What is the main reason why children raised by one parent do not do as well as children raised by two parents on average quizlet?

1. trauma and conflict leading up to divorce [withnessed many parental battles and experienced significant tension within the home]

2. trauma of divorce itself - divorce brings pain and uncertainty [long-term changes] - kids will likely spend less time with one parent

3. family's may have a lower level of income following divorce, or may move to a new place

4. parents behavior may change toward the children

5. heredity and temperamental differences

6. pre-divorce economic circumstances

7. pre-divorce parental behavior

8. post-divorce economig resources

9. post-divroce parental behavior

10. Amicability of the divorce

11. relocation and relationship loss

12. custody and living arrangements

Mothers and fathers play different and essential roles in socializing their children.Popenoe

In the postmodern economy, it is increasingly difficult for one spouse to earn enough to support a family. Stacey

Children need loving caretakers, regardless of their gender.Stacey

The increase in divorce, cohabitation, nonmarital births, and decrease in marriage are associated with social ills such as child poverty, substance abuse, and juvenile crime. Popenoe

Poor women often prefer nonmarital childbearing than marrying the wrong man.

Poor men and women often stop using contraception when they are in a serious relationship, even when they don't want or plan to have children.

In poor communities, people often share a belief that remaining childless is a bad thing, and that children can bring happiness and order.

What might be one reason why researchers have difficulty calculating the rate of childlessness?

What might be one reason why researchers have difficulty calculating the rate of childlessness? Women are having their first child at an older average age, making it difficult to decide at what point someone is childless.

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically?

How do only children compare with other children emotionally and academically? more intelligent, more mature, better health and life satisfaction but lack the opportunity to experience sibling relationships.

How does the marriageable male hypothesis explain rates of marriage among black Americans quizlet?

How does the "marriageable male hypothesis" explain rates of marriage among Black Americans? Marriage rates among Black Americans are relatively low, even after a nonmarital birth, because men are less likely to earn a living wage.

Which of the following is a reason why people who decide to live childfree may be stigmatized in American society?

Which of the following is a reason why people who decide to live childfree may be stigmatized in American society? Our society is pronatalist, so choosing to be childfree does not conform to widely held norms. Which of the following is an example of propinquity?

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