What is exposing a person to a harmless stimulus until fear is extinguished?

A type of counter-conditioning in which a pleasant, relaxed state is associated with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli.

Systematic Desensitization

An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response.

Conditioned Stimulus [CS]

A relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.

Learned avoidance of a particular food - a form of classical conditioning.

An event that decreases the behavior that it follows.

The act of responding in the same way to stimuli that seem similar, even if the stimuli are not identical.

Associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus so that the netural stimulus comes to cause a conditioned response.

Learning that certain events occur together.

Exposing a person to the harmless stimulus until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished.

A procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior.

An innately reinforcing stimuli.

An act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar to each other.

Organisms associate their own actions with consequences: Behaviors followed by reinforcers increase; those followed by punishers decrease.

A desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards or threats of punishment.

When the conditioned stimulus [CS] is disconnected from the unconditioned stimulus [US].

The learned response to a previously neutral [but now conditioned] stimulus.

Conditioned Response [CR]

A type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli.

Strengthens a response by reducing or removing an aversive [undesirable] stimulus.

The unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus [US].

Unconditioned Response [UR]

Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.

Learning that becomes apparent only when there is some incentive to demonstrate it.

Strengthens a response by presenting a typically pleasurable stimulus after a response.

The reappearance of a [weakened] CR after a pause.

A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake.

Behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences.

A mental representation of the layout of one’s own environment.

A stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer.

Any event that strengthens, or increases the frequency of, a preceding response.

Reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs.

A stimulus that unconditionally-naturally and automatically-triggers a response.

Unconditioned Stimulus [US]

Reinforcing a response only part of the time; results in slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement.

Partial [Intermittent] Reinforcement


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Something that produces a reaction Stimulus
A learned response to a stimulus that was previously meaningless Conditional Response
the type of learning based on the consequences of an action Latent
The type of learning that is acquired by watching and imitating others Observational
Who pioneered research in classical conditioning Ivan Pavlov
A persons mouth watering at the thought of a meal Conditioned Response
A form of classical conditioning that can help people avoid illness is Taste Aversion
Things that meet peoples basic need such as food are examples of primary reinforcers
Reinforcers of a behavior each time the behavior occurs is called continuous reinforcement
Which of the following describes a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement Reinforcement is given after a fixed number of correct responses
What is operant conditioning classroom discipline programmed learning
What type of learning involves cognitive factors Latent Learning
Shaping Someone reinforces small steps into the right direction
Simple form of learning in which one stimulus elicits the response usually elicited by another stimulus classical conditioning
A stimulus that causes a response that is automatic not learned unconditioned stimulus
An automatic response stimulus unconditioned response
A stimulus that causes a response that is learned Conditioned Stimulus
A learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral condititonal response
When the conditioned is disconnected from the unconditioned stimulus extinction
Occurs when people respond in the same way to similar stimuli Generalization
The act of responding differently to a stimuli Discrimination
A method for reducing fears in which a person is continually exposed to the harmless stimulus until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished Flooding
A gradual method of reducing fears in which people are taught relaxation techniques Systematic Desensitization
Method of reducing fears by repeatedly pairing a pleasant stimulus with a fearful one counterconditioning
A form of learning based on the consequences of actions Operant Conditioning
The process by which a stimulus increases the chances that the preceding behavior will occur again Reinforcement
Reinforcers that increase the frequency of the behavior they follow when they are applied Postive
Reinforcers that increase the frequency of the behavior they follow when they are removed Negative
Unwanted events that decrease the frequency of the behavior they follow when they are applied Punishment
Type of reinforcement in which behaviors is reinforced every time the behavior occurs Continuous
Type of reinforcement in which behavior is not reinforced every time Partial
Type of schedule in which a fixed amount of time elapses between reinforcements Fixed Interval
Type of schedule in which varying amounts of time go by between reinforcements Variable Interval
Type of schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of correct responses have been made Fixed Ratio
Type of schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a variable number of correct responses have been made Variable Ratio
Learning that remains hidden until it is needed Latent Learning

What is known as the process of exposing people to harmless stimuli in which they are fearful of until their fear is gone?

Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment that was developed to help people confront their fears.

What is a neutral stimulus in psychology?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that at first elicits no response. Pavlov introduced the ringing of the bell as a neutral stimulus. An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that leads to an automatic response. In Pavlov's experiment, the food was the unconditioned stimulus.

What is another term for stimulus quizlet?

What is another term for stimulus? Cause or trigger of a sensory or emotional response. What is another term for response? Reaction or behavior.

What is the process by which a stimulus increases the chances that a behavior will occur again?

Reinforcement is defined as a consequence that follows an operant response that increase [or attempts to increase] the likelihood of that response occurring in the future.

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