results from the NIEHS-supported Harvard Six Cities Study, the largest available database on the health effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution, show a strong association between exposure to ozone, fine particles, and sulfur dioxide with an increase in breathing problems, reduced lung capacity, and risk of early death.

Lung-on-a-chip – NIEHS supported development of a three-dimensional model of a breathing human lung on a microchip.3 This model tests the effects of environmental exposures, as well as the safety of new drugs.

Genetics and lung function – By analyzing data from studies around the world, NIEHS researchers and their collaborators identified more than 50 genetic changes that affect the risk of pulmonary disorders in people of European, African, Asian, and Hispanic descent.4 Several of these changes could affect how some drugs are developed to treat lung function problems.

Risk of respiratory disease – Mutations in a gene called macrophage receptor with collagenous structure, or MARCO, contributed to the severity of respiratory syncytial virus [RSV] disease in infants.5 The findings may help identify people who have a greater chance of developing severe RSV infection and provide treatments to prevent disease.

Hexavalent chromium and lung changes – Drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium, an industrial chemical, can lead to genetic changes in human lung cells. These changes included permanent alterations in DNA molecules that carry genetic information, known as chromosomes, as well as problems in DNA repair.6

Air pollution and COPD – Breathing air pollution can lead to COPD, as shown by a NIEHS-funded study that found diesel exhaust particles, a major source of air pollution, dampened the activity of genes involved stress response in the lung.7

Lung cancer treatment – Non−small-cell lung cancer is often resistant to chemotherapy. Related to this type of cancer, NIEHS researchers found that silencing a gene called INO80 led to reduced tumor growth, potentially leading to better treatment options and improved patient outcomes.8

Mold exposure and lung disease – Mice that inhaled spores from the mold Aspergillus fumigatus, which is typical of moisture-damaged buildings, developed allergic and inflammatory reactions when the mold spores sprouted new growth.9,10 The findings may influence the development of treatments for respiratory illnesses associated with mold exposure.

New biomarker for a respiratory condition – NIEHS researchers and their collaborators identified cholestenoic acid as a novel biomarker, a measurable substance in the body that indicates disease, for acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS], a life-threatening respiratory condition characterized by tissue damage and fluid buildup in the lungs. ARDS is deadly in 30-40% of cases, and only a few lung biomarkers have been validated.11

This diagram compares a healthy [left] to an unhealthy [right] bronchial tube that would cause constricted breathing from asthma.

Ambient air pollution and asthma – Two large NIEHS-funded studies show an association between decreases in levels of air pollutants and improvements in lung function along with reductions in asthma symptoms.12,13The findings underscore the importance of air pollution reduction policies and strategies on improved air quality and health.

NIEHS-funded, large-scale studies

  • E-Cigs and Smoking – This study is developing new biomarkers, measurable substances in the body that indicate disease, of tobacco smoke exposure or e-cigarette use.
  • Gulf Long-term Follow Up Study [GuLF] – This study looks at health effects in workers and volunteers who helped with the oil spill response and clean-up following the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
  • Natural History of Asthma with Longitudinal Environmental Sampling [NHALES] – This study seeks understanding of how bacteria and other factors in the environment affect people who have moderate to severe asthma.

Further Reading

Stories from the Environmental Factor [NIEHS newsletter]

  • Targeting Mouse Cells, Rather Than Bacteria, to Treat Pneumonia [December 2021]
  • Biomarker Suggests Severity of COVID-19 Respiratory Distress [May 2021]
  • Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals May Affect Lung Health [May 2021]
  • Intense Allergic Asthma Mechanism Discovered in Mice [May 2021]
  • Chronic Lung Disease Responds to Hyaluronan in NIEHS-led Study [March 2021]
  • Vaping Has Measurable Effects on the Body, Unclear If Safer than Smoking [November 2019]

Press Releases

  • NIH Study Illuminates Origins of Lung Cancer in Never Smokers [Sept. 6, 2021] – Study insights will help unlock the mystery of how lung cancer arises in people who have never smoked. The results may guide development of more precise clinical treatments. The study was conducted by the Intramural Research Program of the National Cancer Institute and NIEHS.

Additional Resources

  • Be Tobacco Free – An U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website that provides tools to help people quit smoking.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Learn More Breathe Better – This program offers several educational resources to increase awareness and understanding about lung diseases and conditions.
  • 15th Report on Carcinogens – A congressionally mandated, science-based, public health document by the National Toxicology Program that describes agents, substances, mixtures, and exposure circumstances that are likely to cause cancer in humans.

Related Health Topics

  • Air Pollution
  • Asthma
  • Formaldehyde
  • Mold
  • Smoking and Vaping
  • Styrene

What are the 7 respiratory diseases?

Types of Respiratory Diseases.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases [COPD] If you are a smoker or inhale tobacco in any form, you are most likely to suffer from this disease. ... .
Asthma. ... .
Emphysema. ... .
Lung Cancer. ... .
Pneumonia. ... .
Pleural Effusion. ... .
Chronic Bronchitis..

What causes your bronchial tubes to be inflamed?

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, typically the same viruses that cause colds and flu [influenza]. Antibiotics don't kill viruses, so this type of medication isn't useful in most cases of bronchitis. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking.

What are the 5 respiratory diseases?

Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer.

Which disease affects bronchial muscles?

Bronchiectasis is an irreversible widening [dilation] of portions of the breathing tubes or airways [bronchi] resulting from damage to the airway wall. The most common cause is severe or repeated respiratory infections, often in people who have an underlying problem with their lungs or immune system.

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